Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.
Bripat -

I have read more on this topic than you have, and by some distance.

Try and post with a little common sense.

You have to excuse me if I'm not impressed with your pretensions of intellectual superiority. What you have read is almost entirely left-wing propaganda. Reading bullshit doesn't enlighten much.

A perfect ^^^ description of everyone of you posts, bullshit which never enlightens.
...we have better economic mobility than you do. The American Dream is a myth. Here, it's more of a reality.

That is liberty.

And THAT is nonsense, which stems, as it must, from the Advocacy of Foreign Ideas HOSTILE to American principle. And THAT is why those who are NOT US CITIZENS should NEVER BE ALLOWED TO DECEITFULLY POSE AS US CITIZENS on internet forums, as such is a FRAUDULENT MEANS TO INFLUENCE THE IGNORANT.

He's not posing as a U.S. citizen. I have no problem with people from other countries participating in this forum. However, the fact that they are foreigners indicates a certain level of ignorance regarding this country and the principles it was founded on.

Nonsense... this is the US Forum. And while I don't care if anyone participates in the discussion, an honorable person would not lean on the assumption that they're a US Citizen.

On what basis would one reasonably assume otherwise?

The reason that they do NOT, is because where they OVERTLY DISCLOSE THEIR NATIONALITY, they lose the INFERENCE that they're a US CITIZEN. The inference being such that it produces the assumption that THEY SHOULD BE AND OTHERWISE ARE >NOT< IGNORANT OF THE PRINCIPLES THAT SUSTAIN THIS NATION.

Come on man... this is obvious.

Now she's not the only one... this forum is LOADED with Europeans posing as US Citizens.
You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.
No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

Actually there was a small liberal party. In Europe liberals are people who believe in laizzes faire capitalism. The other parties were almost all leftwing.
No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.
Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.

So, you can't find the strength of character to inform the board of your 'feelings' on whether or not Leon Trotsky was a Right-winger?

LOL! Color me shocked... .

Oh well.

Your concession is AGAIN: duly noted and summarily accepted.
Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.

So, you can't find the strength of character to inform the board of your 'feelings' on whether or not Leon Trotsky was a Right-winger?

LOL! Color me shocked... .

Oh well.

Your concession is AGAIN: duly noted and summarily accepted.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

I read Key's comments for a couple of days on one thread before realising that he has no idea what the incoherent screes of nonsense mean either. It's like watching a daschund run away from its own diarrhea.

There are times when Ignore Mode allow us to maintain our sanity.
Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!

Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

Actually there was a small liberal party. In Europe liberals are people who believe in laizzes faire capitalism. The other parties were almost all leftwing.

Yeah... but they were not 'right-wingers'. At BEST in the most conservative of 'em was Gustav Stresemann, who was instrumental in creating the German People's Party... the right side of which broke out as German National People's Party. As I said, there wasn't a right winger anywhere to be found anywhere in Germany.

I have dozens of German clients, each one of them are WEALTHY people... enormous homes... VERY well healed people and when ya sit down with them, it doesn't take long to see that even with all that coin, they're leftists. With most of their coin having come from business which secured large government contracts and who despite their significant means, still crave the cloister of government 'everything'. THEY see the government as being central to protecting THEIR WEALTH! THAT is how sad these people are.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

I read Key's comments for a couple of days on one thread before realising that he has no idea what the incoherent screes of nonsense mean either. It's like watching a daschund run away from its own diarrhea.

There are times when Ignore Mode allow us to maintain our sanity.


... noted and accepted.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

I read Key's comments for a couple of days on one thread before realising that he has no idea what the incoherent screes of nonsense mean either. It's like watching a daschund run away from its own diarrhea.

There are times when Ignore Mode allow us to maintain our sanity.

Thanks for the heads up. It's like this place is magnet for crack pots.
btw. Can we try to stick to the topic of fascism in general and not get too sidetracked into discussing other topics?

As interesring as Libertarianism, EU defence policies and the Founding Fathers are - they're not really our topic here.

I would also suggest everyone ignore the obvious trolls and spamming.
You're on a US message board trying to soft shoe European style socialism while telling us what a failed system we have. The trolling is all yours..

Patriotism is not to defend everything done by our government, nor to attack everything being done by our government; a patriot, IMO, offers constructive criticism something partisans seem to have forgotten or never learned.

Why do nearly all Europeans speak English, and why are most native born Americans monolingual? Shouldn't we all have been required to learn a second language, which includes an understanding of other cultures?

Shouldn't will all have been instructed in Comparative Religion, Economic theory and practice in other nations? Shouldn't history be taught by reading primary sources, sources written from different ethnic, religious and economic perspectives? Shouldn't human sexuality be taught to age appropriate students and physical education also be part of a general health education curriculum?

There is lots to criticize and lots to applaud about 21st Century America; sadly some of us want to return to the 19th Century.
Your half ass political philosophizing does nothing to change actual history.

And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

Actually there was a small liberal party. In Europe liberals are people who believe in laizzes faire capitalism. The other parties were almost all leftwing.

Yeah... but they were not 'right-wingers'. At BEST in the most conservative of 'em was Gustav Stresemann, who was instrumental in creating the German People's Party... the right side of which broke out as German National People's Party. As I said, there wasn't a right winger anywhere to be found anywhere in Germany.

I have dozens of German clients, each one of them are WEALTHY people... enormous homes... VERY well healed people and when ya sit down with them, it doesn't take long to see that even with all that coin, they're leftists. With most of their coin having come from business which secured large government contracts and who despite their significant means, still crave the cloister of government 'everything'. THEY see the government as being central to protecting THEIR WEALTH! THAT is how sad these people are.

Again, your superficial characterizations do not reflect actual history.
One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

Who would think the leader of the German Socialist Workers Party was left wing? Let's see, Hitler did, which is why he said he was a socialist.

There really is no debate. Fascism is referred to as socialism lite. Fascism is an economic system where industry is technically in private hands but it's controlled by the State. All major decisions have to be specifically approved and they have to follow government social policy.

Fascism is central economic planning, which is what socialism is and why Hitler said he was a socialist. In the end, if government controls industry, who's name is on the title is irrelevant.
More meaningless nonsense.....big surprise.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.
And your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.

So, you can't find the strength of character to inform the board of your 'feelings' on whether or not Leon Trotsky was a Right-winger?

LOL! Color me shocked... .

Oh well.

Your concession is AGAIN: duly noted and summarily accepted.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

Well, that follows... .

But to be fair, let me help ya through this:

You made the claim that National Socialism is not socialism.

I laughed at you... specifically pointing to the facts of which you are ignorant which had just served to humiliate you.

You responded with what amounted to "Nuh uh" claiming that 'everyone in the world disagrees with me... that the Nazis came about as a result of the popularity of communism in German pop-culture.

I again laughed at you and pointed out that National Socialism was a natural result of the opposition of communism by socialists who had strong loyalties to their NATION.

I further pointed out that Stalin (The Supreme Soviet) chronically referred to Leon Trotsky (a Soviet opponent of Stalin) as a fascist, asking you if you believed that Trotsky was a Right-winger?

You, being ignorant of Stalin and Trotsky and most everything else, shrank from the challenge and ran to spew epithets and crying... as one would reasonably expect from a little bitch.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

I read Key's comments for a couple of days on one thread before realising that he has no idea what the incoherent screes of nonsense mean either. It's like watching a daschund run away from its own diarrhea.

There are times when Ignore Mode allow us to maintain our sanity.

Thanks for the heads up. It's like this place is magnet for crack pots.

You're certainly a case in point.
btw. Can we try to stick to the topic of fascism in general and not get too sidetracked into discussing other topics?

As interesring as Libertarianism, EU defence policies and the Founding Fathers are - they're not really our topic here.

I would also suggest everyone ignore the obvious trolls and spamming.
You're on a US message board trying to soft shoe European style socialism while telling us what a failed system we have. The trolling is all yours..
Patriotism is not to defend everything done by our government, nor to attack everything being done by our government; a patriot, IMO, offers constructive criticism something partisans seem to have forgotten or never learned.
...and the constructive criticism is....?
Why do nearly all Europeans speak English, and why are most native born Americans monolingual? Shouldn't we all have been required to learn a second language, which includes an understanding of other cultures?
When I was in school we were required to pick one. German, Spanish and French were the ones offered. I supposed the world saw the US as the super power and wanted to be part of the culture in some ways, adopting some of it and learning the lingo was one way. Also, as the economic powerhouse, it made sense then as learning Chinese will help some with career choices now.
Shouldn't will all have been instructed in Comparative Religion, Economic theory and practice in other nations? Shouldn't history be taught by reading primary sources, sources written from different ethnic, religious and economic perspectives? Shouldn't human sexuality be taught to age appropriate students and physical education also be part of a general health education curriculum?

There is lots to criticize and lots to applaud about 21st Century America; sadly some of us want to return to the 19th Century.
I don't really know what the fuck you're talking about. Sounds like the typical 'if you disagree with me you are evil and backwards' philosophy so common on the left.

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