House tyrant's voting on bill today that will ban semiautomatic firearms

It is going nowhere in the Senate and if by some miracle it did it would not survive the court challenges that would follow.
It is going nowhere in the Senate and if by some miracle it did it would not survive the court challenges that would follow.
Don't count on the Senate either. Thing is if the 2 Rino's in the house had voted no the bill would be dead. What happens if Biden gets to pack the court?
Meanwhile, Republican Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Chris Jacobs of New York broke ranks and joined most Democrats in supporting the assault weapons ban.
Don't count on the Senate either. Thing is if the 2 Rino's in the house had voted no the bill would be dead. What happens if Biden gets to pack the court?
If he does pack the court Democrats lose even bigger in 2024 than they will this November and then Republicans pack it and the court becomes basically useless as no one will take any verdicts they down seriously.
If he does pack the court Democrats lose even bigger in 2024 than they will this November and then Republicans pack it and the court becomes basically useless as no one will take any verdicts they down seriously.
Here's the path they will get the Rino's in the Senate to vote for it Jo signs it then they move to pack the court's and rig the 2024 election. Anti Trump gun owners own this shit.
Anti rights fascist so full of shit
You’re a liar and your thread premise is a lie – consistent with others on the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

The proposed legislation is not ‘tyranny’ – AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court; AWBs are consistent with Second Amendment case law and neither violate nor infringe upon the Second Amendment.
You’re a liar and your thread premise is a lie – consistent with others on the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

The proposed legislation is not ‘tyranny’ – AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court; AWBs are consistent with Second Amendment case law and neither violate nor infringe upon the Second Amendment.
Talk about lying your whole argument is based on lies. Weapons in common use of the time according to the supreme Court is protected by the second amendment.
Excuse me. Should have said "semi-automatic firearms".
If it's a revolver, bolt action rifle, or muzzle loading firearm, then you libturds have no objection.
You all are the ones whom don't make any sense.
They have no objections now but they get this a few years down the road those will be the intended target's.

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