Hispanics Are Turning Republican

I was engaged to a mexican ya stupid fuck.
The legal immigrants aren't the problem and you know that. Here's a hint,illegals usually dont speak english.
There's no way in hell you can convince me that you hang out with mexican yard crews.
No way in hell I care what you might think.
All those figures show is how the democrat party of corrupt anti American trash stepped up their election cheating.
It shows that Democrats are only relevant because America’s sovereignty has been grossly compromised by corrupt politicians who refuse to do what’s right for Americans…What’s odd is; Golfing Gator isn’t pissed off about it.
Even then...I work with TWO lifelong Democrat union guys who are now 100% Trump supporters and haven't voted Democrat in ten years.
An entire two? Wow. Would 2 more votes have been enough to elect trump?
Al Franken was elected Senator from Minnesota from cheating. He was the 60th vote for Obamacare. We all pay for that.
I always liked Al Frankin because he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him.
Looks like TX. will have to turn Blue without Hispanics. Good luck with that.

Not only tough on crime but many Hispanics are Catholic and not keen on abortion. It's time for Joe to say, "If you don't vote for me then you're not Hispanic".
I thank one every chance I get for picking the vegetables and fruit my sorry butt won't pick.
LefTard Logic:
“I always thank illegals for breaking into my country against the will of my fellow countrymen because I’m a worthless fuck who can’t pick his own fruits and vegetables…I thank them for allowing me to pay their doctor bills for them and for allowing me to pay to educate their children…but but but…at least I’m not picking my own fruit.”
LefTard Logic:
“I always thank illegals for breaking into my country against the will of my fellow countrymen because I’m a worthless fuck who can’t pick his own fruits and vegetables…I thank them for allowing me to pay their doctor bills for them and for allowing me to pay to educate their children…but but but…at least I’m not picking my own fruit.”
Sounds like a fair trade. They work for starvation wages so we can have cheap food, and corporate farms can make millions, and their kids get to go to school. You pick much fruit lately?

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