Hillary calls for REPARATIONS for blacks. $125 Billion to start.

Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”
Bill says we're all black. Where the fuck is my money?
And wait for it.
now anyone that does not agree with handing them more money will be labeled.
look the republicans want to take jobs away from the blacks, look they want to take away their right to education.
Oh, the blacks would be doing better if the republicans didnt take all the money out of the black neighborhoods.
the sad part?
The blacks for the most part are really dumb enough to believe this, add that to the guilt ridden whites and we have another problem.
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”
Affirmative-action has only made the country weaker, and much increased stupidity....

There was a time and place for Affirmative action, but I think that time has passed.
This is what happens from living in a government controlled socialist Society yes, with affirmative action. All employees are Indian, the turnover rate is off the charts but they are all Indian due to affirmative-action...
It's getting worse by the year, as all things federal government controlled do... Lol

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota is the poorest county in the United States and the community that Re-Member serves.


Why help Pine Ridge Reservation?
From 1980 to 2000, the counties that make up Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota comprised the poorest of our nation's 3,143 counties. The 2000 census found them the third poorest, not because things got better on Pine Ridge, but because things got worse on two other South Dakota Indian Reservations.

While the 2000 census reported a population of 15,521, a study by Colorado State University and accepted by U.S. Housing & Urban Development (HUD) estimated the population at 28,000. Tribal Government records show 38,000 enrolled members living on Pine Ridge Reservation.

Extreme Poverty
The poverty on Pine Ridge can be described in no other terms than third world. It is common to find homes overcrowded, as those with homes take in whoever needs a roof over their heads. Many homes are without running water, and without sewer.

Pine Ridge Statistics as of 2007
  • Unemployment rate of 80-90%
  • Per capita income of $4,000
  • 8 Times the United States rate of diabetes
  • 5 Times the United States rate of cervical cancer
  • Twice the rate of heart disease
  • 8 Times the United States rate of Tuberculosis
  • Alcoholism rate estimated as high as 80%
  • 1 in 4 infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome or effects
  • Suicide rate more than twice the national rate
  • Teen suicide rate 4 times the national rate
  • Infant mortality is three times the national rate
  • Life expectancy on Pine Ridge is the lowest in the United States and the 2nd lowest in the Western Hemisphere. Only Haiti has a lower rate.
Just saying the federal government, socialism and affirmative-action have made the reservations what they are today...
Affirmative action has/is destroying the nations Indians...

If there was no affirmative action, we would STILL be in the same situation as we are today.
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”
Damn, do the Democrats really have that much money to pay for their history of racism, slavery, and having their terrorist arm (the KKK) lynch all those blacks???

If they do, then I wholeheartedly agree...

It's time the Democrats paid up!!!!
Why the need to lie, she never mentioned reparations. I despise Hillary, but also despise the dishonest comments about what she said as well.

HAHAHA. Of course she didn't call it reparations, but that's what it is.

I say no more special treatment for blacks.
It's called buying votes. It's what the left wing does. The evidence is that throwing money at the problem creates more problems than it solves.

While that may be true, do you really think the GOP doesn't pander to voters, corporations and lobbyists?

By letting me keep more of my own money rather than giving it away to deadbeats?
Not sure how that would be considered pandering but whatever......
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”
Affirmative-action has only made the country weaker, and much increased stupidity....

There was a time and place for Affirmative action, but I think that time has passed.
This is what happens from living in a government controlled socialist Society yes, with affirmative action. All employees are Indian, the turnover rate is off the charts but they are all Indian due to affirmative-action...
It's getting worse by the year, as all things federal government controlled do... Lol

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota is the poorest county in the United States and the community that Re-Member serves.


Why help Pine Ridge Reservation?
From 1980 to 2000, the counties that make up Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota comprised the poorest of our nation's 3,143 counties. The 2000 census found them the third poorest, not because things got better on Pine Ridge, but because things got worse on two other South Dakota Indian Reservations.

While the 2000 census reported a population of 15,521, a study by Colorado State University and accepted by U.S. Housing & Urban Development (HUD) estimated the population at 28,000. Tribal Government records show 38,000 enrolled members living on Pine Ridge Reservation.

Extreme Poverty
The poverty on Pine Ridge can be described in no other terms than third world. It is common to find homes overcrowded, as those with homes take in whoever needs a roof over their heads. Many homes are without running water, and without sewer.

Pine Ridge Statistics as of 2007
  • Unemployment rate of 80-90%
  • Per capita income of $4,000
  • 8 Times the United States rate of diabetes
  • 5 Times the United States rate of cervical cancer
  • Twice the rate of heart disease
  • 8 Times the United States rate of Tuberculosis
  • Alcoholism rate estimated as high as 80%
  • 1 in 4 infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome or effects
  • Suicide rate more than twice the national rate
  • Teen suicide rate 4 times the national rate
  • Infant mortality is three times the national rate
  • Life expectancy on Pine Ridge is the lowest in the United States and the 2nd lowest in the Western Hemisphere. Only Haiti has a lower rate.

WOW......These guys sound like some real go getters.
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.
affirmative action is used up by white people? LOL
what a f-ing idiot you are.
but, if thats the case, you should be right on board with me with I say its time to totally end both, welfare and affirmative action. Lets show those ignorant white trailer trash bastards. Lets make them work and succeed on their own just like the blacks do.
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.
affirmative action is used up by white people? LOL
what a f-ing idiot you are.
but, if thats the case, you should be right on board with me with I say its time to totally end both, welfare and affirmative action. Lets show those ignorant white trailer trash bastards. Lets make them work and succeed on their own just like the blacks do.
AA is used MORE by white women than any other group. Now....are you going to make a case that "white women" are not "white people"?
A mere $125 billion?

If I were black I would be extremely insulted and I would make sure Hillary knew it.
That figure is insulting and I hope that any black member on this board speak up about it.
How can we take this candidate seriously.Is this a realistic way for a candidate to suck up the black vote....

Why didn't Hillary propose a serious offer of let's say $250 billion as a show of good faith followed
by $500 billion a year in perpetuity....

This proposal of a measly $125 billion is disgraceful.
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