Hillary's Biggest Hurdle

Should Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky manage to make it to the top of any hurdle chances are she would fall off and break her brain again. Meanwhile, a question for anyone purporting to have run a business:

I am starting this thread because of a discussion on a different thread so forgive me it the OP sounds similar to what I posted there. I think the concept deserves it's own thread.

For over 10 years I taught at a college in Arizona and I was very interested in identifying barriers that my students may have against me as an instructor so that I might be able to over come them and maximize their learning. This led me to spend several years researching natural biases that people may have that might create such a barrier to accepting me as a teacher, leader, and/or authority figure. I didn't just read other studies, I conducted experiments of my own and my results enforced the other studies. Now for the record, this is not me giving my personal opinion on right and wrong. This is what I have discovered in research. Here are my conclusions and I think this has application to Hillary and this election::

- In the modern age, we think of racial bias as the most prevalent because it's in our faces through media and history, but actually gender and age bias are more common in American society. Race is more and more becoming a "multiplier"; that is, if a person doesn't like someone of a different race they tend to REALLY dislike them and when they like someone of a different race they tend to REALLY like them. But women and the elderly have it pretty tough. People tend to look at the elderly and think their ideas are outdated even though they have lived far more life than the rest of us and are far more experienced. But I want to focus on women for a sec.

- The rules are different for men and women. We say both genders should be treated the same, but that's not how people react to the same stimulus. For example, if a man uses sarcasm it is usually received positively. He is thought of as funny, witty, amusing, etc. But if a woman uses sarcasm it is usually received negatively. She is though of as a bitch. For a student to believe that a male teacher cares about their success all he has to do is say so. If he says "I care about your success" that tends to be enough, but a woman has to do more. She has to take action to prove that she cares. She has to help them solve a problem, or do something to demonstrate that she cares before a student will believe that she does.

- Curiously, it is not men who are the biggest offenders in regard to discriminating against women. It is women themselves. My research suggests very strongly that women discriminate against other women FAR more than men discriminate against women. It makes sense if you bring it down to a personal level. Many women simply do not trust other women. There have been times in my life where I had to work closely with a woman or I have had a female friend and to me it was just friendship and nothing more and my wife has said to me 'I trust YOU, I just don't trust HER'. I think there is something there that women see men as easily seduced by other women (which is true...let's be honest) and thus they have to "defend their territory" and that creates a natural distrust of other women...but that's another conversation.

- Usually, and generally speaking, men inherit positive attributes while women do not. In other words, usually students assume male teachers possess all the attributes they want in a teacher from the start and all he has to do is maintain it. Female teachers have to spend time proving they have those positive attributes. They are not assumed. Thus a man only has to maintain and not "blow it". A woman has to prove herself to her students.

So what does this have to do with Hillary and the election? Well what students want from a teacher is basically the same thing that voters want from a leader if you look at it very generally. They want someone who cares about their success. They want someone who is qualified and experienced in their field and knows what they are talking about. They want someone who will be straight with them and tell them the truth and not bullshit them. They want to know where they stand with their teacher/leader. They want someone who excites and motivates them and makes growth/learning fun and rewarding. They want to like them and trust them to lead them to a good place. But most of all they want to respect them and be respected by them. There really isn't much difference except for the scale. One leads a small group and the other leads a nation, but the principles are the same.

Many people argue that women will vote for Hillary en masee because Black America voted for Obama en masse. But it's a different demographic and, according to my research, society approaches it in a far different way. Personally, I do not think women will turn out en masse for Hillary simple because she is a woman. In fact, I think a large segment of women will vote against her, in some regard, because she is a woman and because she is elderly. I have talked to many women on this issue and I hear it said a LOT "I want a woman to be president but not THIS woman". I never heard a black person say about Obama "I want a black man to be president but not THIS black man".

See the difference?

So I am open to your thoughts. I think Hilary has a lot going against her...she is corrupt, she is a liar, she is the poster child for government corruption and everything that is wrong with government, but we all know that. I want to focus on this gender issue and see what effect you think it will have and how it is similar or different than the racial aspect with Obama.

And for the record...I am not saying that I endorse the findings of my research; that they are right or fair or whatever. Actually I think they are totally unfair and completely fucked up....but it is what it is and that's just how society reacts.

I welcome your thoughts
Saying women don't like a woman candidate is almost like saying blacks don't like a black candidate.

It's preposterous.

Yes, women are more competitive with each other than men are, but that is overridden by their excitement at the prospect of the first woman president.

If you say so. We will see.
You can see right now. Just look at the polls.
Her biggest problem is that she isn't Bill Clinton. She's not electable. She has way too much baggage. She can't win.

I think you are reading too much into that.

Here's the thing. Demographics are Hillary's friend. Democrats have won five out of the last six popular votes. There just aren't enough angry old white guys to float any GOP Candidate, even if they do something breathtakingly rational and not nominate a clown like Cruz or Trump.
Hillary can't even show up for her own book signing. There are rumors that she has a drinking problem. She isn't electable. She's not Bill. If you nominate her over Sanders you'll find that out in a hurry (that is if she isn't sent to prison before the election).
Bleary-eyed drunk.

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I think she has some serious issues. She is not electable.
I think she has some serious issues. She is not electable.

While I agree about her having serious issues, she IS electable if two "stars" collide:

1. The Democrat Party resists their proven urge to throw women under the bus.

2. Republicans foolishly nominate another "liberal lite" - as America would rather have an admitted liberal than a closetlib.
I am starting this thread because of a discussion on a different thread so forgive me it the OP sounds similar to what I posted there. I think the concept deserves it's own thread.

For over 10 years I taught at a college in Arizona and I was very interested in identifying barriers that my students may have against me as an instructor so that I might be able to over come them and maximize their learning. This led me to spend several years researching natural biases that people may have that might create such a barrier to accepting me as a teacher, leader, and/or authority figure. I didn't just read other studies, I conducted experiments of my own and my results enforced the other studies. Now for the record, this is not me giving my personal opinion on right and wrong. This is what I have discovered in research. Here are my conclusions and I think this has application to Hillary and this election::

- In the modern age, we think of racial bias as the most prevalent because it's in our faces through media and history, but actually gender and age bias are more common in American society. Race is more and more becoming a "multiplier"; that is, if a person doesn't like someone of a different race they tend to REALLY dislike them and when they like someone of a different race they tend to REALLY like them. But women and the elderly have it pretty tough. People tend to look at the elderly and think their ideas are outdated even though they have lived far more life than the rest of us and are far more experienced. But I want to focus on women for a sec.

- The rules are different for men and women. We say both genders should be treated the same, but that's not how people react to the same stimulus. For example, if a man uses sarcasm it is usually received positively. He is thought of as funny, witty, amusing, etc. But if a woman uses sarcasm it is usually received negatively. She is though of as a bitch. For a student to believe that a male teacher cares about their success all he has to do is say so. If he says "I care about your success" that tends to be enough, but a woman has to do more. She has to take action to prove that she cares. She has to help them solve a problem, or do something to demonstrate that she cares before a student will believe that she does.

- Curiously, it is not men who are the biggest offenders in regard to discriminating against women. It is women themselves. My research suggests very strongly that women discriminate against other women FAR more than men discriminate against women. It makes sense if you bring it down to a personal level. Many women simply do not trust other women. There have been times in my life where I had to work closely with a woman or I have had a female friend and to me it was just friendship and nothing more and my wife has said to me 'I trust YOU, I just don't trust HER'. I think there is something there that women see men as easily seduced by other women (which is true...let's be honest) and thus they have to "defend their territory" and that creates a natural distrust of other women...but that's another conversation.

- Usually, and generally speaking, men inherit positive attributes while women do not. In other words, usually students assume male teachers possess all the attributes they want in a teacher from the start and all he has to do is maintain it. Female teachers have to spend time proving they have those positive attributes. They are not assumed. Thus a man only has to maintain and not "blow it". A woman has to prove herself to her students.

So what does this have to do with Hillary and the election? Well what students want from a teacher is basically the same thing that voters want from a leader if you look at it very generally. They want someone who cares about their success. They want someone who is qualified and experienced in their field and knows what they are talking about. They want someone who will be straight with them and tell them the truth and not bullshit them. They want to know where they stand with their teacher/leader. They want someone who excites and motivates them and makes growth/learning fun and rewarding. They want to like them and trust them to lead them to a good place. But most of all they want to respect them and be respected by them. There really isn't much difference except for the scale. One leads a small group and the other leads a nation, but the principles are the same.

Many people argue that women will vote for Hillary en masee because Black America voted for Obama en masse. But it's a different demographic and, according to my research, society approaches it in a far different way. Personally, I do not think women will turn out en masse for Hillary simple because she is a woman. In fact, I think a large segment of women will vote against her, in some regard, because she is a woman and because she is elderly. I have talked to many women on this issue and I hear it said a LOT "I want a woman to be president but not THIS woman". I never heard a black person say about Obama "I want a black man to be president but not THIS black man".

See the difference?

So I am open to your thoughts. I think Hilary has a lot going against her...she is corrupt, she is a liar, she is the poster child for government corruption and everything that is wrong with government, but we all know that. I want to focus on this gender issue and see what effect you think it will have and how it is similar or different than the racial aspect with Obama.

And for the record...I am not saying that I endorse the findings of my research; that they are right or fair or whatever. Actually I think they are totally unfair and completely fucked up....but it is what it is and that's just how society reacts.

I welcome your thoughts
Saying women don't like a woman candidate is almost like saying blacks don't like a black candidate.

It's preposterous.

Yes, women are more competitive with each other than men are, but that is overridden by their excitement at the prospect of the first woman president.

If you say so. We will see.
You can see right now. Just look at the polls.

Polls are a snapshot. Historically speaking Democrats usually hold an early lead and the Republican challenger closes as the election nears. This is even more apparent when a Democrat is the incumbent. Add in Hillary's name recognition and she should be leading right now by double digits, but in some polls she is barely ahead and in some she is already losing. This is not good news for Hillary according to historical trends.
I think she has some serious issues. She is not electable.

While I agree about her having serious issues, she IS electable if two "stars" collide:

1. The Democrat Party resists their proven urge to throw women under the bus.

2. Republicans foolishly nominate another "liberal lite" - as America would rather have an admitted liberal than a closetlib.

I think the opposite. The key to winning elections is winning the Independents. Hard core Democrats and Republicans will vote for their party's candidate no matter who it is so who cares about them and they are roughly the same size. So they are a wash. You have to win the people in the middle. That's me and other moderates who could go either way.
Her biggest problem is that she isn't Bill Clinton. She's not electable. She has way too much baggage. She can't win.

Pick Cruz and watch the moderates side with who ever the democrats choose. She'll win by 350 electorals.

People like driving on a paved roads and living in a first world nation.
Vote for Hillary and the day will come you'll be digging in the ground for worms to eat. She would be the final nail in the coffin. Why throw your future away?
As interesting as this has been, I think we have gotten away from the point of the OP. There have been some good points made that would be more appropriate for other threads, but let's get back to the OP and the effect of gender
If Hillary goes to prison are you going to go with Sanders? Or try to get Obama to run for a 3rd term. Do you know or are you just winging it, Joe?

Jerry, you need to get over your fever dreams.

Ollie North didn't go to prison for trading weapons to our enemies. Scooter Libby didn't go to prison for outing a spy. Hillary isn't going to jail for not routing an e-mail through the right server.
Ok stop right there. I am not even going to read the rest. Bush didn't fuck up the economy. If you knew anything about government you would know that the president has no direct control over the economy. That's all up to Congress and the Fed. The president only has control if he has a Congress that is willing to advance his agenda and in Bush's last two years he had a hostile Democratic Congress who refused to listen. In fact, the record is clear. Bush appealed to Congress multiple times to intervene warning of a financial collapse and it was Barney Frank and the Democrats who controlled Congress who refused to take action despite Bush's warnings.

That shit might work with your average dip shit punk, but it doesn't work with me Joe. You should know that by now

You were the one who predicted the Weird Mormon Robot would win.

Bush was President. It's his economy. Deal with it.

Incidently, the Democratic Congress was just fine with going along with Bush in trying to put out the fires he started. He got all the bailouts of his Wall Street Buddies he wanted. Stop trying to absolve Bush.
You know for me...I really don't care. I want the right person and race, gender, whatever doesn't matter. I would support Carly Fiorina, Condelezza Rice...I think Margaret Thatcher was an incredible leader and history has been replete with women who were fantastic leaders all the way back to Elizabeth I and Hapshetsut. I will follow the right woman and endorse the right woman to lead this nation...but is Hillary the right woman? Not in my opinion and I won't cast my vote for someone who I deem to be an inferior leader just to put a woman in the oval office.
As you can see, women overwhelmingly support Clinton in the polls over every Republican.

All that shit right now is irrelevant. I didn't even read it. We are in primary season which means we are at war with our own parties. But just quickly...look what you posted. slightly over 40% of women think Hillary is trustworthy? Yikes!!!! Find a poll about how women felt about Obama at this point in his first election cycle. I will bet hard money that women thought he was more trustworthy
As interesting as this has been, I think we have gotten away from the point of the OP. There have been some good points made that would be more appropriate for other threads, but let's get back to the OP and the effect of gender

There isn't one.

Women aren't stupid. they aren't going to vote for guys who are going to take away their rights.

Obama got 55% of the female vote. It wasn't because "they thought he was cute", it was because Romney apparently thought that you working folks are making too much money.

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