Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

That's true, his saying it didn't make it the truth. However, his policy of government completely controlling the economy did make it the truth that he was a socialist.
And yet another fart. That's all you have huh?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

So you're saying Hitler was prone to use Deceit and Fraud as a means to influence the Ignorant?

Interesting... given that Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance are the demonstrable fundamental elements of socialism.

Which, if you're keepin' score, would add to the evidence that Histler was in fact: A socialist.
Also, can you explain why essentially every history book, dictionary and encyclopedia disagrees with you?

Because they were written by people sympathetic to communism....and the communist lie is that the nazis and the communists were diametrically opposed to each other...which is a lie...
A typical day in the life of a left wing Nazi:

Oh-Bah-Mah! Oh-Bah-Ma! Oh-Bah-Ma!
I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

That's true, his saying it didn't make it the truth. However, his policy of government completely controlling the economy did make it the truth that he was a socialist.
You believe this because you apparently lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between socialism and fascism.
Kaz -

Fascism is referred to as socialism lite.

Which academic books use this terminology?

Can you provide some links?

Also, can you explain why essentially every history book, dictionary and encyclopedia disagrees with you?

Can you explain how the appeal to misleading authority, a decidedly fallacious fatal flaw in your construct, could in any way sustain your position?

IF every text book in the world said that the Sun was a perfect vacation destination, would that IN ANY WAY mean that the Sun was, in truth, suitable as a vacation destination?
Kaz -

Fascism is referred to as socialism lite.

Which academic books use this terminology? Can you provide some links?

You mean which pinko professors use this terminology? None. That's like asking which God and atheist prays to.

Also, can you explain why essentially every history book, dictionary and encyclopedia disagrees with you?

The vast majority of them were written by pinkos and commies. Surveys of academia have shown that liberal arts professors are overwhelmingly left-wing. Conservatives in the school of liberal arts or in the social sciences are virtually extinct.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

That's true, his saying it didn't make it the truth. However, his policy of government completely controlling the economy did make it the truth that he was a socialist.
You believe this because you apparently lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between socialism and fascism.

Explain the difference to us, Joe. We're all dying to watch you display your ignorance.
Also, can you explain why essentially every history book, dictionary and encyclopedia disagrees with you?

Because they were written by people sympathetic to communism....and the communist lie is that the nazis and the communists were diametrically opposed to each other...which is a lie...

Right....so history books written in Germany and in German by members of the Nazi part were actually communist.

That's brilliant.

I can list six books that fit this description, btw. Do you read German?
I'm sorry you're so sensitive about your complete ignorance of history. Maybe if you tried reading some books you might not have this problem all the time.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

So you're saying Hitler was prone to use Deceit and Fraud as a means to influence the Ignorant?

Interesting... given that Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance are the demonstrable fundamental elements of socialism.

Which, if you're keepin' score, would add to the evidence that Histler was in fact: A socialist.
Well, golly! I never thought of Fox News as a tool for socialism before this. What other fascinating nuggets do you have for me?
You mean which pinko professors use this terminology? None. That's like asking which God and atheist prays to.

No, I mean history books - some written by Germans and Nazis, as it happens.

I listed 8 books earlier. None are by communists.

You really need a better reason to refuse to read history, dude.
....and yet another fart.

No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

That's true, his saying it didn't make it the truth. However, his policy of government completely controlling the economy did make it the truth that he was a socialist.
You believe this because you apparently lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between socialism and fascism.

GOLLY! Despite having the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO POST 'THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FASCISM AND SOCIALISM' the contributor instead opted to lean upon the false inference... .

You and the other scholars on this thread are evidently just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis were a direct reactionary response to Communism.

So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.

So, you can't find the strength of character to inform the board of your 'feelings' on whether or not Leon Trotsky was a Right-winger?

LOL! Color me shocked... .

Oh well.

Your concession is AGAIN: duly noted and summarily accepted.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

Well, that follows... .

But to be fair, let me help ya through this:

You made the claim that National Socialism is not socialism.

I laughed at you... specifically pointing to the facts of which you are ignorant which had just served to humiliate you.

You responded with what amounted to "Nuh uh" claiming that 'everyone in the world disagrees with me... that the Nazis came about as a result of the popularity of communism in German pop-culture.

I again laughed at you and pointed out that National Socialism was a natural result of the opposition of communism by socialists who had strong loyalties to their NATION.

I further pointed out that Stalin (The Supreme Soviet) chronically referred to Leon Trotsky (a Soviet opponent of Stalin) as a fascist, asking you if you believed that Trotsky was a Right-winger?

You, being ignorant of Stalin and Trotsky and most everything else, shrank from the challenge and ran to spew epithets and crying... as one would reasonably expect from a little bitch.

You wouldn't know right from south, you don't get to make up your own definitions or rewrite history. National Socialism was a right wing, ultra conservative, bottom up, populist movement that was directly reactionary against Communist. After the murder of Ernst Rohm and his SA faggots the last vestiges of any connection to any kind of socialist ideas were completely severed.
No one anywhere actually believes the Nazis were not a reactionary right wing ultra conservative movement.

Yet that doesn't change that 'reactionary' was a foolish term when the socialist Robespierre, in reacting to political currents of his day, created the term, and that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS ARE: SOCIALISTS!
Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.

That's true, his saying it didn't make it the truth. However, his policy of government completely controlling the economy did make it the truth that he was a socialist.
You believe this because you apparently lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between socialism and fascism.

Explain the difference to us, Joe. We're all dying to watch you display your ignorance.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy;More
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism


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Have you been reading any of this thread? Hitler played to whatever crowd he was in -whether it was capitalist, socialist or whatever. If he called his party National Socialists, it was because he perceived that was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn't make it the truth.
He modified the socialist worker's party to be racist in nature and the economics didn't change with the crowd. Why name the party one thing and try to appeal to another? That isn't what happened.

I posted articles that support it so maybe you need to read more.
So you're saying Hitler was prone to use Deceit and Fraud as a means to influence the Ignorant?

Interesting... given that Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance are the demonstrable fundamental elements of socialism.

Which, if you're keepin' score, would add to the evidence that Histler was in fact: A socialist.
Ah! Your amazing powers of analytic reasoning cannot be bested. I guess I will just have to resign myself to the FACT that anyone who is deceitful or a fraud or just plain ignorant is a socialist.

Which means a very large portion of this forum, including you, are socialists.

Your own ignorance has created a paradox!
Wherermykeys....thanks....it gets old reading posts that try to separate the nazis from the other left wing socialists....the reason they fight so hard to do this....because if they come to terms with the fact that nazism, communism and fascism are all the same thing with differences based merely on style....then they would have to accept that their belief system....that a powerful, centralized government is a good thing...would be a lie...because the greates mass murders in history were all committed by the left wing socialists around the world.....

That would be a real bummer to have to accept....since socialism is their replacement for religion....
So, you feel that communism must be opposed by Right wingers?

We're talking about early 20th Century GERMANY HERE.... THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING in Germany. The Closest thing to the right wing in early 20th century Germany was THE SOCIALISTS!

Now Stalin chronically referred to Leon Trotsky as a fascist... is it your 'scholarly' opinion that Trotsky was a 'right-winger'? (Go ahead google up a wiki-link... we'll wait)


You are as ignorant as a stone young lady.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there are no historians anywhere who would concur with your view.

So, you can't find the strength of character to inform the board of your 'feelings' on whether or not Leon Trotsky was a Right-winger?

LOL! Color me shocked... .

Oh well.

Your concession is AGAIN: duly noted and summarily accepted.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

Well, that follows... .

But to be fair, let me help ya through this:

You made the claim that National Socialism is not socialism.

I laughed at you... specifically pointing to the facts of which you are ignorant which had just served to humiliate you.

You responded with what amounted to "Nuh uh" claiming that 'everyone in the world disagrees with me... that the Nazis came about as a result of the popularity of communism in German pop-culture.

I again laughed at you and pointed out that National Socialism was a natural result of the opposition of communism by socialists who had strong loyalties to their NATION.

I further pointed out that Stalin (The Supreme Soviet) chronically referred to Leon Trotsky (a Soviet opponent of Stalin) as a fascist, asking you if you believed that Trotsky was a Right-winger?

You, being ignorant of Stalin and Trotsky and most everything else, shrank from the challenge and ran to spew epithets and crying... as one would reasonably expect from a little bitch.

You wouldn't know right from south, you don't get to make up your own definitions or rewrite history. National Socialism was a right wing, ultra conservative, bottom up, populist movement that was directly reactionary against Communist. After the murder of Ernst Rohm and his SA faggots the last vestiges of any connection to any kind of socialist ideas were completely severed.

So you cannot tell the board if you 'feel' that Stalin's habit of referring to Leon Trotsky as a fascist, IN ANY WAY PROVIDED THAT TROTSKY a LIFE LONG COMMUNIST was a Right-winger?

I'd ask if you felt that Benito Mussolini, ALSO a LIFE LONG SOCIALIST and the creator of fascism was also a right winger, but your contributions clearly establish that ya do... which demonstrates in incontrovertible terms that you're an imbecile.

And that wouldn't be fair... and I am ALL ABOUT THE FAIRNESS!
You believe this because you apparently lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between socialism and fascism.

Fascism is the term the communists used to distinguish themselves from the national socialists who kicked them out of Germany....fascism, nazism and communism are all different flavors of socialism....
Wherermykeys....thanks....it gets old reading posts that try to separate the nazis from the other left wing socialists....the reason they fight so hard to do this....because if they come to terms with the fact that nazism, communism and fascism are all the same thing with differences based merely on style....then they would have to accept that their belief system....that a powerful, centralized government is a good thing...would be a lie...because the greates mass murders in history were all committed by the left wing socialists around the world.....

That would be a real bummer to have to accept....since socialism is their replacement for religion....


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