Homeless in a hurricane

The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Reuters) - Craig Uggen stopped short in his white Ford truck on Friday as gusting winds from Hurricane Harvey pushed waves from Corpus Christi Bay over the road. His anxiety rose with the water, now covering half his front wheels.

As he backed onto higher ground, another gust ripped the camper from his truck bed. Uggen had lived in that camper on the beach for the past year.

"I can't believe I dropped my home in the damn street," he would say minutes later, shocked at finding himself homeless on Friday with a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on this working-class South Texas city.

The man in the cab next to him, who would only give his name as Travis, had started the day homeless. Uggen had offered to shelter him in his camper when the two met at a convenience store just an hour before.

Their predicament highlights how quickly a natural disaster can make life desperate for those on the margins of society. Travis had planned to stay in Uggen's camper in part because he believed all the city's shelters were closed or full.

He was almost correct. Only one shelter, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, remained open as the most powerful storm to hit Texas since 1961 approached.


One of the men has a home, but went in his camper to live on the beach for a year......
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.


What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

Many times it's those that did the most to cause their situations that need the most help.

I have an idea. You used things that someone else provided. Why don't you reach into your own pocket and buy them instead of begging others to do it for you. It's the same mentality you bleeding hearts use with anything you say you support. You find others to fund it for you. It's one thing if someone voluntarily gives it to you to
Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

I know it's just silly wishful thinking, but I would like to give each of them at least one face to face opportunity to give people like conservative65 a big F**K YOU. Since I know it will never happen, I do it for them every chance I get.

You've looked me in the face, BOY and said that? It's wishful thinking on your part that you have the guts to do it.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Reuters) - Craig Uggen stopped short in his white Ford truck on Friday as gusting winds from Hurricane Harvey pushed waves from Corpus Christi Bay over the road. His anxiety rose with the water, now covering half his front wheels.

As he backed onto higher ground, another gust ripped the camper from his truck bed. Uggen had lived in that camper on the beach for the past year.

"I can't believe I dropped my home in the damn street," he would say minutes later, shocked at finding himself homeless on Friday with a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on this working-class South Texas city.

The man in the cab next to him, who would only give his name as Travis, had started the day homeless. Uggen had offered to shelter him in his camper when the two met at a convenience store just an hour before.

Their predicament highlights how quickly a natural disaster can make life desperate for those on the margins of society. Travis had planned to stay in Uggen's camper in part because he believed all the city's shelters were closed or full.

He was almost correct. Only one shelter, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, remained open as the most powerful storm to hit Texas since 1961 approached.


One of the men has a home, but went in his camper to live on the beach for a year......
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.


What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?

Big deal. You helped a few family members. That's what family does. Lots of people don't have family that can help them. It's better for the country as a whole if we don't allow a destitute class to grow too big. We all have an obligation to help those that are less fortunate. That goes for individuals and the entire country as a whole. You might disagree about the best way to help those that need help, but that doesn't absolve anybody from the obligation to do something.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Reuters) - Craig Uggen stopped short in his white Ford truck on Friday as gusting winds from Hurricane Harvey pushed waves from Corpus Christi Bay over the road. His anxiety rose with the water, now covering half his front wheels.

As he backed onto higher ground, another gust ripped the camper from his truck bed. Uggen had lived in that camper on the beach for the past year.

"I can't believe I dropped my home in the damn street," he would say minutes later, shocked at finding himself homeless on Friday with a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on this working-class South Texas city.

The man in the cab next to him, who would only give his name as Travis, had started the day homeless. Uggen had offered to shelter him in his camper when the two met at a convenience store just an hour before.

Their predicament highlights how quickly a natural disaster can make life desperate for those on the margins of society. Travis had planned to stay in Uggen's camper in part because he believed all the city's shelters were closed or full.

He was almost correct. Only one shelter, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, remained open as the most powerful storm to hit Texas since 1961 approached.


One of the men has a home, but went in his camper to live on the beach for a year......
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Mostly mental problems, sometimes caused by the loneliness. A couple of churches in my town help and take donations of food, blankets, clothing, sanitary supplies. I give there.

Yes, mental problems are a big issue in the US, simply because many governments, especially those in poorer red states, see prison as the solution to mental problems.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Reuters) - Craig Uggen stopped short in his white Ford truck on Friday as gusting winds from Hurricane Harvey pushed waves from Corpus Christi Bay over the road. His anxiety rose with the water, now covering half his front wheels.

As he backed onto higher ground, another gust ripped the camper from his truck bed. Uggen had lived in that camper on the beach for the past year.

"I can't believe I dropped my home in the damn street," he would say minutes later, shocked at finding himself homeless on Friday with a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on this working-class South Texas city.

The man in the cab next to him, who would only give his name as Travis, had started the day homeless. Uggen had offered to shelter him in his camper when the two met at a convenience store just an hour before.

Their predicament highlights how quickly a natural disaster can make life desperate for those on the margins of society. Travis had planned to stay in Uggen's camper in part because he believed all the city's shelters were closed or full.

He was almost correct. Only one shelter, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, remained open as the most powerful storm to hit Texas since 1961 approached.


One of the men has a home, but went in his camper to live on the beach for a year......
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.


What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?

Big deal. You helped a few family members. That's what family does. Lots of people don't have family that can help them. It's better for the country as a whole if we don't allow a destitute class to grow too big. We all have an obligation to help those that are less fortunate. That goes for individuals and the entire country as a whole. You might disagree about the best way to help those that need help, but that doesn't absolve anybody from the obligation to do something.

Where did I say it was family, BOY?

I don't have a responsibility to help anyone but those of my choosing. You don't get to determine my responsibility in that just like I don't have a say in those you choose.

Yours is the typical bleeding heart answer. Grow a pair and help where you see the need. I'll do the same. If you don't like how I do it, tough shit.
Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

Many times it's those that did the most to cause their situations that need the most help.

I have an idea. You used things that someone else provided. Why don't you reach into your own pocket and buy them instead of begging others to do it for you. It's the same mentality you bleeding hearts use with anything you say you support. You find others to fund it for you. It's one thing if someone voluntarily gives it to you to
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

I know it's just silly wishful thinking, but I would like to give each of them at least one face to face opportunity to give people like conservative65 a big F**K YOU. Since I know it will never happen, I do it for them every chance I get.

You've looked me in the face, BOY and said that? It's wishful thinking on your part that you have the guts to do it.

Sorry, your keyboard bravado just isn't as impressive as you seem to think it is you silly twat. In case you didn't hear it that time "FUCK YOU"
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

Many times it's those that did the most to cause their situations that need the most help.

I have an idea. You used things that someone else provided. Why don't you reach into your own pocket and buy them instead of begging others to do it for you. It's the same mentality you bleeding hearts use with anything you say you support. You find others to fund it for you. It's one thing if someone voluntarily gives it to you to
I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

I know it's just silly wishful thinking, but I would like to give each of them at least one face to face opportunity to give people like conservative65 a big F**K YOU. Since I know it will never happen, I do it for them every chance I get.

You've looked me in the face, BOY and said that? It's wishful thinking on your part that you have the guts to do it.

Sorry, your keyboard bravado just isn't as impressive as you seem to think it is you silly twat. In case you didn't hear it that time "FUCK YOU"

I'm not the one talking about face to face. You are. Since you don't have the guts, N****r, your words types from your keyboard bravado are ignored. We both know why you don't have the guts.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Reuters) - Craig Uggen stopped short in his white Ford truck on Friday as gusting winds from Hurricane Harvey pushed waves from Corpus Christi Bay over the road. His anxiety rose with the water, now covering half his front wheels.

As he backed onto higher ground, another gust ripped the camper from his truck bed. Uggen had lived in that camper on the beach for the past year.

"I can't believe I dropped my home in the damn street," he would say minutes later, shocked at finding himself homeless on Friday with a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on this working-class South Texas city.

The man in the cab next to him, who would only give his name as Travis, had started the day homeless. Uggen had offered to shelter him in his camper when the two met at a convenience store just an hour before.

Their predicament highlights how quickly a natural disaster can make life desperate for those on the margins of society. Travis had planned to stay in Uggen's camper in part because he believed all the city's shelters were closed or full.

He was almost correct. Only one shelter, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, remained open as the most powerful storm to hit Texas since 1961 approached.


One of the men has a home, but went in his camper to live on the beach for a year......
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.
I heard/saw (who knows) a report that some city was telling any resident who was going to stay to write their social security number on their arm.

Holy crap.
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.

This isn't about the soup kitchen. It's about you saying you feel for people you obviously don't really care about enough to offset the soup kitchen closing. It's very clear you the only concern you have is feeling bad for them. If you truly cared, you wouldn't mention the soup kitchen and actually provide them what you say you feel bad about them not getting when it snows. If informing is all you're doing, you aren't doing a damn thing but making yourself feel better by saying you care.
Damn dude, your PMS isn't her fault.
The radio in his truck must not be working, if he didn't know enough to move back prior to a storm surge hitting.

I feel for them, though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm. The soup kitchens always close down. I think of them.

Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.


What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?

Big deal. You helped a few family members. That's what family does. Lots of people don't have family that can help them. It's better for the country as a whole if we don't allow a destitute class to grow too big. We all have an obligation to help those that are less fortunate. That goes for individuals and the entire country as a whole. You might disagree about the best way to help those that need help, but that doesn't absolve anybody from the obligation to do something.

Where did I say it was family, BOY?

I don't have a responsibility to help anyone but those of my choosing. You don't get to determine my responsibility in that just like I don't have a say in those you choose.

Yours is the typical bleeding heart answer. Grow a pair and help where you see the need. I'll do the same. If you don't like how I do it, tough shit.

Typical internet tough guy.
I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?

Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

Many times it's those that did the most to cause their situations that need the most help.

I have an idea. You used things that someone else provided. Why don't you reach into your own pocket and buy them instead of begging others to do it for you. It's the same mentality you bleeding hearts use with anything you say you support. You find others to fund it for you. It's one thing if someone voluntarily gives it to you to
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

I know it's just silly wishful thinking, but I would like to give each of them at least one face to face opportunity to give people like conservative65 a big F**K YOU. Since I know it will never happen, I do it for them every chance I get.

You've looked me in the face, BOY and said that? It's wishful thinking on your part that you have the guts to do it.

Sorry, your keyboard bravado just isn't as impressive as you seem to think it is you silly twat. In case you didn't hear it that time "FUCK YOU"

I'm not the one talking about face to face. You are. Since you don't have the guts, N****r, your words types from your keyboard bravado are ignored. We both know why you don't have the guts.

Oh my.... I call you out as a pompous ass, and you assume I have to be black. Exactly what I would expect from someone who resents homeless people in a hurricane.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

Blame the two men for waiting until the last minute to attempt to get out of harms way? As the mother of a first responder, I find it heart wrenching when my son's life is put at risk by someone who ignored warnings of coming danger from a powerful storm.

Authorities cannot force people to leave - that is why the current trend is to ask for next of kin, or identifying marks for those who refuse to leave. It is too bad the man lost his camper - yet it is a risk he knowingly took.

As a 4th generation Floridian I know about hurricanes - it is foolish to ignore warnings, even though forecasts are sometimes wrong. It's not just wind, flooding can occur miles from landfall. Rescue and relief units can only operate after the storm passes...and even then it's hazardous for the rescuers whether by boat, land or air...a hazard many take on willingly.

Donations to relief efforts is a great idea.
Torrential rainfall expected all across the area through FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.

911 LINES are backed up and there have been over 1,000 rescues in Houston alone. Forecasting FIVE FEET of rain in some areas by the time it clears out.

By the time this is over, there will be well over 100,000 homeless. Some towns are totally destroyed and tornados are counted in the dozens. Millions won't have flood insurance because it has never flooded in their area.

Some wanted to ride it out, I'm sure they'll be found somewhere.

Could be weeks before we know the extent of the damage.

Prayers for Texas!
Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.

This isn't about the soup kitchen. It's about you saying you feel for people you obviously don't really care about enough to offset the soup kitchen closing. It's very clear you the only concern you have is feeling bad for them. If you truly cared, you wouldn't mention the soup kitchen and actually provide them what you say you feel bad about them not getting when it snows. If informing is all you're doing, you aren't doing a damn thing but making yourself feel better by saying you care.
Damn dude, your PMS isn't her fault.

It's clear that her failure to do what she says should be done is her fault.
The report below from US News & World Report drew mostly insults and placed blame on the two men; I found it heart wrenching. Any thoughts?

Blame the two men for waiting until the last minute to attempt to get out of harms way? As the mother of a first responder, I find it heart wrenching when my son's life is put at risk by someone who ignored warnings of coming danger from a powerful storm.

Authorities cannot force people to leave - that is why the current trend is to ask for next of kin, or identifying marks for those who refuse to leave. It is too bad the man lost his camper - yet it is a risk he knowingly took.

As a 4th generation Floridian I know about hurricanes - it is foolish to ignore warnings, even though forecasts are sometimes wrong. It's not just wind, flooding can occur miles from landfall. Rescue and relief units can only operate after the storm passes...and even then it's hazardous for the rescuers whether by boat, land or air...a hazard many take on willingly.

Donations to relief efforts is a great idea.

Poor planning on someone else's part shouldn't constitute an emergency on your son's part.
Guess the same thing could be said for Ray Nagin in New Orleans when he let all those buses that could have been used to get people out before Katrina. Maybe the peoples' radios broke, too since they didn't leave.

How is it that homeless people go without a meal at all with all you bleeding hearts claiming to care as much as you do for them. Don't look at it as a soup kitchen closing down but an opportunity for you to prove that you care as much as you claim you do. You claim to care, the primary source they have for food is closed down, and you do nothing but blame the snow storm for you unwillingness to help.


What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?

Big deal. You helped a few family members. That's what family does. Lots of people don't have family that can help them. It's better for the country as a whole if we don't allow a destitute class to grow too big. We all have an obligation to help those that are less fortunate. That goes for individuals and the entire country as a whole. You might disagree about the best way to help those that need help, but that doesn't absolve anybody from the obligation to do something.

Where did I say it was family, BOY?

I don't have a responsibility to help anyone but those of my choosing. You don't get to determine my responsibility in that just like I don't have a say in those you choose.

Yours is the typical bleeding heart answer. Grow a pair and help where you see the need. I'll do the same. If you don't like how I do it, tough shit.

Typical internet tough guy.
^ Typical internet pussy. Claims he'd do something if he could then comes up with any and every excuse how he can't.

I'm willing. YOU'RE the one saying no, boy.
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.


He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

Many times it's those that did the most to cause their situations that need the most help.

I have an idea. You used things that someone else provided. Why don't you reach into your own pocket and buy them instead of begging others to do it for you. It's the same mentality you bleeding hearts use with anything you say you support. You find others to fund it for you. It's one thing if someone voluntarily gives it to you to

He apparently also knows your finances.

Its always those who do nothing who are the most critical of those who try to help.

I had an idea while at the dentist ... You know how they always give out those little baggies with a tooth brush and toothpaste, floss, info. I asked for just the tooth brushes and toothpaste - as many as they would give me - and took them to the homeless shelter.

A while back, we were checking into a hotel and I noticed a big box of those little individual wrapped soaps. Turned out they had been sold and were getting all new with different wrap on them. I asked for the soap and took it to the shelter.

Seems to me the homeless don't get things like their own soap that they don't have to share.

Anyway - I'd really like to hear ideas from others.

I know it's just silly wishful thinking, but I would like to give each of them at least one face to face opportunity to give people like conservative65 a big F**K YOU. Since I know it will never happen, I do it for them every chance I get.

You've looked me in the face, BOY and said that? It's wishful thinking on your part that you have the guts to do it.

Sorry, your keyboard bravado just isn't as impressive as you seem to think it is you silly twat. In case you didn't hear it that time "FUCK YOU"

I'm not the one talking about face to face. You are. Since you don't have the guts, N****r, your words types from your keyboard bravado are ignored. We both know why you don't have the guts.

Oh my.... I call you out as a pompous ass, and you assume I have to be black. Exactly what I would expect from someone who resents homeless people in a hurricane.

Did I say you were black? Please provide the quote.

You didn't call me out. You ran your dick sucker about how you'll say something to me over the internet as if I give a shit about what you say. I've been ignoring your kind for years and plan to continue doing so for many more.

What is it that YOU do for the less fortunate?

I'm serious. We help the homeless and food bank but if you've got a better idea, please share.


It's not about what I do but about those that constantly claim they care so much for the less fortunate don't do. As long as the taxpayers are FORCED to do anything, you aren't doing enough.

I've paid power bills when a family couldn't. I've paid water bills when a family couldn't. I've helped pay rent when a family couldn't. Those are just a few. It's not things I share and most of the time, the only ones knowing it's done are those from the locations that know of the situations where it's needed. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I don't get on sites like this and say "I care so much I think others should be forced to help the less fortunate". I simply do it and go on about my business not caring whether or not anyone else knows. When I do it, I do it because I'VE determined it's a worthwhile cause. You and your fellow bleeding hearts believe it is your place to make such a determination for others.

You're problem, as with most bleeding heart Liberals, is that if people that do things like me don't reach an amount that suits you, you believe it's OK to take it from us. Don't think that hasn't been stated by one your own.

As for your question about a better idea, I have one. YOU do more and stop taxing me to support what YOU support. If you and the rest of the bleeding hearts don't have enough money to do it, tough shit.

There's an easy solution. You help those for which you've determined there is a need and I'll do the same. I won't tell you how to do it and all I ask for is the same in return. Deal?

Big deal. You helped a few family members. That's what family does. Lots of people don't have family that can help them. It's better for the country as a whole if we don't allow a destitute class to grow too big. We all have an obligation to help those that are less fortunate. That goes for individuals and the entire country as a whole. You might disagree about the best way to help those that need help, but that doesn't absolve anybody from the obligation to do something.

Where did I say it was family, BOY?

I don't have a responsibility to help anyone but those of my choosing. You don't get to determine my responsibility in that just like I don't have a say in those you choose.

Yours is the typical bleeding heart answer. Grow a pair and help where you see the need. I'll do the same. If you don't like how I do it, tough shit.

Typical internet tough guy.
^ Typical internet pussy. Claims he'd do something if he could then comes up with any and every excuse how he can't.

I'm willing. YOU'RE the one saying no, boy.

OK. You gonna tell me where you are, or do i have to start knocking on doors to find you?
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.

This isn't about the soup kitchen. It's about you saying you feel for people you obviously don't really care about enough to offset the soup kitchen closing. It's very clear you the only concern you have is feeling bad for them. If you truly cared, you wouldn't mention the soup kitchen and actually provide them what you say you feel bad about them not getting when it snows. If informing is all you're doing, you aren't doing a damn thing but making yourself feel better by saying you care.
Damn dude, your PMS isn't her fault.

It's clear that her failure to do what she says should be done is her fault.
Again, your PMS is not her fault, jerk.
It's been pretty hard to find a way to pick a fight with my comments so far, but you've managed to imagine all kinds of things to accuse me of in order to do so. What's the matter? Can't find anyone better to pick on today? I know it's Saturday, but geesh.
I have no reply to your post. What in hell could I possibly say to that garbage?

I didn't accuse you of anything. Your words were "I feel for them [homeless people], though, same as I do for all the homeless folks who have to spend the day without a meal when we have a bad snow storm".

Funny how you consider someone expecting a bleeding heart such as yourself to do what you claim should be done for the homeless when their normal ways of getting it aren't there as garbage. The garbage is the person who claims to care about certain groups then does nothing for those groups other than find ways for someone else to be forced to support them.

Simple question. If the homeless don't have food when it snows and you indicate you feel for them when they don't, why aren't you doing something on those days?
Conservative65, I'm now 90 miles from the nearest soup kitchen. Sorry, I pawned the horse and sleigh some time ago. You're doing it again--pretending to know what I do to support the hungry or homeless. Maybe trying to sensibly inform people of the problem is part of what I'm trying to do.

This isn't about the soup kitchen. It's about you saying you feel for people you obviously don't really care about enough to offset the soup kitchen closing. It's very clear you the only concern you have is feeling bad for them. If you truly cared, you wouldn't mention the soup kitchen and actually provide them what you say you feel bad about them not getting when it snows. If informing is all you're doing, you aren't doing a damn thing but making yourself feel better by saying you care.
Damn dude, your PMS isn't her fault.

It's clear that her failure to do what she says should be done is her fault.

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