Hillary & Obama own ISIS ...

How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?
They kept doing the same shit they been doing since 1999 what's your point?

Obama's not finishing off ISIS before leaving Iraq, drawing a line in the sand with Syria and pussing out, pretty well his handling of the middle east since taking the oath of office. Bottom line .. things are a hell of a lot worse than they were, mmmkay...
Obama finished off Al Qeada and got out, the Middle East has been a clusterfuck of rebellion and war for centuries. What do you want, to stay active in those wars indefinitely?

I want a President that has solutions, Obama/Hillary are proven failures, time for a change..

.. and no
yes, the neo-cons think we should have 500,000 troops in the ME, at least.

"WE" will have 500,000 ground troops in the middle east if Killary wins.

She wants a confrontation against Putin.

And what does trump want to do?

Putin does not need ISIS - he has been doing a great job against ISIS.

RUSSIAN RAMPAGE Vladimir Putin to send Russia’s largest warship to Syria to destroy ISIS once and for all

And being a businessman , Trump does not mind letting Russia use its own money wiping out ISIS


Conty ignores the USA's 11000 air strikes against ISIS and the 8.5 billion dollars spent to defeat it.
So Conty is a self evident expert of what the USA has do in terms of actions against Syria.

The air strikes and the money spent are real facts, neither alleged nor purported.
Here is former DIA Director General Michael Flynn on video admitting that the Obama Administration armed ISIS to overthrow the governments in the Middle East (Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.).

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] But hold on, you were helping them in 2012. While these groups are -

Michael Flynn: Yeah, we've allowed this, we've allowed this extremist, you know, these extremist militants to come in and -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] But why did you allow them to do that, General? You were in post. You were the head of the Defence Intelligence Agency.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Well, those are – those are – yeah, right, right. Well those are – those are policy – those are policy issues, yeah.

Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] I took the liberty – I took the liberty of printing out that document. This is the memo I quoted from. Did you see this document in 2012? Would this come across your table, one of your analysts wrote -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Oh yeah, yeah, I paid very close attention to all those, sure.

Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] OK, So when you saw this, did you not pick up a phone and say, "What on earth are we doing supporting these Syrian rebels who are -"?

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Sure. That, that kind of information is presented and those become -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] And what did you do about it?

Michael Flynn: Those become – those become – I argued about it.

Mehdi Hasan: Did you say, "We shouldn't be supporting these groups"?

Michael Flynn: I did. I mean, we argued about these, the different groups that were there and we said, you know, "Who is that is involved here?" and I will tell you that I, I do believe that the, the intelligence was very clear, and now it's a matter of whether or not policy is going to be as clear and as defining and as precise as it needs to be, and I don’t believe it was.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] – we kicked that can, Mehdi.

Mehdi Hasan: But three – we're not – but three years ago, let's just be clear for the sake of our viewers. In 2012, your agency was saying, quote: "The Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgence in Syria." In 2012, the US was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups. Why did you not stop that, if you're worried about the rise of quote, unquote, "Islamic extremism"?

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Yeah, I, I mean, I hate to say it's not my job but that – my job was to ensure that the accuracy of our intelligence that was being presented was as good as it could be, and I will tell you, it goes before 2012. I mean, when we were, when we were in Iraq and we still had decisions to be made before there was a decision to pull out of Iraq in 2011. I mean, it was very clear what we were, what we were going to face.

Mehdi Hasan: Well, I admire your frankness on this subject.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Very clear what we were gonna face.

Mehdi Hasan: Let me – let me just to, before we move on, just to clarify once more, you are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around. You saw this analysis -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Sure.

Mehdi Hasan: - and you were arguing against it. But who wasn’t listening?

Michael Flynn: I think the administration.

Mehdi Hasan: So the administration turned a blind eye to your analysis -

Michael Flynn: I don’t know if they turned a blind eye. I think it was a decision. I think it was a wilful decision.

Mehdi Hasan: A wilful decision to go – support an insurgency that had Salafist, al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood?

Michael Flynn: [INTERRUPTING] Well, a wilful decision to do what they're doing, which, which you have to really – you have to really ask the President, what is it that he actually is doing with the, with the policy that is in place, because it is very, very confusing? I’m sitting here today, Mehdi, and I don’t, I can’t tell you exactly what that is, and I've been at this for a long time.

Transcript: Michael Flynn on ISIL

And the hits just keep on coming!!! Not only is former DIA director Michael Flynn on video admitting that the Obama Administration was arming the terrorist groups that eventually formed ISIS, but now even the leader of Hezbollah has come out and corroborated those facts. And then of course - there are the WikiLeaks e-mails from the State Department which also corroborates all of it. But come on liberals - keep telling us all how it's just one big "lie" and that Obama is out there actually trying to "kill" ISIS.

Hezbollah Leader Says Trump’s Claim That Obama ‘Founded’ Islamic State ‘Based on Facts’

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