Holocaust History

Today is capitalism. And it's results.

Oh, so you are admitting that Russian aircraft are crap, and their national Carrier only bought them because they had to? That they bought Western aircraft because they were better and cheaper?

And is modern Russia not "Capitalist?"

Boy, you are really failing bad when you are trying to use propaganda from over 3 decades ago.
Ringo and Mushroom, I feel that your discussion has gone totally away from discussing the Holocaust. Please start a new thread and continue your discussion. Thank you.
This weekend we reported in the Observer that Lord Pickles, the UK Special Envoy on Post-Holocaust Issues, had ordered an official inquiry into wartime atrocities committed on the tiny Channel Island of Alderney. An international panel of experts will review evidence of the Holocaust on British soil and determine how many died.

Eighty years on from this dark chapter in British history, this inquiry is long overdue.

Beyond a small group of dedicated journalists, campaigners, and academics, how many in Britain knew that the SS ran at least one concentration camp on an island in the English Channel? How many knew that at least one transport of hundreds of French Jews arrived at Alderney from Drancy, the notorious Paris transit camp used to deport so many Jews to Auschwitz?

Several thousand people were imprisoned on Alderney with the German camps operating under a system of “Vernichtung Durch Arbeit” (Extermination Through Labour), but what happened to them? Forensic archaeology has established there are mass graves on the island. But how many and who is buried there? And why was nobody prosecuted for war crimes committed after the Nazis were defeated?

These questions cry out for answers, but before now, the authorities appear to have been reluctant to scratch too deeply in case something truly disturbing was uncovered.

All those who died and suffered on Alderney deserve to be memorialised: Russians and Ukrainians and also the North Africans, Spanish Republicans and Jehovah’s Witnesses imprisoned by the Nazi occupiers.

But when the panel begins its deliberations, it will be crucial that the true extent of Jewish suffering on Alderney is finally examined.

The post-war picture of Alderney as simply a labour camp for the Soviet prisoners working on Hitler’s Atlantic Wall has turned out to be a convenient over-simplification. Alderney must now be recognised beyond question as a site of the Holocaust and, quite possibly, Guernsey and Jersey too. Jewish representation on the expert panel will therefore be essential.

Officially, only eight Jews died on Alderney but even the most cautious academics recognise this figure falls a long way short of the number of people murdered on the island or sent on to extermination camps elsewhere.

After more than two decades of investigative journalism, it is rare that a story still has the power to shock us, particularly one that is 80 years old. But the horrors of Alderney and the failure to bring the perpetrators to justice have genuinely stopped us in our tracks.

It is too late for those who suffered and lost their lives on Alderney to find justice, but the very least we can do is recognise the full scale of the atrocities committed on British soil, however painful that may be.

I have been seeing a lot of article and threads on the Holocaust but have not found one which deals with the History, before, during and after. Therefore I am starting one now.

Any Holocaust denier is welcome to post and discuss here. Discuss, not attack, or troll. Proof that it did not happen, just post it.

It is important to tell History as it happened. Lets go at it.
You want to see what happened before the Holocaust, then just look at Israel today! That's what happened! Only this time, Israel is the Nazis and the Pals are the Jews.
Interesting information for those idiots,who keep claiming, that there are no nazis in Ukraine because they have a jewish president.
Nobody says that there are no nazis in Ukraine.
Nazis are all over the world, in all continents, in all countries.

The point was that some people were accusing Zelensky of being a Nazi, which he is not.
Nobody says that there are no nazis in Ukraine.
Nazis are all over the world, in all continents, in all countries.

The point was that some people were accusing Zelensky of being a Nazi, which he is not.
as far as I know----Ukrainians have a long history of anti semitism which included
cooperation with the german nazi program during world war II Some elements
have used the fact to libel the Ukraine NOW. It's POLITICS
as far as I know----Ukrainians have a long history of anti semitism which included
cooperation with the german nazi program during world war II Some elements
have used the fact to libel the Ukraine NOW. It's POLITICS
I know. This was Putin's excuse as to why he invaded Ukraine, long after he invaded it. To "hunt" nazis down. He should have started in his own backyard.

Nothing but an excuse.
Hans Hochstöger remembers the Austrian village of Hofamt Priel as an idyllic place. He grew up in this bucolic setting an hour away from Vienna, with farmhouses that are in calm contrast to the Austrian capital.

From his teenage years onward, however, Hochstöger’s perception of his hometown was shattered when he learned about its World War II history. In May 1945, during the closing days of the war in Europe, over 200 Jews were murdered in Hofamt Priel. Now Hochstöger has made a film about the tragedy, “Endphase,” which attributes the mass killing to the SS and posits that it might have been the largest and last such atrocity in the area. First screened in Austria two years ago, the film was recently shown in the UK.

“We knew that something bad happened in our village,” said 40-year-old Hochstöger, who worked on the film with his 30-year-old brother Tobias Hochstöger. “But actually, I was never aware of the scale of the massacre… I actually was not aware it was so close to the end of the war.”

(full article online)


A Forward investigation found that there are more than 300 statues and memorials honoring Holocaust perpetrators around the world, including many in the United States. Like Confederate statues erected after the Civil War, these monuments rewrite history and inspire new generations of racists and antisemites.

Watch a conversation with investigative journalist Lev Golinkin, who broke the Nazi monument story; Lionel Kimble, Vice President of Programs for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History; and Forward National Editor Rob Eshman for a tour of these memorials and a look at their impact.
A Jewish child is separated from his family as he is about to be sent to another concentration camp, 1942

Seen here is a child who is about to be sent to the Chełmno concentration camp. Chełmno was a killing centre which was located in west central Poland. It was used to execute Jews who were living in Poland, Luxembourg and Germany. This child was sent there as part of the "Gehsperre Aktion".


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