Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Moving on to New York, we find another group of left wingers:



Their uniforms don't prove a thing about their views on economics.

Tell us the people in the photos I have posted are left wingers.


We need your seven pounds of brain damage unequivocally documented.

You're too much of an idiot to waste time on.
Coward. You can't do it, because you know they are far right wingers. Your idiocy has been cornered and so you run.



On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.
The retards are ignorant of history. They got themselves all confused when they heard that it was Democrats who were the racists who opposed civil rights more than 50 years ago.

There is a reason why the misinformers who manipulate the rubes have to reach back that far.

The retards can't grasp the fact that the Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago are not the Democrats of today. The Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago were right wing. The retards were kept ignorant of this fact. You never heard "right wingers". You heard "Democrats". This was done purposefully.

As a result of this repetitious brainwashing, the concept of a right wing Democrat is beyond their intellectual capacity.

Those right wing Southern Democrats were the political ancestors of the bigots we see infecting the modern day Republican Party. The Southern Strategy was a little too effective. We are now plagued by their bigoted descendants.

But those old school Southern Democrats would see today's right wing retards as a pack of pussies. Watered down, weak-minded wimps not worthy to lick the soot from their white robes.

Nevertheless, this ignorance of history has made the retards susceptible to all kinds of historical revisionism. Those who manipulated them have successfully managed to conflate "Democrat" and "left wing" as being inseparable through all time.

And once you have them confused on something as ridiculous as that, it is an easy matter to get them to believe "Nazi" and "left wing" are also in the same ward.

When you confront them with a photo that immediately shatters this bullshit myth and identifies Nazis as being right wing, they clamp their hands over their eyes so as to not disturb their distorted and twisted belief system.
I know these Nazis so well that I can break them down into their subgroups. I know them right down to their clothing and musical preferences. I know their stupid little code words and the special flavor of the worms that crawl around in their skulls. I've heard their juvenile poetry and seen their profound confirmation bias in action.

This is how I know the retards who have bought into the "Nazis are left wing" meme are as stunted and as credulous and as stupid as the little nazis themselves.
Wow. You are at least 90 years old. I had no idea. Can you name some of the party members? You do remember their names, right?
Actually, I was taught calculus-based physics by a Nazi when I was stationed in the Deep South. One of Werner von Braun's team that helped put a man on the moon. And I am nowhere near 90. But he was.

Regardless, I am talking about their political descendants in the photos I have posted.

I see you, too, are too cowardly to say they are left wingers. Very telling. That's because you know deep down in your soul they are far right wingers.
I don't even know what photos you're talking about. What difference does it make? Offsprings of Nazi and some former Nazi you know mean you knew the originals intimately? And the system they set in motion? How does that work?
I know these Nazis so well that I can break them down into their subgroups. I know them right down to their clothing and musical preferences. I know their stupid little code words and the special flavor of the worms that crawl around in their skulls. I've heard their juvenile poetry and seen their profound confirmation bias in action.

This is how I know the retards who have bought into the "Nazis are left wing" meme are as stunted and as credulous and as stupid as the little nazis themselves.
Wow. You are at least 90 years old. I had no idea. Can you name some of the party members? You do remember their names, right?
Actually, I was taught calculus-based physics by a Nazi when I was stationed in the Deep South. One of Werner von Braun's team that helped put a man on the moon. And I am nowhere near 90. But he was.

Regardless, I am talking about their political descendants in the photos I have posted.

I see you, too, are too cowardly to say they are left wingers. Very telling. That's because you know deep down in your soul they are far right wingers.
I don't even know what photos you're talking about.

Of course you don't know what photos I am talking about. You had to clamp your eyes over my posts to avoid them, just like a good little blind monkey.

Tell me these are left wingers:





The retards are ignorant of history. They got themselves all confused when they heard that it was Democrats who were the racists who opposed civil rights more than 50 years ago.

There is a reason why the misinformers who manipulate the rubes have to reach back that far.

The retards can't grasp the fact that the Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago are not the Democrats of today. The Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago were right wing. The retards have been ignorant of this fact. The concept of a right wing Democrat is beyond their intellectual capacity.

Both those right wing Southern Democrats were the political ancestors of the bigots we see infecting the modern day Republican Party. The Southern Strategy was a little too effective. We are now plagued by their bigoted descendants.

But those old school Southern Democrats would see today's right wing retards as a pack of pussies. Watered down, weak-minded wimps not worthy to lick the soot from their white robes.

Nevertheless, this ignorance of history has made the retards susceptible to all kinds of historical revisionism. Those who manipulated them have successfully managed to conflate "Democrat" and "left wing" as being inseparable through all time.

And once you have them confused on something as ridiculous as that, it is an easy matter to get them to believe "Nazi" and "left wing" are also in the same ward.

When you confront them with a photo that immediately shatters this bullshit myth and identifies Nazis as being right wing, they clamp their hands over their eyes so as to not disturb their distorted and twisted belief system.
Your photos shows nothing. Those people are just racist. Where is there socioeconomic policy? we know what Hitlers was. Also the people of deep South back in 1960's had legitimate concerns during Cold War that Civil Rights Movement was a communist plot to cause civil disorder in our society. Just saying. Ever listen to MLK talk about wealth redistribution?

Then I guess these people are communist? According to your theory g5000.
I don't even know what photos you're talking about. What difference does it make? Offsprings of Nazi and some former Nazi you know mean you knew the originals intimately? And the system they set in motion? How does that work?
The modern day Nazis adhere to the same principles as Hitler. They still call themselves National Socialists.

So look at the photos in my last post and tell me they are left wingers.
The retards are ignorant of history. They got themselves all confused when they heard that it was Democrats who were the racists who opposed civil rights more than 50 years ago.
Many were. You can't will it away, sorry.
There is a reason why the misinformers who manipulate the rubes have to reach back that far.

The retards can't grasp the fact that the Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago are not the Democrats of today. The Deep South Democrats of 50 years ago were right wing. The retards were kept ignorant of this fact. You never heard "right wingers". You heard "Democrats". This was done purposefully.
The Democrats were racist then and they are racist now. No one focuses on race and divides us more than Democrats. It's what they do, divide and conquer. Rich against poor. white against black, woman against man, straight against gay, etc.
As a result of this repetitious brainwashing, the concept of a right wing Democrat is beyond their intellectual capacity.

Those right wing Southern Democrats were the political ancestors of the bigots we see infecting the modern day Republican Party. The Southern Strategy was a little too effective. We are now plagued by their bigoted descendants.

But those old school Southern Democrats would see today's right wing retards as a pack of pussies. Watered down, weak-minded wimps not worthy to lick the soot from their white robes.
They didn't switch parties, there's no evidence for that. Rather, the Democrats lost favor and Republicans won the south over largely due to a more favorable economic pro business agenda. Just like today.
Nevertheless, this ignorance of history has made the retards susceptible to all kinds of historical revisionism. Those who manipulated them have successfully managed to conflate "Democrat" and "left wing" as being inseparable through all time.

And once you have them confused on something as ridiculous as that, it is an easy matter to get them to believe "Nazi" and "left wing" are also in the same ward.

When you confront them with a photo that immediately shatters this bullshit myth and identifies Nazis as being right wing, they clamp their hands over their eyes so as to not disturb their distorted and twisted belief system.
I knew you guys didn't have the balls.

You can't look at the photos of real Nazis and say they are left wingers.

Because you know they aren't.



"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Now perhaps you can cite the historians who substantiate your view.
Toland does with his 1976 bio of Hitler. He wrote it objectively and it evidences the leftist state of Nazi, Germany.

Another author you never read, I've read all of Toland's books and he never comes close to saying anything like that. Toland would never indulge in petty political dialectics.
But the evidence is there! Ian Kershaw lays it out pretty well too.

Again, authors you never read. Feel free to cite the relevant passages, page number, paragraph, stuff like that. Or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
Hey stupid....you're the one trying to overturn universally accepted history. The burden of proof is entirely on you.....obviously.
Hey stupid, show me where they say it wasn't socialism. YOU made the claim without evidence. I backed up mine.

"Hitler's other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist."

The claim that "racism," "eugenics" "power" and "militarism" are right-wing is totally without any scientific merit. Woodrow Wilson was one of the leading supporters of eugenics in his day. He was also a profound racist.
As has been demonstrated time and time again in this forum, the Nazis opposed capitalism. Just about everything on your list isn't just wrong, it's hilariously wrong and the opposite of the truth.

You are one of the STUPID PARTISAN ASSHOLES and thus have no credibility.
My claims don't rely on my credibility. They rely on indisputable facts.

Your belief that you have some kind of credibility is a belly whopper.



"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Now perhaps you can cite the historians who substantiate your view.
Toland does with his 1976 bio of Hitler. He wrote it objectively and it evidences the leftist state of Nazi, Germany.

Another author you never read, I've read all of Toland's books and he never comes close to saying anything like that. Toland would never indulge in petty political dialectics.
But the evidence is there! Ian Kershaw lays it out pretty well too.

Again, authors you never read. Feel free to cite the relevant passages, page number, paragraph, stuff like that. Or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
I will bet I have read more books on Hitler than you have chum.
Tell us the people in the photos I have posted are left wingers.


We need your seven pounds of brain damage unequivocally documented.

You're too much of an idiot to waste time on.
Coward. You can't do it, because you know they are far right wingers. Your idiocy has been cornered and so you run.



You're such a fucking lying scumbag.

They're only "Right Wingers" because that how Progressives classify them
G5000 is an Eisenhower republican - not a progressive. Just own it. Just because Hitler was right wing doesn't mean that you and your ilk will be sending people to the gas chambers.

g5000 is a lying scumbag and he's an "Eisenhower Republican" like Starkey is a Republican.

Hitler was a government control, top down left winger, through and through. You had Hitler, Stalin and Mao all trying out different brands of left Wing Totalitarianism governance

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it because you have done nothing to substantiate your alleged argument......nothing.
I don't even know what photos you're talking about. What difference does it make? Offsprings of Nazi and some former Nazi you know mean you knew the originals intimately? And the system they set in motion? How does that work?
The modern day Nazis adhere to the same principles as Hitler. They still call themselves National Socialists.

So look at the photos in my last post and tell me they are left wingers.
They might call themselves Christian too. It takes a little perspective. IF they are like 1940s Nazis then they are socialists. I do not consider socialism right wing and I reject your characterization that right wing means racist. That's a bullshit assertion you can't back up.

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