Holy crap - this has to stop!

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

It IS the inherent instability and duopoly collusion of just TWO parties that is the problem. It's NOT the people. More voices are required to DISENGAGE the 2 warring sides and REMIND folks of what's right --- and what is wrong. And that WINNING and obtaining power is NOT the primary job of governance..
Drain the Swamp.....................Self Serving Politicians who serve their own self interest over the people...................until that is done.....

Not gonna happen
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

It IS the inherent instability and duopoly collusion of just TWO parties that is the problem. It's NOT the people. More voices are required to DISENGAGE the 2 warring sides and REMIND folks of what's right --- and what is wrong. And that WINNING and obtaining power is NOT the primary job of governance..
Agreed. But it seems to me that most 'democracies' end up with more or less a two party system, usually with fringe parties operating on the margins and never gaining enough support to grow. This is what we seem to vote for - often because of a certain amount of protest voting - but we get what we vote for, don't we?
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The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?

Yes, why would you give up having an advantage? Clearly it's not about fairness, clearly it's not about getting rid of something that is so toxic that it's destroying the country bit by bit every day.

You'd rather cling to power and see the country in decline, than fix the problems.

Yes, history repeats itself over and over and over and people continue to make the same mistakes.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
Good luck with that.
Deporting illegals who commit violent crimes shouldn't be held up forever and they certainly should not be released - deportation should be decided within no more than a month. So right there - Democrats could work with the Republicans.

They "could" is the word at hand.

Democrats are on a campaign to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Given the fact that all minority groups today vote a majority Democrat, the plan is to turn our nation into a single-party government, so don't look for Democrats to side with Republicans on the immigration issue. Just look at the Democrat cities and states opposing sanctuary city defunding. Look at the Democrat courts that ruled it unconstitutional even though the constitution doesn't have any references to immigration.

I don't think so. And a big reason is - many hispanics are culturally very conservative and religious. They could as easily vote Republican.

Also, many of those in the forefront of the sanctuary city movement, and opposing deportations are people typically associated with the right - people of faith. I think the issue is about more than "bring in the voters" and reducing it to that ignores the ethical and moral issues.
The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?

Yes, why would you give up having an advantage? Clearly it's not about fairness, clearly it's not about getting rid of something that is so toxic that it's destroying the country bit by bit every day.

You'd rather cling to power and see the country in decline, than fix the problems.

Yes, history repeats itself over and over and over and people continue to make the same mistakes.

If we went to popular vote instead of the colleges, that would mean major Democrat cities and states would overrule the vote of the rest of the country.

Our founders never wanted that. They wanted equality across the land. So much like having a governmental system of 2 Senators per state regardless of population, colleges serve as an equity to states that are less populated.

New York city has 7 million people. The entire state of Idaho has 1.5 million people. Popular vote would mean that one city in the US has more power than four entire states like Idaho in the union. Is that what you are suggesting?
Deporting illegals who commit violent crimes shouldn't be held up forever and they certainly should not be released - deportation should be decided within no more than a month. So right there - Democrats could work with the Republicans.

They "could" is the word at hand.

Democrats are on a campaign to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Given the fact that all minority groups today vote a majority Democrat, the plan is to turn our nation into a single-party government, so don't look for Democrats to side with Republicans on the immigration issue. Just look at the Democrat cities and states opposing sanctuary city defunding. Look at the Democrat courts that ruled it unconstitutional even though the constitution doesn't have any references to immigration.

I don't think so. And a big reason is - many hispanics are culturally very conservative and religious. They could as easily vote Republican.

Also, many of those in the forefront of the sanctuary city movement, and opposing deportations are people typically associated with the right - people of faith. I think the issue is about more than "bring in the voters" and reducing it to that ignores the ethical and moral issues.
Ethical and moral...........was that a laugh line?
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.

Personally, I ain't diving for no foxholes in the Dem/Rep camp.. TODAY -- the winner was Bernie Sanders. A guy with leadership qualities and humility. He lacks a lot in the "how things work" dept -- but I can depend on him to stand in the Big Middle and fight for REAL dialogue and REAL change.

So -- increasingly, all MY time is in clawing back ballot access from the 2 dynasty parties and ENCOURAGING as many voices and choices as can be heard above the noise. Because the general finger pointing in the nation and this thread has to be SILENCED. Day after day from where I sit -- it's looking like a tribal confrontation between 2 primitive spear shaking tribes of New Guinea cannibals.. And the way you stop that -- is to have a 3rd and 4th tribe show up and RECLAIM the leadership... Or some alien culture drop out of the sky to REMIND them all, that have to WORK, live their LIVES, and count LESS on their tribal Chieftains.
Deporting illegals who commit violent crimes shouldn't be held up forever and they certainly should not be released - deportation should be decided within no more than a month. So right there - Democrats could work with the Republicans.

They "could" is the word at hand.

Democrats are on a campaign to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Given the fact that all minority groups today vote a majority Democrat, the plan is to turn our nation into a single-party government, so don't look for Democrats to side with Republicans on the immigration issue. Just look at the Democrat cities and states opposing sanctuary city defunding. Look at the Democrat courts that ruled it unconstitutional even though the constitution doesn't have any references to immigration.

I don't think so. And a big reason is - many hispanics are culturally very conservative and religious. They could as easily vote Republican.

Also, many of those in the forefront of the sanctuary city movement, and opposing deportations are people typically associated with the right - people of faith. I think the issue is about more than "bring in the voters" and reducing it to that ignores the ethical and moral issues.

No way. People on the right are for deporting people that will weaken our electoral system. It's Democrats that are all for it because they would be the ones getting the advantage.

So can you tell me what the Hispanic vote was per party the last election? The election before that? The election before that?

Look at the man behind the curtain. He tells you that his motives are for compassion, when they are really for ultimate power.
Deporting illegals who commit violent crimes shouldn't be held up forever and they certainly should not be released - deportation should be decided within no more than a month. So right there - Democrats could work with the Republicans.

They "could" is the word at hand.

Democrats are on a campaign to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Given the fact that all minority groups today vote a majority Democrat, the plan is to turn our nation into a single-party government, so don't look for Democrats to side with Republicans on the immigration issue. Just look at the Democrat cities and states opposing sanctuary city defunding. Look at the Democrat courts that ruled it unconstitutional even though the constitution doesn't have any references to immigration.

I don't think so. And a big reason is - many hispanics are culturally very conservative and religious. They could as easily vote Republican.

Also, many of those in the forefront of the sanctuary city movement, and opposing deportations are people typically associated with the right - people of faith. I think the issue is about more than "bring in the voters" and reducing it to that ignores the ethical and moral issues.

Santuary Cities are flagrant violators of our immigration laws...........................You don't get to pick and chose laws you choose to obey in a Nation of Laws...............If you don't like the laws...........then change them...............until then you should enforce them..........

Sanctuary cities are a clear violation of our republic.
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.

Personally, I ain't diving for no foxholes in the Dem/Rep camp.. TODAY -- the winner was Bernie Sanders. A guy with leadership qualities and humility. He lacks a lot in the "how things work" dept -- but I can depend on him to stand in the Big Middle and fight for REAL dialogue and REAL change.

So -- increasingly, all MY time is in clawing back ballot access from the 2 dynasty parties and ENCOURAGING as many voices and choices as can be heard above the noise. Because the general finger pointing in the nation and this thread has to be SILENCED. Day after day from where I sit -- it's looking like a tribal confrontation between 2 primitive New Guinea tribes of cannibals.. And the way you stop that -- is to have a 3rd and 4th tribe show up and RECLAIM the leadership... Or some alien culture drop out of the sky to REMIND them all, that have to WORK, live their LIVES, and count LESS on their tribal Chieftains.
Never going to happen....
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

Now if only the Senior USMB moderator (who is that) would suspend the obvious racists and other people who said liberals would be partying at this news (hint; his name is Geaux4it ).

Why you guys give a megaphone to garbage like that, I’ll never know.
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.

Personally, I ain't diving for no foxholes in the Dem/Rep camp.. TODAY -- the winner was Bernie Sanders. A guy with leadership qualities and humility. He lacks a lot in the "how things work" dept -- but I can depend on him to stand in the Big Middle and fight for REAL dialogue and REAL change.

So -- increasingly, all MY time is in clawing back ballot access from the 2 dynasty parties and ENCOURAGING as many voices and choices as can be heard above the noise. Because the general finger pointing in the nation and this thread has to be SILENCED. Day after day from where I sit -- it's looking like a tribal confrontation between 2 primitive spear shaking tribes of New Guinea cannibals.. And the way you stop that -- is to have a 3rd and 4th tribe show up and RECLAIM the leadership... Or some alien culture drop out of the sky to REMIND them all, that have to WORK, live their LIVES, and count LESS on their tribal Chieftains.
Thousands will die Bernie said.......guy is a joke
I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.

Personally, I ain't diving for no foxholes in the Dem/Rep camp.. TODAY -- the winner was Bernie Sanders. A guy with leadership qualities and humility. He lacks a lot in the "how things work" dept -- but I can depend on him to stand in the Big Middle and fight for REAL dialogue and REAL change.

So -- increasingly, all MY time is in clawing back ballot access from the 2 dynasty parties and ENCOURAGING as many voices and choices as can be heard above the noise. Because the general finger pointing in the nation and this thread has to be SILENCED. Day after day from where I sit -- it's looking like a tribal confrontation between 2 primitive spear shaking tribes of New Guinea cannibals.. And the way you stop that -- is to have a 3rd and 4th tribe show up and RECLAIM the leadership... Or some alien culture drop out of the sky to REMIND them all, that have to WORK, live their LIVES, and count LESS on their tribal Chieftains.
Thousands will die Bernie said.......guy is a joke

The guy is a decent man with principles he sticks to.
The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?

Yes, why would you give up having an advantage? Clearly it's not about fairness, clearly it's not about getting rid of something that is so toxic that it's destroying the country bit by bit every day.

You'd rather cling to power and see the country in decline, than fix the problems.

Yes, history repeats itself over and over and over and people continue to make the same mistakes.

Do you know me?
Sanctuary cities are a clear violation of our republic.

And remember who stopped Katie's law. The law that would imprison immigrants who were felons but returned to the states anyway.

The Democrats can fool their own, but they can't fool us.
Makes sense to send away the
The right has it better, they can get presidents without a majority, they're never going to give that up, even if it means the country declines

Why would we give that up? It's been that way since the founding of this country. Or are you suggesting that we should give that up because Democrats are losing that way?

Yes, why would you give up having an advantage? Clearly it's not about fairness, clearly it's not about getting rid of something that is so toxic that it's destroying the country bit by bit every day.

You'd rather cling to power and see the country in decline, than fix the problems.

Yes, history repeats itself over and over and over and people continue to make the same mistakes.

Do you know me?
Yup............see your leftist skirt all the time.......................
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

It IS the inherent instability and duopoly collusion of just TWO parties that is the problem. It's NOT the people. More voices are required to DISENGAGE the 2 warring sides and REMIND folks of what's right --- and what is wrong. And that WINNING and obtaining power is NOT the primary job of governance..
Agreed. But it seems to me that most 'democracies' end up with more or less a two party system, usually with fringe parties operating on the margins and never gaining enough support to grow. This is what we seem to vote for - often because of a certain amount of protest voting - but we get what we vote for, don't we?

You don't NEED submission and dominance. You only need a few key voices to upset the monolithic walls of protection that the 2 parties have built. Just FIVE INDEPENDENT folks in Congress can make the difference in every key vote... Look at Sanders. Not EVEN a loyal Dem. He can SPEAK FREELY without fear of retribution from his 4 party masters in Congress that make EVERY decision on the Hill. You've got over 500 representatives that CANNOT speak their minds without retribution from party power.

What do you THINK happens to any Congress Critterr that actually thinks and expresses themselves independently NOW??? THAT's the fucking problem you solve by not running to DOMINATE and consolidate ALL of the power in one place at a time....
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