Hillary: Guns Don't Make You Safer

10% of our Presidents have been killed, 20% have been shot at

Do you have the same level of risk?

A person gets killed every day in Chicago, sometimes two a day. Crime is all over this country.

If the President feels he needs protection with firearms then so do other Americans.

However, President Shit for Brains wants to keep his protection with firearms and take the right to keep and bear arms away from all other Americans even though there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Hypocritical as hell.
There are plenty of guns in Chicago...that's the problem

There are plenty of criminals with illegal guns

THAT"S the problem
Good...now show us how to get rid of illegal guns without pissing off the NRA

I don't think you can get rid of illegal guns which is why we have to make it easier for law abiding citizens to buy arms
There are already 300 million guns out there......how will more make you safer?
A person gets killed every day in Chicago, sometimes two a day. Crime is all over this country.

If the President feels he needs protection with firearms then so do other Americans.

However, President Shit for Brains wants to keep his protection with firearms and take the right to keep and bear arms away from all other Americans even though there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Hypocritical as hell.
There are plenty of guns in Chicago...that's the problem

There are plenty of criminals with illegal guns

THAT"S the problem
Good...now show us how to get rid of illegal guns without pissing off the NRA

I don't think you can get rid of illegal guns which is why we have to make it easier for law abiding citizens to buy arms
There are already 300 million guns out there......how will more make you safer?

Not all law abiding people own guns do they?
The more that do the better

Two shifts per week, I patrol in my uniform and a patrol car. As a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, I am not allowed to carry a firearm on duty. I patrol with a radio. Before I moved to AZ, I lived in New Orleans, and never carried a gun. New Orleans makes Cleveland seem like Disneyland, in comparison. I am more concerned about getting in a crossfire between a bad guy and a citizen Rambo, than I am about being shot by a bad guy.

The purpose of the right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with hunting or recreation or even defense, which has been mostly the subject of this threat.

It is about making the American people strong enough to resist the tyranny of government.

There is hypocrisy in that the ruling elite thinking they should be protected but not the common citizen but that is not the real reason they want to take firearms away from the people. It is simple. They don't want a threat to the government. Our Founding Fathers felt that threat was a necessary check on government abuse but the ruling elite doesn't like it.

And you want me to believe that the main purpose of your having a gun is to fight off Abrams tanks sent by the government? Either you have one powerful, bitchin' weapon, or you are delusional, or you are not being honest about why you have a gun..

History is full of examples of where a lesser armed citizenry defeated a more heavily armed government military. Our Revolution is a great example. For all you know that Abrams tank crew may side with the patriots and go against the government thugs.

Without the right to keep and bear arms we have no chance at all against the tyranny of government.

By the way, here is a real example of firearms being used to defeat government thuggery as our Founding Fathers intended.

Battle of Athens was a joke and completely unnecessary. They were lucky they didn't all get themselves killed
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.


And People with GUNS make people a hell of a lot safer, Huffer.

That's why the Krooked Klinton Kunt surrounds herself with them.

So who's giving the speech against gun free zones at the GOP convention .....a gun free zone ?

Secret Service and LEO's will all be armed and in attendance. That means it is not a gun free zone.

There are already 300 million guns out there......how will more make you safer?

For one thing firearm ownership in the US has skyrocketed in the US in the last 20 years and violent crimes has deceased.

For instance, there were over a million AR-15s sold last year but not over a million new crimes with the AR-15s.

No correlation whatsoever.

Not all law abiding people own guns do they?
The more that do the better

That is the fallacy of gun control.

The Liberals think that if you take firearms away from law abiding citizens then somehow magically the crooks will stop using using firearms, which is not logical thinking at all.
the ole **** forgot to please

Me and the old lady are off to IHOP, Walmart then Lowes, And my Taurus 38sp snubbie in jeans pocket


I like my Springfield Armory .45 XDS . I usually carry it in an inside the waistband rig
I have the .45 XD. I call it my combat gun. But inside the waist? Is that comfortable?

Yeah I don't have a problem with it I just wear pants with a waist size one up with a real good belt
If I'm wearing a jacket I'll wear it on my hip at 4 o' clock

I'll use the 5 round mag for in the waist band carry ad the 6 round for on the hip
Me and the old lady are off to IHOP, Walmart then Lowes, And my Taurus 38sp snubbie in jeans pocket


I like my Springfield Armory .45 XDS . I usually carry it in an inside the waistband rig
I have the .45 XD. I call it my combat gun. But inside the waist? Is that comfortable?

Yeah I don't have a problem with it I just wear pants with a waist size one up with a real good belt
If I'm wearing a jacket I'll wear it on my hip at 4 o' clock

I'll use the 5 round mag for in the waist band carry ad the 6 round for on the hip
Oh, that's the compact then. I was wondering. Mine is the tactical with 13+1 rounds of 45 acp. A little too bulky for inside my waist.
Me and the old lady are off to IHOP, Walmart then Lowes, And my Taurus 38sp snubbie in jeans pocket


I like my Springfield Armory .45 XDS . I usually carry it in an inside the waistband rig
I have the .45 XD. I call it my combat gun. But inside the waist? Is that comfortable?

Yeah I don't have a problem with it I just wear pants with a waist size one up with a real good belt
If I'm wearing a jacket I'll wear it on my hip at 4 o' clock

I'll use the 5 round mag for in the waist band carry ad the 6 round for on the hip
Oh, that's the compact then. I was wondering. Mine is the tactical with 13+1 rounds of 45 acp. A little too bulky for inside my waist.

Yeah the XDS is the concealed carry model single stack
It has a 3.3 in or a 4 in barrel

I went with the 4 in barrel for no real reason other than it was there in the shop. I shot the 3.3 a while ago and liked it. I still might get one
Me and the old lady are off to IHOP, Walmart then Lowes, And my Taurus 38sp snubbie in jeans pocket


I like my Springfield Armory .45 XDS . I usually carry it in an inside the waistband rig
I have the .45 XD. I call it my combat gun. But inside the waist? Is that comfortable?

Yeah I don't have a problem with it I just wear pants with a waist size one up with a real good belt
If I'm wearing a jacket I'll wear it on my hip at 4 o' clock

I'll use the 5 round mag for in the waist band carry ad the 6 round for on the hip
Oh, that's the compact then. I was wondering. Mine is the tactical with 13+1 rounds of 45 acp. A little too bulky for inside my waist.

Yeah the XDS is the concealed carry model single stack
It has a 3.3 in or a 4 in barrel

I went with the 4 in barrel for no real reason other than it was there in the shop. I shot the 3.3 a while ago and liked it. I still might get one
I have the Colt Defender in 3", I think it holds 6, damn, I forget. I might go inside the waist on it with summer coming up.
Find the one person in this picture who is not carrying a gun.
View attachment 69699
Sad isn't it?

That she needs that much protection to be safe from the gun nuts?

You could just as easily have a crazy individual driving off the road and into a crowd of people, like we had in Law Vegas. Then again we can already see just how successful government is at using laws to regulate behavior, through incarceration, with it's overwhelming success of the drug war with many of these individual state referendums.

Battle of Athens was a joke and completely unnecessary. They were lucky they didn't all get themselves killed

You are delusional as usual.

It took an armed citizenry to bear arms to put an end to government tyranny in Athens Tennessee. Nobody else was going to do it and democracy was not putting an end to it when the government thugs controlled the voting process.

Government can, has been and always will be tyrannical, even in a democracy and our Founding fathers were smart enough to understand that with the Second Amendment all the other rights are unenforceable.

What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure.

Thomas Jefferson
I can see that I have stumbled in to the worship services of Our Merciful Mother of Smith and Wesson. Not one of you have ever had the occasion to use a gun in anger, unless you were in the military. Yet, you are going to protect yourself with them with them when General Paranoia takes over the military and attacks your house with an unmanned drone. All any one has to do is suggest some common sense laws to make it illegal to sell a firearm to a felon, crazy people, and people under a restraining order for threatening their adulterous wives, and instantly, you all scream "Blasphemy!", and "Slippery Slope". Frankly, I am surprised that you don't go into snit fits because convicts in prisons have had their constitutional rights stripped from them, and can not order a gun from a catalog.

When I patrol for SAV, I put my life on the line every time I get in to my uniform. Here in AZ, I am unarmed on duty, and surrounded by people open carrying at Safeway. Three months ago, there was a shooting in my neighborhood by a husband under a restraining order who was on the losing end of a love triangle. The wife lived, but just barely. I own weapons and you own weapons. I wear a 9 MM when I ride my bike into the desert. The difference between us is that I want to do something about keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys. You people are so busy watching for black helicopters that even baby steps toward a safer America is off your radar. I'm done with this thread.
I can see that I have stumbled in to the worship services of Our Merciful Mother of Smith and Wesson. Not one of you have ever had the occasion to use a gun in anger, unless you were in the military. Yet, you are going to protect yourself with them with them when General Paranoia takes over the military and attacks your house with an unmanned drone. All any one has to do is suggest some common sense laws to make it illegal to sell a firearm to a felon, crazy people, and people under a restraining order for threatening their adulterous wives, and instantly, you all scream "Blasphemy!", and "Slippery Slope". Frankly, I am surprised that you don't go into snit fits because convicts in prisons have had their constitutional rights stripped from them, and can not order a gun from a catalog.

When I patrol for SAV, I put my life on the line every time I get in to my uniform. Here in AZ, I am unarmed on duty, and surrounded by people open carrying at Safeway. Three months ago, there was a shooting in my neighborhood by a husband under a restraining order who was on the losing end of a love triangle. The wife lived, but just barely. I own weapons and you own weapons. I wear a 9 MM when I ride my bike into the desert. The difference between us is that I want to do something about keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys. You people are so busy watching for black helicopters that even baby steps toward a safer America is off your radar. I'm done with this thread.

One should never use a gun in anger.
And I haven't had the occasion to use my life insurance policy yet but that doesn't mean I shouldn't have it

And just how do you propose to keep guns out of the hands of criminals anyway?

We spend billions and waste the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people in the war on drugs and that hasn't reduced drug use one whit so what on earth makes you think we can rid criminals of their weapons?

We will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals so our only option is to get them off the streets for good by implementing mandatory life sentences with no parole for any and all crimes committed with a gun

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