High School Physics solve 9/11

let me get this straight. you think that the radar is turned off until the air traffic controller turns on his display?!!! :lol:

let me type this for you really slow.....


you stated it was not tracked for 36 minutes. radar tracked it the entire time. you lied. end of story.
see, what he is doing is picking on some minute part of the 9/11 commission report where they used improper wording for what was happening

typical for fucking moronic troofers

Read it again bitch:

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."
again, the fucking moronic troofer thinks he won something
You are too fucking stoopid. I explained this last night you dumb shit retard. Indy Center never turned their Primary radar on in time so they could not possibly have seen it you fucking stoopid bitch. The next ATC to see a Primary blip was in Dulles at 9:32 and guess when they turned on their Primary radar to even start looking for 77? I posted that last night too. You just make up shit as you go and you deserve no response any better than:

Fuck you bitch.

(when you try to be honest we can go from there)

let me get this straight. you think that the radar is turned off until the air traffic controller turns on his display?!!! :lol:

let me type this for you really slow.....


you stated it was not tracked for 36 minutes. radar tracked it the entire time. you lied. end of story.

Thank you for the chance to school your sorry pathetic divecon ass again. ATCs working commercial jets normally don't have their Primary radar turned on because they track the planes from the xponders feeding info to the Secondary radar. This is why the CR points out the Indy Center managers never told others to turn on their Primary radar:

"Managers did not instruct other controllers at Indianapolis Center to turn on their primary radar coverage to join in the search for American 77."

Once again your fucking ignorance is showing and the funniest part is you think it's something I don't understand! This is why I fucking pwn you bitches.
^^^^ more pathetic delusional rantings
see, what he is doing is picking on some minute part of the 9/11 commission report where they used improper wording for what was happening

typical for fucking moronic troofers

Read it again bitch:

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."
again, the fucking moronic troofer thinks he won something

Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
candy fuck fizzled out candytard?
Theres the juvenile idiotic ranting we all appreciate; it makes us all feel so fortunate not to know you.

Aren't you the whining bitch who actually complained I didn't use a capital "A" for afghanistan? Aren't you also the dumb fizz divecon that said afghanistan wasn't blamed for 9E? Hey, let's hear your analysis again why it would make more sense to blame only Saddam for 9E instead of bin laden. Thass some really funny shit!
candy fuck fizzled out candytard?
Theres the juvenile idiotic ranting we all appreciate; it makes us all feel so fortunate not to know you.

Aren't you the whining bitch who actually complained I didn't use a capital "A" for afghanistan?
No; I didn't whine about it; just correcting some of your mistakes. Nobody can correct all of them :lol:. But anybody who graduated from anything knows that countries start with a capital letter. Maybe when you get your GED (assuming you can afford the test fee), you'll remember that from the study guide. PS: You also spelled it wrong. :lol:

Aren't you also the dumb fizz divecon that said afghanistan wasn't blamed for 9E?

Its "Afghanistan" not "afghanistan". You should be careful of who you are calling "dumb" since you are showing you do not possess a fourth grade education which surprises nobody in our quorum.

Hey, let's hear your analysis again why it would make more sense to blame only Saddam for 9E instead of bin laden. Thass some really funny shit!

What does "Thass" mean?

At least I have the faculties to offer analysis; you have yet to do any such thing. Suffice to say that if the Bush admin were to have orchestrated this event, the dream scenario would have had Saddam Hussein at the helm of the opposition. Not only because destroying a fixed army with targets of opportunity, an economy, uniformed troops, an identifiable command and control system, and significant espionage targets would be easier, it would be the ultimate personal backstory given the Senior Bush's entanglements with Iraq. But somehow you and the other twoofers and conspiracy whackjobs would like us to believe that they picked Al Queda and their nebulous organization over public enemy #1; Saddam Hussein.

It serves only to underscore just how deeply inept you conspiracy whackos are and you haven't gotten any smarter in 8 years. My guess is that you won't be managing the Wendy's anytime soon Sonny. LOL:lol:
Read it again bitch:

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."
again, the fucking moronic troofer thinks he won something

Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
you post it, but you dont actually comprehend what you are posting
you are that fucking stupid
again, the fucking moronic troofer thinks he won something

Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
you post it, but you dont actually comprehend what you are posting
you are that fucking stupid

he always did have a reading comprehension problem. he doesnt understand the difference between "tracked" and "undetected". therefore, every time we say he is wrong by saying "it wasnt tracked" he replies with a quote from the commission report that says "undetected". the retard thinks it is the same thing.:lol:
Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
you post it, but you dont actually comprehend what you are posting
you are that fucking stupid

he always did have a reading comprehension problem. he doesnt understand the difference between "tracked" and "undetected". therefore, every time we say he is wrong by saying "it wasnt tracked" he replies with a quote from the commission report that says "undetected". the retard thinks it is the same thing.:lol:
needs a remedial reading comprehension class
Theres the juvenile idiotic ranting we all appreciate; it makes us all feel so fortunate not to know you.

Aren't you the whining bitch who actually complained I didn't use a capital "A" for afghanistan?
No; I didn't whine about it; just correcting some of your mistakes. Nobody can correct all of them :lol:. But anybody who graduated from anything knows that countries start with a capital letter. Maybe when you get your GED (assuming you can afford the test fee), you'll remember that from the study guide. PS: You also spelled it wrong. :lol:

Aren't you also the dumb fizz divecon that said afghanistan wasn't blamed for 9E?

Its "Afghanistan" not "afghanistan". You should be careful of who you are calling "dumb" since you are showing you do not possess a fourth grade education which surprises nobody in our quorum.

Hey, let's hear your analysis again why it would make more sense to blame only Saddam for 9E instead of bin laden. Thass some really funny shit!

What does "Thass" mean?

At least I have the faculties to offer analysis; you have yet to do any such thing. Suffice to say that if the Bush admin were to have orchestrated this event, the dream scenario would have had Saddam Hussein at the helm of the opposition. Not only because destroying a fixed army with targets of opportunity, an economy, uniformed troops, an identifiable command and control system, and significant espionage targets would be easier, it would be the ultimate personal backstory given the Senior Bush's entanglements with Iraq. But somehow you and the other twoofers and conspiracy whackjobs would like us to believe that they picked Al Queda and their nebulous organization over public enemy #1; Saddam Hussein.

It serves only to underscore just how deeply inept you conspiracy whackos are and you haven't gotten any smarter in 8 years. My guess is that you won't be managing the Wendy's anytime soon Sonny. LOL:lol:

You're a completely fucking idiot divecon fizz fuck. If Saddam got blamed then iraq would have been the only place a response could have happened. Maybe you haven't notice yet.........


You stupid fuck! Then you claim Saddam was public enemy number one? Is that why bin laden has been the most wanted terrorist by the US for 20 years? You don't have a fucking mouse fart's worth of faculties to analyze anything. If saddam was blamed we would have no justification to go anywhere else. By blaming an invisible enemy the idiotic American public, like you, fizz, ollie, and divecon, can be fooled into supporting the attack on any nation. Holy fuck you are a major nuclear fucking retard! Maybe you should stick to whining about capital letters....that is the extent of your abilities.
again, the fucking moronic troofer thinks he won something

Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
you post it, but you dont actually comprehend what you are posting
you are that fucking stupid

This is your stupid ass:

"Flight 77 was tracked the whole time and the proof is the CR states:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Rotfl! You pathetic useless ****.
Need to read it again you candy fuck fizzled out candytard?

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

Can anyone imagine of that said:

"American 77 traveled detected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

And a Troofer tried to claim that is really saying it was UNdetected for 36 minutes? Lol...you fucking dilltards!
you post it, but you dont actually comprehend what you are posting
you are that fucking stupid

he always did have a reading comprehension problem. he doesnt understand the difference between "tracked" and "undetected". therefore, every time we say he is wrong by saying "it wasnt tracked" he replies with a quote from the commission report that says "undetected". the retard thinks it is the same thing.:lol:

Hey bitch. On the last page you proved you didn't even know Primary radar had to be turned on to search for Flight 77. Now you want to pretend to be able school people? Rotfl! It is so funny every time you reveal your ignorance and I expose it. Fucking bitch.
pfttt....as if...

Oh c'mon. We can trus...cough...we can surely belie...cough....oh one more attempt.....Ollie would always be hone......shit. I can't even type it let alone say it. You're right, that saggy bitch is never honest.

You're much more humorous when you're being serious.

You're a fucking waste. You never have anything useful to say....ever. When you do try to make a claim you get pwned so you stay in the safe zone where you do nothing but your childish folly.
LOL we know that for fact. I've never had any disrespect face to face. They always seem to quiet down. And I'm a little 5'6" guy.

pfttt....as if...
pfftt,,,,as if...WHAT?

I have no doubt that Sargeant Olllie could use your face as toilet paper anytime he so chooses.

Oh, and if you think your avatar of you smoking a doob while driving is cool, you're fucking stupid.

Christ man, I enjoy partaking in a toke every now and then, even got a 1/2 oz of kush locked in my desk drawer as we speak but, advertising it the way you do makes you look like a mindless lil' fuck who's just trying to be cool.

Trust me, you ain't cool!

You guys sure like to talk a lot about have guy's faces on your asses. Why keep dropping freudian slips? Just admit you are gay and be done with it.
Oh c'mon. We can trus...cough...we can surely belie...cough....oh one more attempt.....Ollie would always be hone......shit. I can't even type it let alone say it. You're right, that saggy bitch is never honest.

You're much more humorous when you're being serious.

Nothing worth repeating....

Its good to see your local Wendy's has a breakfast menu.

As for what I contribute versus what you contribute, I simply point out how bizarre the stance of the twoofers is, was, and will continue to be in the future. You, on the other hand, contribute absolutely nothing and I can prove it.

Simple question; what do you THINK happenend on 9/11--please in reasonable detail.
Surely you can contribute your opinion....can't you?

You do contribute something but in no way does it expand anyone's knowledge about 9/11; you contribute your totally insane rants and inability to properly swear at someone.

You're much more humorous when you're being serious.

Nothing worth repeating....

Its good to see your local Wendy's has a breakfast menu.

As for what I contribute versus what you contribute, I simply point out how bizarre the stance of the twoofers is, was, and will continue to be in the future. You, on the other hand, contribute absolutely nothing and I can prove it.

Simple question; what do you THINK happenend on 9/11--please in reasonable detail.
Surely you can contribute your opinion....can't you?

You do contribute something but in no way does it expand anyone's knowledge about 9/11; you contribute your totally insane rants and inability to properly swear at someone.

I don't school you punks on 9E? Really? Is that why you didn't know no ATCs were tracking 77 after it got hijacked? Is that why Fizz didn't know commercial plane ATCs work with Secondary and not Primary radar and that the Primary has to be turned on in order to even look for a commercial plane with no xponder response? Is that why none of you knew there are no phone records, ie. Physical evidence, proving calls came from flight 77? Is that why divecon didn't know there was no voice recording of 77 being hijacked? Is that why you dumbasses didn't know 77 was not tracked for 36 minutes until I pointed it out to you a couple of months ago? Is that why divecon didn't know the Command Center is an FAA major tracking station in Virginia and not the Indy Center in....Indy? Is that why none of you knew New York withheld hundreds of first responder oral histories from firefighters, cops, and paramedics?

Safe to say you are generally and ignorant fucking group. You're so pathetic divecon will simply say I'm lying without backing it up, and the rest of you will whine like little girls. You need to learn about 9E. You haven't as proven by the above examples and it is why you cannot debate the issue with any form of sincerity.
Nothing worth repeating....

Its good to see your local Wendy's has a breakfast menu.

As for what I contribute versus what you contribute, I simply point out how bizarre the stance of the twoofers is, was, and will continue to be in the future. You, on the other hand, contribute absolutely nothing and I can prove it.

Simple question; what do you THINK happenend on 9/11--please in reasonable detail.
Surely you can contribute your opinion....can't you?

You do contribute something but in no way does it expand anyone's knowledge about 9/11; you contribute your totally insane rants and inability to properly swear at someone.

I don't school you punks on 9E?


Is that why you didn't know no ATCs were tracking 77 after it got hijacked?
No ATCs were tracking Flight 77 after the transponder was disabled until they realized what they were looking at on active radar. Its pretty safe to assume that most ATCs have not used active radar widely as there hasn't been a commercial hijacking in the United States for decades prior to 9/11. It was over the midwest at the time so nobody cares other than you and your bretheren.

Is that why Fizz didn't know commercial plane ATCs work with Secondary and not Primary radar and that the Primary has to be turned on in order to even look for a commercial plane with no xponder response?
In short there are methods of tracking planes that are airborne in the same way there are ways of tracking thunder cells, etc... They are inferior to using the transponder. If you're schooling anybody on anything, the subject is simply trivia and has zero to do with anything; in short you are contributing zero.

Is that why none of you knew there are no phone records, ie. Physical evidence, proving calls came from flight 77?
The Mayes were called by their daughter.
The Mayes then called American Airlines.

Is that why divecon didn't know there was no voice recording of 77 being hijacked?
Since 77 was flown into the side of the building...
Since 77 had 2 phone calls from passengers indicating hijacking...
Since 77's wreckage was found in the Pentagon...
Since there were 3 other hijackings the same day...
Since light poles wide enough apart only to be hit by a large aircraft like AA77
Since the bodies of passengers of 77 were found at the Pentagon
Since five sets of DNA were found and unaccounted for at the crash site of 77

I'm sure DiveCon (like me if I may) cares more about the overwhelming monumental and undisputable physical evidence of the hijacking rather than your petulant rantings about not seeing the Mayes's phone bills and screaming in your shrillest voice, "AHHH HA!!" and whining about a conspiracy.

Is that why you dumbasses didn't know 77 was not tracked for 36 minutes until I pointed it out to you a couple of months ago?
I knew about it but nobody cares except you

Is that why divecon didn't know the Command Center is an FAA major tracking station in Virginia and not the Indy Center in....Indy?
Wow, call 60 Minutes.

Is that why none of you knew New York withheld hundreds of first responder oral histories from firefighters, cops, and paramedics?
The City witheld first responder oral histories?

Safe to say you are generally and ignorant fucking group.
No, its safe to say that we don't worry about trivia like you do.

You're so pathetic divecon will simply say I'm lying without backing it up,
He knows what he's talking about if he does.

As always, you contribute nothing. I simply asked your opinion about what happened that day and you refuse to bring it up in your response. C'mon, contribute something.
Quick example of the dodge technique. I point out there is no physical evidence calls were made from 77 to the Mayes or Olson. You completely ignore that just to repeat the claim the calls were made while ignoring the fact even the FBI could not produce the evidence. This is just one example of why you guys can't discuss this honestly.
Quick example of the dodge technique. I point out there is no physical evidence calls were made from 77 to the Mayes or Olson. You completely ignore that just to repeat the claim the calls were made while ignoring the fact even the FBI could not produce the evidence. This is just one example of why you guys can't discuss this honestly.

So you're accusing the Mayes of lying? Yes or no.
Quick example of the dodge technique. I point out there is no physical evidence calls were made from 77 to the Mayes or Olson. You completely ignore that just to repeat the claim the calls were made while ignoring the fact even the FBI could not produce the evidence. This is just one example of why you guys can't discuss this honestly.

So you're accusing the Mayes of lying? Yes or no.

See who dodges now....I win. I....ALWAYS.....WIN.


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