Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

So if a black, in the midst of looting a store, murdered a retired police captain (which happened), ALL the blacks protesting outside, in violation of curfew, should be lumped together and charged with the same crime - murder - because they were ALL violating the law when the black killer struck down the innocent man in cold blood?
Charged? Not sure. But if you’re asking a policeman on the scene to differentiate between who is and who isn’t a threat in a riot…

That was my premise in post 126.
Suddenly it will be just fine with Blobbers that this domestic terrorist got shot...since he wasn't a white female wearing a dunce cap.

Strange how that happens. I tend to think that cops should shoot anyone who poses a threat. Then again, I'm old fashioned that way.
Does Germany pay for it? They should.

In fact, you gave me an idea. I started a thread about how Youngkin, the new Republican VA Governor, started a Commission to Combat Antisemitism. I am going to write to him to suggest a grant program providing money for security for synagogues - both to pay for an advanced monitoring system and for an armed security guard for services.
Israel should pay for it. They are fuelling the violence.
Oh wow…..this is really interesting. Wish our country would do something similar - let’s not forget the mass murders of Jews in synagogues the past few years - but Democrats seem to care primarily about racism and Islamophobia.
I’m a Brit too.

He also hates the English.

Get him going on Boris Johnson. :dev3:
I THOUGHT you were a Brit! Your accent gave you away. :)

If that antisemite above is a Brit, then how can he hate the English? (Educate me….I must be naive.)
If you ban all guns, root out said guns, destroy said guns and stop the smuggling in and manufacture of guns, then you would solve the problem. But that's impossible.

So what sensible governments do, they licence guns and regulate the types allowable by law, same as cars as an example. What these do, they reduce incidents. If they miraculously eradicate the problem, amazing, but that will never happen. So be it knives, baseball Bats, guns etc.. all you can do is regulate where possible to reduce incidents where possible, and the type of incidents influences these regulations/laws.

But to say, "Ah, look at that, a car crash. That's it, scrap all regulations". Or, "Ah, look at that gun incident, scrap all regulations", never heard anything as stupid as that.

If America was at all interested in gun lives, the Senators would do something about it, but they're not interested. So you enjoy high gun deaths and gun violence.

If you're interested in knife crime -

The minimum sentence for possession of a gun is 5 years.
Regardless......the pipe dream of confiscation/elimination of firearms only changes the available method of killing each other.
Israel should pay for it. They are fuelling the violence.
Jews are responsible for the hate cries against them to the same degree that the children of Rothingham are responsible for the fact they keep getting gang raped by Pakistanis.

oops, I forgot -- you support that, too.
These are the correct stats and information on America's guns

I never follow the crap you post

Most of those shot in the UK are criminals known to the police by other criminals.

Illegal firearms

I never follow the crap that you post

mid you did you wouldn’t post the stupid crap you post…

600 million guns in the U.S.

Over 21.5 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense in public

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, beatings, stabbings murders and mass public shootings, according to the Centers For Disease Control…1.5 million according to the Dept. of Justice

gun murder 2019…10,258 and just like in Britain 70-80% of the victims are criminals, and of the rest the majority are friends, family and associates of the criminals, hit in the murder attempt on the criminals.

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?

over 330 million Americans
in 2020 6 Americans committed acts of mass public shootings

2019….10 mass public shootimgs total killed 73

Deer kill 200 people every year

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 each year

ladders kill 300 peple

bathtubs kill 350

Those are the actual numbers you need to understand
Might be due to their highly restrictive laws.

Due to those highly restrictive laws, knives are now the Weapon de Jour in most violent crimes.

Problem solved, 'eh?.

Not for actual criminals…..for teenagers murdering other teens, sure, for now, but as they become more violent and less afraid of the police, guns will become the weapon of choice

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