Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Infrastructure is another area where we ALL should have commonality and we all should make a priority....
I have listed many projects that need repair in this country..........time and time again........................but only if they account for any dang penny of it...............

Then get attacked by the wacks like Mathew saying we are against it all the time.............Same damned rhetoric Democratic politicians do and the media.........

What is my reaction to that when they freaking lie....................Normally I flip them off..................but that is just me.

Perhaps they can stop lying their little asses off...............then I might respect what they have to say.

Obama tried to make infrastructure a priority, but Congress wouldn't fund it with enough. We're running out of time.
Infrastructure is another area where we ALL should have commonality and we all should make a priority....
I have listed many projects that need repair in this country..........time and time again........................but only if they account for any dang penny of it...............

Then get attacked by the wacks like Mathew saying we are against it all the time.............Same damned rhetoric Democratic politicians do and the media.........

What is my reaction to that when they freaking lie....................Normally I flip them off..................but that is just me.

Perhaps they can stop lying their little asses off...............then I might respect what they have to say.

Obama tried to make infrastructure a priority, but Congress wouldn't fund it with enough. We're running out of time.
Baloney....................787 Billion.................pffft....................a freaking child could have done a better job with the money.............
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Thanks liberals...we needs more of this shit too so we can erode traditional family values.
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade
She's obviously a backwards homophobe.
Voters in California reject same sex marriage and High Court nullified their voice. Donald Trump wins election and now liberals are out to nullify those people who supported him voices.

Yes liberal media, liberal campus professoriate, and liberal Democrats are trying to nullify the results of the 2016 election. People are not going to stand for it. They need to accept him as their POTUS.

You don't have a clue in the world what "Liberal" even means, do ya Wimpy?

That wimp in your avatar did. That's why he deliberately polluted the term.
It started with Clinton. The right had a massive hissy fit and couldn't believe a serial womaniser, hick-sounding throw back won the election. So they gave it to him. Constantly. Then in came Dubya so the left reciprocated. In spades. Then a nigra had the audacity to get elected so all the redneck Deplorables went bat shit. So as if to double down, the Deplorables went for the jackpot with the biggest loser to ever enter western politics. The Orange Buffoon. It's not going away any time soon, and it's NOT due to the media. It's in spite of, because the biggest media whore of all is the serial Twitter (no, that is not a typo, I don't mean Tweeter, because the guy is a TWIT) nutcase, Trumplethinskin...
If a person is stopped because of profiling, how would they know that? Yes, they do use militaristic styles to get people to listen and understand they mean business. If you don't agree with a police officers demands or attitude, you take that up after the fact, not during. You can file a complaint with the officers supervisor. You can contact the Mayor of that city. You can contact your local news media. But what you don't do is challenge the officer in the street. That's what gets people killed.

If you don't listen to the orders of a police officer, it's nobody's fault but your own. If you are harmed because you didn't listen to the orders of the officer, you brought that upon yourself.

If you are a white middle class male you have no way of understanding the anger a person gets when they are pulled over or stopped on the street by a law enforcement official for profiling.

You also don't understand the difference between military style and professionalism. And no, no unarmed person deserves to be killed by a cop for questioning a cop's motives. There are too many less than lethal alternatives out there for that to happen as often as it does. Almost every cop these days not only carries a gun, but a taser as well.

I saw a startling statistic the other day. Do you have any idea how many unarmed people have been killed by cops in the entire country of Iceland in its history? 1.

I'm all about police officer safety... I've always defended police officer's and how dangerous the job is. Hell the most dangerous calls for a police officer to respond to isn't a robbery, or an assault, it's a domestic disturbance. Hell, look at the Keyhoe Brothers traffic stop in Ohio year's ago and recent ambush shootings, but something has to change, and that change is that Law Enforcement officers have to become professional, fair, and just... and in turn more people will regain trust in them and start to respond better.

If you REALLY care about the situation, you'll read more and do more actual research instead of just getting pissed on a forum. This is a much deeper subject than you realize.

I don't get pissed. If I came here to get pissed off, that would be the dumbest thing to do.

Bad news for you, I am white and I have been profiled several times in my life. I just listened to authority and did exactly as they said. Never had a problem.

Nobody got killed for questioning a cops motives. People got killed by putting an officer in a precarious situation which is why they have police procedure in the first place; it protects the suspect and the officer at the same time.

When a police officer tells you to freeze, it's for that reason. When a police officer asks for identification, it's for that reason. When a police officer asks you to sit down on the curb, it's for that reason. When a police officer orders you to put your hands on the dash board, it's for that reason.

There is no law that states a person has to be armed to use deadly force against them. In my state, if somebody gets pissed off at me, approaches my car, busts my window out to get even for some road rage, I have the legal right to use my firearm against that person even if he's not armed himself. I have the same right to use deadly force against a person who attacks me and not armed. That's why George Zimmerman is a free man today.

If a private citizen has these rights, why should a police officer not?

Ok, obviously you don't get it, and you think you know everything about law enforcement from personal experience. Good luck with that.

Correct, I don't get it. I don't get how anybody can ignore a simple solution to a simple problem.

Exactly, you don't get it. Glad you can admit that. ;)

I'm going to ask a serious question, how many actual books that have to do with law enforcement or criminal justice have you read in your life time?

Why would that matter? I know the law pertaining to deadly force which is the discussion, and I had to take a 10 hour class (plus 2 hours on the firing range) to get my license to carry (and use) a deadly weapon in public. Much of the class was on the law, instances of a CCW holder using a firearm both legal and non-legal.

You don't need to read law books to follow the news of police shootings. Most all of them are justified by our laws. And as I stated, I am a white middle-class person who has been profiled in the past. No matter the attitude of the authority involved, I simply obeyed they commands and in most cases, ended up laughing with the officer involved.

You want to see real police action in work? Come to my neighborhood sometime. If not, watch the show C.O.P.S on Spike TV to understand what I'm talking about.
That will never stop, imho. Divide and conquer is their MO

------------- and there it is again. "Divide and conquer is their MO". Because its "us" and "them" but it's "they" who's divisive.


It's stupefying that people can post stuff like this and be completely oblivious to the demonstration of their own hypocrisy.

Summed up here in six words. Oblivious. SMFH
The democrats view this behavior as winning. They don't really care how many die so long as they win.
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.
I just wish we all could have these kind of discussions without it becoming a name calling, bashing thread.
I would probably faint if that ever happened though.
If you are a white middle class male you have no way of understanding the anger a person gets when they are pulled over or stopped on the street by a law enforcement official for profiling.

You also don't understand the difference between military style and professionalism. And no, no unarmed person deserves to be killed by a cop for questioning a cop's motives. There are too many less than lethal alternatives out there for that to happen as often as it does. Almost every cop these days not only carries a gun, but a taser as well.

I saw a startling statistic the other day. Do you have any idea how many unarmed people have been killed by cops in the entire country of Iceland in its history? 1.

I'm all about police officer safety... I've always defended police officer's and how dangerous the job is. Hell the most dangerous calls for a police officer to respond to isn't a robbery, or an assault, it's a domestic disturbance. Hell, look at the Keyhoe Brothers traffic stop in Ohio year's ago and recent ambush shootings, but something has to change, and that change is that Law Enforcement officers have to become professional, fair, and just... and in turn more people will regain trust in them and start to respond better.

If you REALLY care about the situation, you'll read more and do more actual research instead of just getting pissed on a forum. This is a much deeper subject than you realize.

I don't get pissed. If I came here to get pissed off, that would be the dumbest thing to do.

Bad news for you, I am white and I have been profiled several times in my life. I just listened to authority and did exactly as they said. Never had a problem.

Nobody got killed for questioning a cops motives. People got killed by putting an officer in a precarious situation which is why they have police procedure in the first place; it protects the suspect and the officer at the same time.

When a police officer tells you to freeze, it's for that reason. When a police officer asks for identification, it's for that reason. When a police officer asks you to sit down on the curb, it's for that reason. When a police officer orders you to put your hands on the dash board, it's for that reason.

There is no law that states a person has to be armed to use deadly force against them. In my state, if somebody gets pissed off at me, approaches my car, busts my window out to get even for some road rage, I have the legal right to use my firearm against that person even if he's not armed himself. I have the same right to use deadly force against a person who attacks me and not armed. That's why George Zimmerman is a free man today.

If a private citizen has these rights, why should a police officer not?

Ok, obviously you don't get it, and you think you know everything about law enforcement from personal experience. Good luck with that.

Correct, I don't get it. I don't get how anybody can ignore a simple solution to a simple problem.

Exactly, you don't get it. Glad you can admit that. ;)

I'm going to ask a serious question, how many actual books that have to do with law enforcement or criminal justice have you read in your life time?

Why would that matter? I know the law pertaining to deadly force which is the discussion, and I had to take a 10 hour class (plus 2 hours on the firing range) to get my license to carry (and use) a deadly weapon in public. Much of the class was on the law, instances of a CCW holder using a firearm both legal and non-legal.

You don't need to read law books to follow the news of police shootings. Most all of them are justified by our laws. And as I stated, I am a white middle-class person who has been profiled in the past. No matter the attitude of the authority involved, I simply obeyed they commands and in most cases, ended up laughing with the officer involved.

You want to see real police action in work? Come to my neighborhood sometime. If not, watch the show C.O.P.S on Spike TV to understand what I'm talking about.

"Why does it matter?" Right there tells me all I need to know. If you don't understand the root of the issues, the theories, the studies, the statistics, the experts opinions, the history... then you have no clue what you are even arguing about.

Use of lethal force by a citizen is not what we were talking about.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

"We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party). "

Okay, the guy wanted to kill a bunch of Republicans. He was a Bernie fan and reportedly had just watched a livestream of Bernie's speech a couple days ago where Bernie called Trump dangerous and said he must be stopped.

Liberals are enjoying a play about the murder of Trump.

Pelosi, Hillary and other libs have not let up on the rhetoric and continue to claim that people must fight against the Trump administration. They've all used nasty words, claiming Trump is dangerous or crazy and want all their little mindless followers to believe they are in mortal danger unless they strike. The violent has continued since the riots and attacks in the street. The leaders of the Dem party have done nothing but use more vitriol to ramp up the violence and they are fully aware that many lunatics are following their every word.

We did not see Republicans attacking anyone, burning down cities or otherwise destroying neighborhoods. The left owns this shit.

When Gabby Giffords was shot by a crazed fan of hers, the left immediately blamed it on rhetoric that was no where near what we are hearing these days from the left.

When idiots like Kathy Griffin think it will earn them cool points to pose with a bloody head of Trump, it's not hard to see the message people are getting.

The play depicting the murder of Trump is one of the most vicious things I've seen since the assassination movie where Bush was killed. The left does these things and calls it art.

Obama talked as if rioters were justified for attacking people, looting stores and burning everything down.

Obama also supported the cop killers when he choose to make them sound righteous and claiming we have a cop problem instead of a thug problem.

When the left decides to stop hiring rioters to burn down neighborhoods and stops supporting violent movies, plays and rhetoric, maybe they will be taken seriously when they ask the right to tone it down.

The violent mobs over the last 8 years have been leftwing and funded by the likes of Soros.
I just wish we all could have these kind of discussions without it becoming a name calling, bashing thread.
I would probably faint if that ever happened though.

If you want civil discourse I suggest you get out of political threads............

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

It IS the inherent instability and duopoly collusion of just TWO parties that is the problem. It's NOT the people. More voices are required to DISENGAGE the 2 warring sides and REMIND folks of what's right --- and what is wrong. And that WINNING and obtaining power is NOT the primary job of governance..
The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?
The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?

Yes, why would you give up having an advantage? Clearly it's not about fairness, clearly it's not about getting rid of something that is so toxic that it's destroying the country bit by bit every day.

You'd rather cling to power and see the country in decline, than fix the problems.

Yes, history repeats itself over and over and over and people continue to make the same mistakes.
Deporting illegals who commit violent crimes shouldn't be held up forever and they certainly should not be released - deportation should be decided within no more than a month. So right there - Democrats could work with the Republicans.

They "could" is the word at hand.

Democrats are on a campaign to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Given the fact that all minority groups today vote a majority Democrat, the plan is to turn our nation into a single-party government, so don't look for Democrats to side with Republicans on the immigration issue. Just look at the Democrat cities and states opposing sanctuary city defunding. Look at the Democrat courts that ruled it unconstitutional even though the constitution doesn't have any references to immigration.
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