Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

And you are aware that Arendt's boyfriend worked for the Nazi Party at the time, right?

So how left wing is she, would you say?
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

How many of the half dozen authors cited have you read, Weasel?

Because the ones listed are about the most reknowned people working in this field, and any history course on Fascist Politics will include 2 or 3 of them.

Do you really think you can come to understand something as complex as Fascist theory by spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia?

He obviously never read a book in his life. Just goes to show that people can't learn as much from websites as they thought.
I have a college degree and you pooped your pants again.
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

More meaningless nonsense.....big surprise.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.
To understand the dupes, you have to realize this "Hitler was a socialist" bs comes from a book called Liberal Fascism and Glenn Beck- who makes $70 million/year spreading all kinds of crappe to his chumps. They inhabit a bizarre alternate universe.

I didn't know Beck was that OLD. damn he looks good for that age
you should be ashamed of yourself with the liberal bs you peddle to fool and mislead people
Nobody EVER said Hitler was a socialist until about 10 years ago, dingbat. It's a horrible RW joke. like you and Weasel lol.
Oops. Another libturd layed an egg.

From 1932:

10 Things You Should Know About Hitler Predictions From 1932 - The Atlantic
4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.
It is very important for some right wingers that they believe Nazis are left wing. By doing so, they can feel free to unleash their inner totalitarian and console themselves they are not Nazis even though their tendencies and rhetoric are identical in almost every way to the Nazis.

A right wing totalitarian is a Nazi. A left wing totalitarian is a Marxist.

Get your flavors right, dipshits, and wake up to the fact you are right wing totalitarians looking for an excuse to unleash another Holocaust on gays and Mexicans and Muslims and blacks and anyone else who isn't like you.
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.

And you've never heard of Martin Heidegger (Arendt's ex-partner) either, I guess?

Go and google him, and then come and report back on how left wing he is, eh?

Jesus wept....and you claim to have a college degree? Seriously?
To understand the dupes, you have to realize this "Hitler was a socialist" bs comes from a book called Liberal Fascism and Glenn Beck- who makes $70 million/year spreading all kinds of crappe to his chumps. They inhabit a bizarre alternate universe.
Never read it, chump. Socialist means socialist in the real world. Being a national socialist doesn't mean it's not socialist. And being stuck on stupid won't make it so.
Being socialist doesn't always mean left wing. Being stuck on stupid won't make it so.


Heil multiculturualism!

Yes, being socialist does mean being left-wing. That's the meaning of left-wing, no matter how leftists try to change the term "right-wing" to mean whatever happens to be unpopular with the public.
It is very important for some right wingers that they believe Nazis are left wing. By doing so, they can feel free to unleash their inner totalitarian and console themselves they are not Nazis even though their tendencies and rhetoric are identical in almost every way to the Nazis.

A right wing totalitarian is a Nazi. A left wing totalitarian is a Marxist.

Get your flavors right, dipshits, and wake up to the fact you are right wing totalitarians looking for an excuse to unleash another Holocaust on gays and Mexicans and Muslims and anyone else who isn't like you.

I agree.

And the funny thing is that I have never heard a left-winger deny that Stalin, Castro, Che, Pol Pot, Ceaucescu or even Husak were socialists. Everyone simply seems to accept the facts on those.

So why is it so important for people on the right to deny Hitler?

Shouldn't everyone accept known historical fact?
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

More meaningless nonsense.....big surprise.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.
Yes, being socialist does mean being left-wing. That's the meaning of left-wing, no matter how leftists try to change the term "right-wing" to mean whatever happens to be unpopular with the public.

Of course it is. No one said otherwise.

The debate here is NOT about the word socialist, that we all know to be left wing.

The debate is about the term FASCIST, which apparently some people have mistakenly thought meant socialist. That said - no one yet has been willing to tell me where Franco, Stroessner, Antonescu or even Pinochet sit in all this.

Are they ALL socialists?

Or are only some fascists socialists?

It's a mystery.
The dipshits conveniently leave out the nationalistic and racist elements of Nazism which made it right wing. This is why I amuse myself portraying Hitler as being a supporter of multiculturalism and gay rights. The cognitive dissonance won't jar these idiots back to sanity, but at least the rest of us can enjoy ourselves at their expense.

Even Hitler's own words don't wake them up. The voices in their heads are louder than Hitler's.

These parroting rubes have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker, and whoever wrote on their blank slate minds first took up all that space, and they wrote in indelible ink.

We are wasting our time trying to bring them back to sanity.

There is an inner urge to be like Hitler, and it is very important to them they delude themselves that obsessing over flag pins and believing that torturing prisoners is okay, and that hating fags and spics and darkies and ragheads is also okay, and that none of this is at all Nazi-like.
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...we have better economic mobility than you do. The American Dream is a myth. Here, it's more of a reality.

That is liberty.

And THAT is nonsense, which stems, as it must, from the Advocacy of Foreign Ideas HOSTILE to American principle. And THAT is why those who are NOT US CITIZENS should NEVER BE ALLOWED TO DECEITFULLY POSE AS US CITIZENS on internet forums, as such is a FRAUDULENT MEANS TO INFLUENCE THE IGNORANT.

He's not posing as a U.S. citizen. I have no problem with people from other countries participating in this forum. However, the fact that they are foreigners indicates a certain level of ignorance regarding this country and the principles it was founded on.

That's fair - unfortunately it is also true of Americans posting about Europe in many cases, and this topic does really highlight that.

Except for the occasional Intelligence Operators, why would an American reduce themselves through the posing of a "European"?

For Pete's sake, you people caused TWO WORLD WARS in just ONE Century and you're well on your way to causing the next one through your addled tolerance of Islamists, who will as a result, soon be running Europe, which means that you'll soon be crying AGAIN for the EXTREME AMERICANS to come drag your collective out of the consequences which you otherwise so RICHLY deserve.

You people are a dam' MENACE to civilization... yet you seem intent upon spreading the ideas with which you so chronically screw yourself... with absolutely NO means to recognize that the odds require that sooner or later, you'll succeed and there will be no one left 'extreme' enough to save ya.

Which means that you're what is best described as a culture bent upon its own demise... which means you're suicidal.

Now as such, on what basis would that qualify you, as a people, whose ideas should be considered by cultures who are determined NOT to destroy themselves?

Inquiring minds and such... .
The dipshits conveniently leave out the nationalistic and racist elements of Nazism which made it right wing.


Lenin pioneered anti-racism and supported the promotion of Kazaks, Armenians and even Azeris. Stalin was from a minority himself.

Hitler rounded up minorities and had them gassed.

And yet some people here cannot see any difference between those policies.

Likewise with policies on religion - polar opposites.

Likewise with policies on class - polar opposites.

But no - that's too subtle a distinction for some.
I feel we are slowly moving to claims that Hitler was really a good person, and maybe Americans should take another look at fascism as a replacement for what we have; if not total replacement at least some key elements. I also wonder if this fits into the claims that America was duped into fighting on the wrong side in WWII?
I feel we are slowly moving to claims that Hitler was really a good person, and maybe Americans should take another look at fascism as a replacement for what we have; if not total replacement at least some key elements. I also wonder if this fits into the claims that America was duped into fighting on the wrong side in WWII?

Oh I get it now.....pretty funny. It is interesting to watch history being rewritten in real time.
The dipshits conveniently leave out the nationalistic and racist elements of Nazism which made it right wing.

LOL! Now isn't that precious? The same ideology that has thoroughly crippled the US Black Culture on the premise that they're so feeble that they can't even exist without being subsidized by the gubment... the Ideology that brought the world "EUGENICS!"...

The Ideology that had as it's President pro tempore for 40 YEARS!: THE FORMER GRAND KLEGAL OF THE KLU KLUX KLAN!


THIS IDEOLOGY needs to project that it is THEIR OPPOSITION which is RACIST!

Yes, being socialist does mean being left-wing. That's the meaning of left-wing, no matter how leftists try to change the term "right-wing" to mean whatever happens to be unpopular with the public.

Of course it is. No one said otherwise.

The debate here is NOT about the word socialist, that we all know to be left wing.

The debate is about the term FASCIST, which apparently some people have mistakenly thought meant socialist. That said - no one yet has been willing to tell me where Franco, Stroessner, Antonescu or even Pinochet sit in all this.

Are they ALL socialists?

Or are only some fascists socialists?

It's a mystery.


Was Saddam Hussien a socialist?

And therein rests THE PROBLEM. You people are intrinsically dishonest... and I realize that this is because you're unable to rise above the base instinct of relativism. But your inability to at LEAST BE HONEST WITH YOURSELVES, to recognize that ya screwed up, to own your mistakes leaves you intellectually hobbled.

If you can't find the strength of character to admit that you own experiments were foolish, that your desire to twist the themes that were not working (Revolutionary Socialism) into something that had a shot (National Socialism) but which because it provided for unrestrained power, produced catastrophe... which we cannot avoid noting IS THE SAME CATASTROPHIC RESULT THAT WAS PRODUCED BY REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM... (Which is why it was impossible to sell it anywhere else, thus produced the desperate need to go: NATIONAL SOCIALIST) then you are always going to be recognized as an intellectual disease.

And that is because, THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE!

To NOT BE THAT... you need to stop BEING that which produces THAT.

When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

More meaningless nonsense.....big surprise.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
More meaningless nonsense.....big surprise.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.
The dipshits conveniently leave out the nationalistic and racist elements of Nazism which made it right wing.


Lenin pioneered anti-racism and supported the promotion of Kazaks, Armenians and even Azeris. Stalin was from a minority himself.

Hitler rounded up minorities and had them gassed.

And yet some people here cannot see any difference between those policies.

Likewise with policies on religion - polar opposites.

Likewise with policies on class - polar opposites.

But no - that's too subtle a distinction for some.

Yeah Lenin and Stalin were true humanitarians... killing tens of millions more jews that Histler ever dreamed.

The Fact is that Lenin was a major proponent of EUGENICS... which was founded upon CENTRAL CORE of RACISM.

But to be fair, Eugenics was the "Global Warming" os the late 19th, early 20th Century.. it fundamental tenet being that racial minorities were a genetic anomaly... sub-human and like the rest of the animal kingdom, the exist at the pleasure of human and purely to serve humanity.

That Lenin used racial minorities for political expediency, in no way alters his belief that they represented the equivalent of what is known in greater nature as "FOOD!".
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

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