Hillary & Obama own ISIS ...

The video is wrong in several respects

There were NO connections between Zarqawi and Aq


Nada Bakos - CIA Analyst

What was your job at the CIA?

I was an analyst working on the team that was charged with evaluating whether or not Al Qaeda and Iraq had conspired together to conduct 9/11 attacks.

And your job as it related to [Abu Musab al-]Zarqawi?

On the team, as an analyst, the big question was whether or not Zarqawi was part of Al Qaeda at the time, and we found that he was not. He had not sworn bay’ah [oath of allegiance] to bin Laden. He was working separately. Even though he had trained in Afghanistan and Herat in the ’90s, near bin Laden’s camp, he was focused on his own agenda at the time.
How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?
How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?

The middle east is a cluster fuck but the only option would be a military governor for iraq for the long term. I doubt most people America would of agreed to that.

When we left we hoped it wouldn't go this way but it did.
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How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?

The middle east is a cluster fuck but the only option would be a military governor for iraq for the long term. I doubt most people America would of agreed to that.

When we left we helped it wouldn't go this way but it did.

The US should get the fuck out of the middle east IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner.


The video is wrong in several respects

There were NO connections between Zarqawi and Aq


Nada Bakos - CIA Analyst

What was your job at the CIA?

I was an analyst working on the team that was charged with evaluating whether or not Al Qaeda and Iraq had conspired together to conduct 9/11 attacks.

And your job as it related to [Abu Musab al-]Zarqawi?

On the team, as an analyst, the big question was whether or not Zarqawi was part of Al Qaeda at the time, and we found that he was not. He had not sworn bay’ah [oath of allegiance] to bin Laden. He was working separately. Even though he had trained in Afghanistan and Herat in the ’90s, near bin Laden’s camp, he was focused on his own agenda at the time.

Honestly, I don't trust any comments coming from anyone in/from or for the Obama Administration and ... a Hillary Administration will be far worse in my opinion.

... but I don't feel like arguing about it...:dunno:
How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?

The middle east is a cluster fuck but the only option would be a military governor for iraq for the long term. I doubt most people America would of agreed to that.

When we left we helped it wouldn't go this way but it did.

blah blah blah ... you didn't answer the question
How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?

The middle east is a cluster fuck but the only option would be a military governor for iraq for the long term. I doubt most people America would of agreed to that.

When we left we helped it wouldn't go this way but it did.

blah blah blah ... you didn't answer the question

What is your solution? Iraq said no to renewing our justice protections for our troops and so we had to get out. YES the middle east is now a smoldering cluster fuck and it aint better then it was on January 21st 2009.

What exactly could America have done?? The responsibility must be layed at the feet of the iraqi and other arab governments...We can't do everything for the world.
:desk: ... then what happened?

Isis was created in 1999 as a branch of the Al quada, bu change there name to the islamic state of iraq in 2006. Obama didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.

Okay then .. tell me, do you believe we're better off now (ISIS, middle east and such) than when Obama took complete responsibility as President of the United States ?

The middle east is a cluster fuck but the only option would be a military governor for iraq for the long term. I doubt most people America would of agreed to that.

When we left we helped it wouldn't go this way but it did.

blah blah blah ... you didn't answer the question

What is your solution? Iraq said no to renewing our justice protections for our troops and so we had to get out. YES the middle east is now a smoldering cluster fuck and it aint better then it was on January 21st 2009.

What exactly could America have done?? The responsibility must be layed at the feet of the iraqi and other arab governments...We can't do everything for the world.

So you admit that the Obama's foreign policies have ended up in a cluster fuck and now you feel it's your responsibility to distract from that bottom line reality....This is where your classic Democrat denial kicks in and you appear gullible, nonsensical and for me a waste of time.
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There is no denial .. Denialocrats, Hillary and Obama's foreign policy decisions were/are responsible for the rise of ISIS..

.View attachment 68634

Except for the fact that ISIS was formed by al Baghdadi in 2005-2009 in Camp Bucca in Iraq where he was being held prisoner. The other inmates were not separated, but instead allowed to socialize.

I disagree with the title of this article. Bush's actions in Iraq were no accident.

US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

  • """Camp Bucca in Iraq housed more than 100,000 men between 2003 and 2009
  • Among those held in Camp Bucca was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the current leader of ISIS
  • Iraqi prisoners who refused to look at a Maxim magazine during an interrogation was considered to be more radical than others
  • The worst jihadists were placed together where they had plenty of time to plot terror against America since US guards did not speak Arabic
  • The jihadists wrote their contact info on the inside of their US provided boxer shorts in order to meet again upon being released"""


to a Historical site showing that baghdadi created ISIS in Syria between 2003 and 2009.

Dude, it's been provided multiple times.

Dude, impossible because IT IS NOT TRUE.

I don't understand what your point is... You lie about Obama creating Isis, because he got out of Iraq too soon the. You say I another post that we should get out of the Middle East immediately... Which is it?!
Yes, it's true that it has been posted reliably many times that ISIS created ISIS.

It is also true that 8.5 billion dollars and 11,000 air strikes against ISIS by Obama demonstrates that Obama does own ISIS in the best possible way.

Most of the attacks against the CiC regarding ISIS her violate the Espionage Act of 1917.
How about we just be real. ISIS created ISIS. Pretty simple

:desk: ... then what happened?
They kept doing the same shit they been doing since 1999 what's your point?

Obama's not finishing off ISIS before leaving Iraq, drawing a line in the sand with Syria and pussing out, pretty well his handling of the middle east since taking the oath of office. Bottom line .. things are a hell of a lot worse than they were, mmmkay...
Obama finished off Al Qeada and got out, the Middle East has been a clusterfuck of rebellion and war for centuries. What do you want, to stay active in those wars indefinitely?
yes, the neo-cons think we should have 500,000 troops in the ME, at least.
There is no denial .. Denialocrats, Hillary and Obama's foreign policy decisions were/are responsible for the rise of ISIS..

.View attachment 68634

Except for the fact that ISIS was formed by al Baghdadi in 2005-2009 in Camp Bucca in Iraq where he was being held prisoner. The other inmates were not separated, but instead allowed to socialize.

I disagree with the title of this article. Bush's actions in Iraq were no accident.

US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

  • """Camp Bucca in Iraq housed more than 100,000 men between 2003 and 2009
  • Among those held in Camp Bucca was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the current leader of ISIS
  • Iraqi prisoners who refused to look at a Maxim magazine during an interrogation was considered to be more radical than others
  • The worst jihadists were placed together where they had plenty of time to plot terror against America since US guards did not speak Arabic
  • The jihadists wrote their contact info on the inside of their US provided boxer shorts in order to meet again upon being released"""


to a Historical site showing that baghdadi created ISIS in Syria between 2003 and 2009.

Dude, it's been provided multiple times.

Dude, impossible because IT IS NOT TRUE.

I don't understand what your point is... You lie about Obama creating Isis, because he got out of Iraq too soon the. You say I another post that we should get out of the Middle East immediately... Which is it?!

Yo Vern

Why do they contradict?

Obama financed and armed ISIS in SYRIA.

But the US should have NOT armed or financed any enity in the middle east and we have NO BUSINESS being there.

Except for the fact that ISIS was formed by al Baghdadi in 2005-2009 in Camp Bucca in Iraq where he was being held prisoner. The other inmates were not separated, but instead allowed to socialize.

I disagree with the title of this article. Bush's actions in Iraq were no accident.

US Prison camp in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS

  • """Camp Bucca in Iraq housed more than 100,000 men between 2003 and 2009
  • Among those held in Camp Bucca was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the current leader of ISIS
  • Iraqi prisoners who refused to look at a Maxim magazine during an interrogation was considered to be more radical than others
  • The worst jihadists were placed together where they had plenty of time to plot terror against America since US guards did not speak Arabic
  • The jihadists wrote their contact info on the inside of their US provided boxer shorts in order to meet again upon being released"""


to a Historical site showing that baghdadi created ISIS in Syria between 2003 and 2009.

Dude, it's been provided multiple times.

Dude, impossible because IT IS NOT TRUE.

I don't understand what your point is... You lie about Obama creating Isis, because he got out of Iraq too soon the. You say I another post that we should get out of the Middle East immediately... Which is it?!

Yo Vern

Why do they contradict?

Obama financed and armed ISIS in SYRIA.

But the US should have NOT armed or financed any enity in the middle east and we have NO BUSINESS being there..
No, Obama did nothing of the sort. He bombed ISIS 11000 times.
Trump wants to go home and rest his sore ass from the butt kicking he has been getting.

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