Hey leftists, are transgender "women" really women?

Once is a goddam 'nuff.
Oh man. Such a tragedy to have to watch a commercial one whole time. Are you ok? I’m so sorry you had to go through that devastating experience.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones.

Not exactly.
Both male and female sexual organs come from a generic identical origin.
They differentiate due to the presence of hormones.
And the hormones present can be inappropriate.


13.3 Commonalities between male and female reproductive anatomy​

During embryonic development the male and female fetus are indistinguishable before about 10 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal tissues begin in an undifferentiated state, and based on genetic signals and the interuterine environment the reproductive organs usually differentiate into structures typical of males and females (for illustrations see chapter 8.6). This means that for most of the reproductive parts there is an analogous part in the other sex that arose from the same original tissues. For example, testes and ovaries develop from the same tissue – originally located in the abdomen. In males the testes move down and outside the abdomen as they develop; in female they remain internal. Some structures (such as the oviducts) have a structure that was common in early development, but completely or partially disappears in later development; other structures (such as the uterus) have analogues that are very subtle structures in the male. See the following table for a list of analogous structures in male and female anatomy.

Figure 13.2Some analogous structures in male and female anatomy

Commonalities between male and female reproductive signaling​

Much of the reproductive physiology we will address is regulated by hormonal signals that arise in the brain and much of this signaling is shared between males and females.
Within the brain is a region called the hypothalamus (see figure 2). This portion of the brain sends signals to the pituitary gland located beneath it. In particular, the hypothalamus sends a hormonal signal called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH) to the pituitary gland. In response to the GRH signal, the pituitary gland releases two hormones that circulate in the blood: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones travel throughout the body, triggering further hormone releases and physiological changes (discussed further below). There are feedback loops that tightly regulate the levels of circulating hormones. In addition to GRH, LH, and FSH, the hormones testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are important in reproductive signaling. While we will focus on the effects of testosterone in males and estrogen and progesterone in females, all of these hormones are present and important in both males and females.

So if someone tries to define or differentiate male vs female based on sexual organs, they would actually be wrong.
Not exactly.
Both male and female sexual organs come from a generic identical origin.
They differentiate due to the presence of hormones.
And the hormones present can be inappropriate.


13.3 Commonalities between male and female reproductive anatomy​

During embryonic development the male and female fetus are indistinguishable before about 10 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal tissues begin in an undifferentiated state, and based on genetic signals and the interuterine environment the reproductive organs usually differentiate into structures typical of males and females (for illustrations see chapter 8.6). This means that for most of the reproductive parts there is an analogous part in the other sex that arose from the same original tissues. For example, testes and ovaries develop from the same tissue – originally located in the abdomen. In males the testes move down and outside the abdomen as they develop; in female they remain internal. Some structures (such as the oviducts) have a structure that was common in early development, but completely or partially disappears in later development; other structures (such as the uterus) have analogues that are very subtle structures in the male. See the following table for a list of analogous structures in male and female anatomy.

Figure 13.2Some analogous structures in male and female anatomy

Commonalities between male and female reproductive signaling​

Much of the reproductive physiology we will address is regulated by hormonal signals that arise in the brain and much of this signaling is shared between males and females.
Within the brain is a region called the hypothalamus (see figure 2). This portion of the brain sends signals to the pituitary gland located beneath it. In particular, the hypothalamus sends a hormonal signal called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH) to the pituitary gland. In response to the GRH signal, the pituitary gland releases two hormones that circulate in the blood: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones travel throughout the body, triggering further hormone releases and physiological changes (discussed further below). There are feedback loops that tightly regulate the levels of circulating hormones. In addition to GRH, LH, and FSH, the hormones testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are important in reproductive signaling. While we will focus on the effects of testosterone in males and estrogen and progesterone in females, all of these hormones are present and important in both males and females.

So if someone tries to define or differentiate male vs female based on sexual organs, they would actually be wrong.
So, if Trump grabs someone by the pussy, it could be man or woman, Got it.........I think.
OP, why don't you ask Caitlyn Jenner? Who was just hired by the entity known as FOXNEWS as a paid contributor.
I’ve noticed that conservatives have slowly gone from condemning homosexuality to condemning transgender people.

What they do doesn’t impact me or bother me at all. It doesn’t have much of an impact, if any, on you guys either. You’re just looking for something to be angry about.
First off, "conservatives" are not condemning transgenderism, they are just trying to get someone to define it.

Second, you use the word "condemn" which is incorrect. "Conservatives" don't condem transgenderism, homosexuality or any of it, but the left, eager to force everyone to agree to your version of science, has gotten some pushback from the right.

Most on the right would say, your live your life how you want, but don't try and force that lifestyle and your version of science on others.
Sounds like a question for Caitlyn Jenner, and/or the entity known at FOXNEWS. I had no input in their decision making.
You must believe it proves something. Otherwise, why did you mention it?
The actual reason the question is hard is rooted in the fact that probably 80% of people with cocks aren't actually men. It's not society's fault. People just don't do physical work any more.

See a woman has a vagina and is weak.

FtM transgenders - no one argues they are men because they aren't. Because they have a mangled vagina and are weak.

The problem is the abundance of beta males who have penises but can't do more push-ups than a person with a vagina.

Or can't curl their girlfriend.

Or can't bench press 225lbs for reps.

Or squat over 400 lbs.

These people are why it's so hard to tell a woman from a man.

The modern American male is a sissy fuck.
If you were born with a dick, you're a man. If you're born with a pussy, you're a woman. You weren't "assigned" a gender, you were BORN with that gender. Chopping off your dick or doing... whatever trans women do with their pussy, still doesn't change the fact that you're still a man, and you're still a woman.

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