HOAX? What is a hoax if not a lie or a misrepresentation of facts?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

So as you can CLEARLY see Democrats portrayed the virus as NO BIG DEAL as they begged the public to continue business as usual despite the risks. Of course they later changed their positions and began treating the virus as the BLACK PLAGUE. From one extreme to the other. That set of facts makes their accusations against Trump a TOTAL HOAX.

Also as outlined in the last video you can see that Trump TRIED to get our infectious disease experts on the ground in China but China refused. This too has been a line of attack by the left that is based on a HOAX (aka lie) that Trump didn't try early enough.

None of this absolves our government (led by Trump) of the mistakes they did make (for example not social distancing at events) but it VERY EASILY explains how democrats used this situation as a political weapon which makes their response a hoax(lie).

Now fast forward to today as the virus begins a resurgence and what do we see from the left as they blast Trump for his response?
Nancy Pelosi Gets Heat for Unmasked Hair Salon Visit

If you want to pursue a line of attack against someone you better make damn sure you're living up to the standards you expect from others.
Here's an example of the hoax from the media...

He supposedly had the virus and was "quarantining" except that he didn't. Not only did he endanger the public (if he actually had it) he endangered his own children.

But, you know, it was Trumps fault!
Here is another GREAT EXAMPLE.

Watch as Biden blasts Trump for his Chinese travel ban while he stands in the middle of an audience that isn't social distancing or wearing masks....

Unfortunately very few people hold their side to the standard they hold the other side to. It's why the country is in the mess it is in.
so you know the issue you just don't do any thi g about it
Yet, the rank a file simply parrot all the de rigueur talking points of the day with absolutely no awareness that they are ever shifting.

So as you can CLEARLY see Democrats portrayed the virus as NO BIG DEAL as they begged the public to continue business as usual despite the risks. Of course they later changed their positions and began treating the virus as the BLACK PLAGUE. From one extreme to the other. That set of facts makes their accusations against Trump a TOTAL HOAX.

Also as outlined in the last video you can see that Trump TRIED to get our infectious disease experts on the ground in China but China refused. This too has been a line of attack by the left that is based on a HOAX (aka lie) that Trump didn't try early enough.

None of this absolves our government (led by Trump) of the mistakes they did make (for example not social distancing at events) but it VERY EASILY explains how democrats used this situation as a political weapon which makes their response a hoax(lie).

Now fast forward to today as the virus begins a resurgence and what do we see from the left as they blast Trump for his response?
Nancy Pelosi Gets Heat for Unmasked Hair Salon Visit

If you want to pursue a line of attack against someone you better make damn sure you're living up to the standards you expect from others.

It started with Russia collusion, It was the Clinton Foundation that took tens of millions of dollars from Russia. It was 0bama and his administration that sold Russia our uranium. This is proof democRats are stupid or treasonous. Crusty Joe holds aid from Ukraine until he is paid millions and his son given a job paying more cash he knows nothing about. When Trump wants it investigated he is impeached in a show of Trump haters that know nothing. The actions by this party these last 5 years are nothing but criminal and yet not one has answered for their crimes.

I keep hearing there will be justice but have yet to see any. Five years since hillary put our secrets out there for any one to see to cover her pay to play treason. Four years since a criminal Attorney General, FBI, and CIA heads conspired to over throw a president and nothing. The out right lying of democrats in Congress given center stage by the media to sling their lies nightly. Do we allow this crap or take up arms on these rabid criminal acts. He is not a punching bag he is our president.

So as you can CLEARLY see Democrats portrayed the virus as NO BIG DEAL as they begged the public to continue business as usual despite the risks. Of course they later changed their positions and began treating the virus as the BLACK PLAGUE. From one extreme to the other. That set of facts makes their accusations against Trump a TOTAL HOAX.

Also as outlined in the last video you can see that Trump TRIED to get our infectious disease experts on the ground in China but China refused. This too has been a line of attack by the left that is based on a HOAX (aka lie) that Trump didn't try early enough.

None of this absolves our government (led by Trump) of the mistakes they did make (for example not social distancing at events) but it VERY EASILY explains how democrats used this situation as a political weapon which makes their response a hoax(lie).

Now fast forward to today as the virus begins a resurgence and what do we see from the left as they blast Trump for his response?
Nancy Pelosi Gets Heat for Unmasked Hair Salon Visit

If you want to pursue a line of attack against someone you better make damn sure you're living up to the standards you expect from others.

It started with Russia collusion, It was the Clinton Foundation that took tens of millions of dollars from Russia. It was 0bama and his administration that sold Russia our uranium. This is proof democRats are stupid or treasonous. Crusty Joe holds aid from Ukraine until he is paid millions and his son given a job paying more cash he knows nothing about. When Trump wants it investigated he is impeached in a show of Trump haters that know nothing. The actions by this party these last 5 years are nothing but criminal and yet not one has answered for their crimes.

I keep hearing there will be justice but have yet to see any. Five years since hillary put our secrets out there for any one to see to cover her pay to play treason. Four years since a criminal Attorney General, FBI, and CIA heads conspired to over throw a president and nothing. The out right lying of democrats in Congress given center stage by the media to sling their lies nightly. Do we allow this crap or take up arms on these rabid criminal acts. He is not a punching bag he is our president.

With the exception of taking up arms I agree
Unfortunately very few people hold their side to the standard they hold the other side to. It's why the country is in the mess it is in.
So, start holding your side to a standard, already.

Sorry, what is my side?
Extremist left from what I have gathered.

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd amendment. I believe in keeping the electoral college. I believe we need to balance the budget.

What makes me an extreme leftist? That I acknowledge very few have any principles that they hold regardless of party?

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