House Will Vote on Trillion Spending Bill Tomorrow that Nobody Has Read

How can they vote for something without reading it? Everyone just jams their pork in there and votes yes? Wtf?!
You had to know the wall money was just a big fat distraction.

And the band played on.......
Vote no and have Trump call a special session after they've all made their vacation arrangements.

The House and Senate are broken, man.

I think it will take a Convention of the States to fix them.

I cannot see any other way, they're not going to vote lobbyist money out of their pockets.
If you still don't know how we just surpassed $22 trillion in debt, this is how.

The House Is Set To Vote On Trillion Dollar Spending Bill Tomorrow. No One Has Read It

that figures.the senate republicans -"trump not part of them as romney and bush are," are so fucking corrupt and bringing down america,not that the dems are any bettrer but its the repubs that run the senate as that link shows that are doing it.

Did you not notice the link?

The HOUSE is set to vote.

not the SENATE

and, currently, the House in in the hands of the Democrats
We've come to the point that the only way to know what's in a bill, is to pass it.

Thanks Nancy.
How much of our $22 Trillion dollar debt is made up of pork projects, roads to nowhere, climate change studies, opulent government buildings etc etc etc. That is why they NEED TO READ it. No more of this Obamacare "pass it so we can find out what's in it" crap.

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