‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Looks like tax cut economics doesn't work.

Bitch, you can't budget your washy washy money for 1 week, STFU.
Try it out. Is there any government entitlement program which has ended, cut off people receiving cash from the government?
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Tax cut economics that adds to the debt is simple Income Redistribution.
History doesn't agree with you............the equation is jobs gained and revenue...........and your side is WRONG like always..........

Your side taxes people to death and then wonders why they are living in tents and companies are leaving.................

Because you are idiots.
cite your links, fake news right winger. Tax cut economics is simple Income Redistribution. Who gets rich and who gets to pay off the Peoples' Debt?
The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates

It is not Your money if we have Any Problems in our Republic.

Congress has the Power to Tax, for that reason.

Any more Problems, right wingers?

Yes they do......and we have a right to say Taxed Enough Already..........works both ways .........

Your side's taxing to death people screws people in places like California...........but you are too stupid to notice.

Then you say tax the rich .....tax the rich...........then go to the store and wonder why the prices increased.......then you chant tax the rich tax the rich.......because the prices went up.

You do this because you are too stupid to realize they pass those costs on to the consumer.
The main thing is that we need government controlling all of life's necessities. How else will we get the plebes to fight our wars?
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Tax cut economics that adds to the debt is simple Income Redistribution.
History doesn't agree with you............the equation is jobs gained and revenue...........and your side is WRONG like always..........

Your side taxes people to death and then wonders why they are living in tents and companies are leaving.................

Because you are idiots.
cite your links, fake news right winger. Tax cut economics is simple Income Redistribution. Who gets rich and who gets to pay off the Peoples' Debt?
The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates

It is not Your money if we have Any Problems in our Republic.

Congress has the Power to Tax, for that reason.

Any more Problems, right wingers?

Yes they do......and we have a right to say Taxed Enough Already..........works both ways .........

Your side's taxing to death people screws people in places like California...........but you are too stupid to notice.

Then you say tax the rich .....tax the rich...........then go to the store and wonder why the prices increased.......then you chant tax the rich tax the rich.......because the prices went up.

You do this because you are too stupid to realize they pass those costs on to the consumer.

The divide is clear....the Left considers us subjects, not citizens.....serfs, slaves.

"To the minds of those in government in the mid-18th century, the king was divine …"

The Germanic philosophy, Progressivism, gained hold in the mid-19th century, and simply substituted 'government' for 'king.'

. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of Democrat A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor:

“[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

The "government" is another name for "the king."
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/—-/ Nothing stopping you from paying war time taxes. Get out the old checkbook...
fake wars, fake tax rates.

don't ask for cuts to social spending. we have a general welfare clause.

we don't have a general warfare clause.
General welfare meant something different to our FF's than what it means to you.
No, it doesn't. The right wing simply has lousy reading comprehension.
1. Government doesn't make money. It would have to take it from individuals who do, to give it to individuals who do nothing worthwhile.

As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara

"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit." These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.

2. The greatest flaw in the plan is not an economic one....it is based on human nature.

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

Yes, these payments would come from tax dollars, but with our social programs, they are paid for with tax dollars anyway, and only those who don't try receive them. In other words, you are taking away from the workers and giving their money to the non-workers.

Universal income would incentivize people to work--not the opposite. Our social programs teach people never to be anything in life if you want to stay on the dole. With UI, you will be on the dole and able to breakout of sleeping on the couch all day long. You can make as much money as you want with UI.

What a gross misunderstanding of the political and social milieu.

Of course social programs wouldn't cease......they're there to buy votes.

I'm surprised as your naivete.

I'm not. UI would replace all social programs is what Switzerland proposed, and I'm saying if that was the offer here, I'm all for it, because what they found is that UI would save the country money in the long run. It would probably be even cheaper here.
Perhaps in a small population as in Switzerland which has 8.4 million, it might work, we don't know. But, the US has 330 million, that's an entirely different animal.
Also, do you think our politicians would turn their backs to the people who blew through their UI. Not going to happen, and when the crack in the dam appears, you know what happens next.
How do people, "blow through their UI"?
/----/ Lottery tickets, penny slot machines, liquor and Newports.
Oh FFS people.... why do you respond to idiots like danielpalos?
All they do is dumb down threads and always - always turn every thread they enter into yet another mundane repetitive "Right vs. Left" rock throwing contest.
Ignore them. We had a pretty good thread going until these idiots show up and start dividing everyone into teams.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.

Personal responsibility, not government dependency.
No more corporate welfare!

Corporate welfare ( tax breaks) produces jobs and trickles down to more 2nd and 3rd tier company's moving to an area for more jobs ..

So does unemployment insurance.

Your employer pays for unemployment insurance, sooooo

No cooperate welfare that brings in jobs to small towns, no unemployment insurance .

/-----/ OH YEAH? Unlike evil, greedy Republicans, we had good intentions...
View attachment 206227
I'm not a liberal.

I know when I see these asshats fucked an entire nation...........If it were up to me they would be lined up against a wall and shot for treason.

They knew exactly what they were doing. And they fucked this nation.......

When I think about all the horror stories I've heard, yes, they should be shot.

They caused so many people so much pain. I really am blessed that it didn't affect me. It affected everybody, though. My work dried right up. Nobody hires me to do things at their house when nobody's home.
We had to take pay cuts after the crash........And I watched neighbors who had lost their jobs.....Packing up and leaving with their kids.......Good people who lost everything..................

It was sickening to watch..........Pisses me off til this day...........

Workers still haven’t recovered from that pay cut
Our pay recovered and has increased a little. But energy jobs have been booming......and were why Texas did so well after the crash.......Energy and oil is a driving factor in this country and puts a lot of money in circulation..........It still is.............
To me, pay still sucks

I remember the booming 90s under Clinton. Got pay increases of 4-6 percent a year

This economy is supposed to be the best in a generation. Workers are lucky to see a 2 percent raise

I don’t see worker salaries much higher than they were in the 90 s
I'm not a liberal.

I know when I see these asshats fucked an entire nation...........If it were up to me they would be lined up against a wall and shot for treason.

They knew exactly what they were doing. And they fucked this nation.......

When I think about all the horror stories I've heard, yes, they should be shot.

They caused so many people so much pain. I really am blessed that it didn't affect me. It affected everybody, though. My work dried right up. Nobody hires me to do things at their house when nobody's home.
We had to take pay cuts after the crash........And I watched neighbors who had lost their jobs.....Packing up and leaving with their kids.......Good people who lost everything..................

It was sickening to watch..........Pisses me off til this day...........

Workers still haven’t recovered from that pay cut
Our pay recovered and has increased a little. But energy jobs have been booming......and were why Texas did so well after the crash.......Energy and oil is a driving factor in this country and puts a lot of money in circulation..........It still is.............
To me, pay still sucks

I remember the booming 90s under Clinton. Got pay increases of 4-6 percent a year

This economy is supposed to be the best in a generation. Workers are lucky to see a 2 percent raise

I don’t see worker salaries much higher than they were in the 90 s

Aye, I also enjoyed those years.
Trouble was though RW, it was a mirage.
Robert Rubin/Larry Summers/Alan Greenspan devised the "debt as income" economy.
Without a doubt it created a massive growth in the economy and lead to the 80's booming yuppie culture of materialism and "shopping as entertainment".
Trouble was, of course, it had to end. People were spending money they haven't made yet. Buying homes that were way out of their sane reach. It was common for folfs to be walking around with $15-$30,000 in credit card debt alone. All that buying created the "Reagan/Clinton boom". A Castle Made of Sand.
And this also created Corporatism. Which is destroying America, little by little, day by day.
When I think about all the horror stories I've heard, yes, they should be shot.

They caused so many people so much pain. I really am blessed that it didn't affect me. It affected everybody, though. My work dried right up. Nobody hires me to do things at their house when nobody's home.
We had to take pay cuts after the crash........And I watched neighbors who had lost their jobs.....Packing up and leaving with their kids.......Good people who lost everything..................

It was sickening to watch..........Pisses me off til this day...........

Workers still haven’t recovered from that pay cut
Our pay recovered and has increased a little. But energy jobs have been booming......and were why Texas did so well after the crash.......Energy and oil is a driving factor in this country and puts a lot of money in circulation..........It still is.............
To me, pay still sucks

I remember the booming 90s under Clinton. Got pay increases of 4-6 percent a year

This economy is supposed to be the best in a generation. Workers are lucky to see a 2 percent raise

I don’t see worker salaries much higher than they were in the 90 s

Aye, I also enjoyed those years.
Trouble was though RW, it was a mirage.
Robert Rubin/Larry Summers/Alan Greenspan devised the "debt as income" economy.
Without a doubt it created a massive growth in the economy and lead to the 80's booming yuppie culture of materialism and "shopping as entertainment".
Trouble was, of course, it had to end. People were spending money they haven't made yet. Buying homes that were way out of their sane reach. It was common for folfs to be walking around with $15-$30,000 in credit card debt alone. All that buying created the "Reagan/Clinton boom". A Castle Made of Sand.
And this also created Corporatism. Which is destroying America, little by little, day by day.

All I know is, (And me and the fellers talk about this too)

When I was a young man, and just starting to make my way, the guy I was apprenticing with taught me this:

1 week's pay should pay for your housing.

The next week's pay should cover utilities and food.

Then you have 2 week's pay out of every month to save or spend, your choice.

I feel sad that it simply is not that way these days. It's still the same for me, but not for youth just getting out of high school. They have to spend more than 1 week's pay for housing. That's not right.

They somehow got robbed of the freedoms I had, how did this happen?

It's definitely not right.
I'm not a liberal.

I know when I see these asshats fucked an entire nation...........If it were up to me they would be lined up against a wall and shot for treason.

They knew exactly what they were doing. And they fucked this nation.......

When I think about all the horror stories I've heard, yes, they should be shot.

They caused so many people so much pain. I really am blessed that it didn't affect me. It affected everybody, though. My work dried right up. Nobody hires me to do things at their house when nobody's home.
We had to take pay cuts after the crash........And I watched neighbors who had lost their jobs.....Packing up and leaving with their kids.......Good people who lost everything..................

It was sickening to watch..........Pisses me off til this day...........

Workers still haven’t recovered from that pay cut
Our pay recovered and has increased a little. But energy jobs have been booming......and were why Texas did so well after the crash.......Energy and oil is a driving factor in this country and puts a lot of money in circulation..........It still is.............
To me, pay still sucks

I remember the booming 90s under Clinton. Got pay increases of 4-6 percent a year

This economy is supposed to be the best in a generation. Workers are lucky to see a 2 percent raise

I don’t see worker salaries much higher than they were in the 90 s
inflation rates were higher during the 1990's, also.
U.S.: average annual inflation rate 1990-2017 | Statista
All I know is, (And me and the fellers talk about this too)

When I was a young man, and just starting to make my way, the guy I was apprenticing with taught me this:

1 week's pay should pay for your housing.

The next week's pay should cover utilities and food.

Then you have 2 week's pay out of every month to save or spend, your choice.

I feel sad that it simply is not that way these days. It's still the same for me, but not for youth just getting out of high school. They have to spend more than 1 week's pay for housing. That's not right.

They somehow got robbed of the freedoms I had, how did this happen?

It's definitely not right.

And all of that made sense prior to the "debt as income" mentality.
When I was in my 20's, beginning my career, it didn't occur to me to "buy my parents home"...meaning I would buy as nice of a home as i grew up in that took my parents decades of working to get to.
I have said right here in this form that the price of the home you buy should be no more than 2 years gross income.
If you and your spouse make $85,000 combined you should never have a mortgage above $170k.
And you know what?? That was NORMAL before the pumped up housing boom increased home pricing to the point of insanity.
A 1500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm home for $300,000??? That is madness. That same home 30 years ago was less than $100,000.
And in that 30 years wages are nearly the same.
All I know is, (And me and the fellers talk about this too)

When I was a young man, and just starting to make my way, the guy I was apprenticing with taught me this:

1 week's pay should pay for your housing.

The next week's pay should cover utilities and food.

Then you have 2 week's pay out of every month to save or spend, your choice.

I feel sad that it simply is not that way these days. It's still the same for me, but not for youth just getting out of high school. They have to spend more than 1 week's pay for housing. That's not right.

They somehow got robbed of the freedoms I had, how did this happen?

It's definitely not right.

And all of that made sense prior to the "debt as income" mentality.
When I was in my 20's, beginning my career, it didn't occur to me to "buy my parents home"...meaning I would buy as nice of a home as i grew up in that took my parents decades of working to get to.
I have said right here in this form that the price of the home you buy should be no more than 2 years gross income.
If you and your spouse make $85,000 combined you should never have a mortgage above $170k.
And you know what?? That was NORMAL before the pumped up housing boom increased home pricing to the point of insanity.
A 1500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm home for $300,000??? That is madness. That same home 30 years ago was less than $100,000.
And in that 30 years wages are nearly the same.

I think it has something to do with that bailing out of the banks. In case nobody noticed, I'm just a simple working man, yeah, I had some college, then I dropped out because my friend was living the American Dream. House, boat, wife, kids, 2 cars, motorcycle.

That's the American Dream. Making it.
All I know is, (And me and the fellers talk about this too)

When I was a young man, and just starting to make my way, the guy I was apprenticing with taught me this:

1 week's pay should pay for your housing.

The next week's pay should cover utilities and food.

Then you have 2 week's pay out of every month to save or spend, your choice.

I feel sad that it simply is not that way these days. It's still the same for me, but not for youth just getting out of high school. They have to spend more than 1 week's pay for housing. That's not right.

They somehow got robbed of the freedoms I had, how did this happen?

It's definitely not right.

And all of that made sense prior to the "debt as income" mentality.
When I was in my 20's, beginning my career, it didn't occur to me to "buy my parents home"...meaning I would buy as nice of a home as i grew up in that took my parents decades of working to get to.
I have said right here in this form that the price of the home you buy should be no more than 2 years gross income.
If you and your spouse make $85,000 combined you should never have a mortgage above $170k.
And you know what?? That was NORMAL before the pumped up housing boom increased home pricing to the point of insanity.
A 1500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm home for $300,000??? That is madness. That same home 30 years ago was less than $100,000.
And in that 30 years wages are nearly the same.

I think it has something to do with that bailing out of the banks. In case nobody noticed, I'm just a simple working man, yeah, I had some college, then I dropped out because my friend was living the American Dream. House, boat, wife, kids, 2 cars, motorcycle.

That's the American Dream. Making it.

Aye, and "Making it" is a prison sentence.
Debt is prison. It grinds your freedom down to a nub. You end up spending the vast majority of your waking hours servicing the debt.
You can't go on a vacation...can't afford it....your vacations are spent providing maintenance on a home 3 times larger than you should have.
Fucking madness.
The sheer number of people with combined incomes of only $100/yr GROSS.... with $1200/mo mortgage payments, paying $700-$800/mo. for two car payments, $200/mo for cell phones for every member of the household, $120/mo. for cable TV with nothing on.
Add that up and they have NO MONEY LEFT.
And one American family after another is living this way.
Not me.
I make a lot less money than I use to. I ran a successful company owned by a major corporation that has 40 plus properties, most employing 100's of people with multi-$million per month revenues. But I had no life. I missed everything my kids did. Ballgames...I wasn't there.... Dance recitals....Dad's got to work late....I had a 2700 sq. home in a fantastic neighborhood a gourmet kitchen with a 14' long island that had double doors leading out to a massive screened in patio...etc. etc.
The Corporation sold the company I ran, we were making 12% - 15% net margins in an industry that averages less than 10%. But we needed to grow. So...they sold the company to a larger corporation that closed it and moved production to an existing facility.

Anyhow... I make decent money now, Bonzi and I live happily in a 2 bdrm home with a ridiculously low mortgage... our total bills for the month is less than half of our monthly take home pay.
Zero credit card debt. We save money, we go on short trip vacations whenever we want....but best of all...we have a life. We both have jobs of 8 hours in...and your home. No 10-15 hour days for me. Screw it. I dropped out of the madness. And I am SO much happier than before.
funny, right wingers. tax cut economics is money we don't have.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Government stealing less from Citizens, is a good thing. Tax Revenue isn't the problem. Spending is. Till folks except that, the nation is doomed. Spending more money we don't have, isn't the answer.
the right wing can't budget?

Both Parties are addicted to spending other peoples' money. Like i said, Tax Revenue isn't the problem. The Government sets new records annually for Tax Revenue. So it's stealing plenty of Citizens' money.

Spending is the problem. Obama and Bush really screwed so many future generations. They should be ashamed of themselves for leaving them a shocking $22 Trillion Debt.
Yeah, right. Your guy is not helping reduce the debt.

True. And Trump never claimed to be a 'Fiscal Conservative.' So, the shocking Debt continues to rise. The Swamp Creatures will continue to spend money they don't have. It is what it is.
the right wing alleges to be for "fiscal conservatism". Tax cut economics is simple, Income Redistribution.
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Tax cut economics that adds to the debt is simple Income Redistribution.
History doesn't agree with you............the equation is jobs gained and revenue...........and your side is WRONG like always..........

Your side taxes people to death and then wonders why they are living in tents and companies are leaving.................

Because you are idiots.
cite your links, fake news right winger. Tax cut economics is simple Income Redistribution. Who gets rich and who gets to pay off the Peoples' Debt?
The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates

It is not Your money if we have Any Problems in our Republic.

Congress has the Power to Tax, for that reason.

Any more Problems, right wingers?

Yes they do......and we have a right to say Taxed Enough Already..........works both ways .........

Your side's taxing to death people screws people in places like California...........but you are too stupid to notice.

Then you say tax the rich .....tax the rich...........then go to the store and wonder why the prices increased.......then you chant tax the rich tax the rich.......because the prices went up.

You do this because you are too stupid to realize they pass those costs on to the consumer.

Why waste money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; that, the Right Wing refuses to pay for with Real and not Fake times of War, Tax Rates.

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