Housing is not a right

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
It would appear that firearm ownership is a 'right', but no one expects the government to pay for them.
'Rights' are whatever people decide they are.
They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
It would appear that firearm ownership is a 'right', but no one expects the government to pay for them.
'Rights' are whatever people decide they are.

No, the 2nd amendment is ALSO a negative "right." Read it. The key words are, "can not be infringed." TRANSLATION-------------> Government is not saying you have a RIGHT to a gun, they instead are saying, "we (the government) have no right to DENY you the ability to own a gun!"

Give the Leftys the same language for housing and watch them scream, lol. Just remove the word "firearm" or "gun" from the 2nd amendment, and replace it with housing. Point is, that is what the LEFT does NOT want Americans to realize, all of our rights are NEGATIVE, and the LEFT when creating new rights, want to make them positive so fellow citizens have to pay for others.

Let me tell ya, our founders were slick! Now you know why the Left hates them-)
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
The word "Right" has been mindlessly and casually tossed around so much at this point, it essentially can mean anything. Or nothing.

Just like.... aw, fuck it, there are so many of those words now, the list is too long. It's a function of intellectual laziness that we can no longer use words properly.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
The word "Right" has been mindlessly and casually tossed around so much at this point, it essentially can mean anything. Or nothing.

Just like.... aw, fuck it, there are so many of those words now, the list is too long. It's a function of intellectual laziness that we can no longer use words properly.

Agreed Mac. But, all I am trying to do is explain to people that our bill of rights was created from NEGATIVE rights. I am for the Left adding rights, as long as they are NEGATIVE. I refuse to support any new rights that are POSITIVE as to institute them, you have to infringe on others!
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
The word "Right" has been mindlessly and casually tossed around so much at this point, it essentially can mean anything. Or nothing.

Just like.... aw, fuck it, there are so many of those words now, the list is too long. It's a function of intellectual laziness that we can no longer use words properly.

Agreed Mac. But, all I am trying to do is explain to people that our bill of rights was created from NEGATIVE rights. I am for the Left adding rights, as long as they are NEGATIVE. I refuse to support any new rights that are POSITIVE as to institute them, you have to infringe on others!
Of course, as I mentioned, the word means almost nothing/anything at this point.

It's just turned into yet another simplistic political rallying cry, a rhetorical utility. A totem.
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They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
Didn't we just have a huge housing crash that ushered in the Obama ERROR ?

People haven't had enough of the government screwing up enough as it is, that it has to be allowed to double down on the situation again ??
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Not "we" have chosen, the left has chosen.

By Clintonizing words like rights, they are able to draw a little more attention and sympathy to their cause. They often use the term Human Rights because they know their so-called made-up rights are not constitutional ones.
Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

The Fed should protect us from foreign invaders, not take my money and give it to other Americans in exchange for votes.

" establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare,"

You don't get to pick just one.

Yes, but there is a difference between promote the general welfare and fund the general welfare.

If our founders wanted to fund the general welfare, they would have created social programs similar if not exactly to the ones we have today.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
The word "Right" has been mindlessly and casually tossed around so much at this point, it essentially can mean anything. Or nothing.

Just like.... aw, fuck it, there are so many of those words now, the list is too long. It's a function of intellectual laziness that we can no longer use words properly.

Agreed Mac. But, all I am trying to do is explain to people that our bill of rights was created from NEGATIVE rights. I am for the Left adding rights, as long as they are NEGATIVE. I refuse to support any new rights that are POSITIVE as to institute them, you have to infringe on others!
It should be remembered, that the Messiah said long ago...we need a new Bill of RIGHTS, for POSITIVE rights. If I recall, most on the left agreed with him.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Doc1, who verbally negs me every chance he gets, "Not a chance you typed this with a straight face. You NEG everyone who dares disagree with you."

This made my day.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.
getting jakey to post a link......good luck

The Left is always trying to play people, and come up with these ridiculous RIGHTS!

What the Left does NOT tell you, and hopes you can't figure out is------------> our bill of rights are all NEGATIVE rights; in other words-------->what the government can NOT do to you.

To infer POSITIVE RIGHTS such as what Leftists want to do, you have to 1st DENY someone else their rights, but the Left doesn't want to tell you that either. For example------> a right to healthcare! Sounds good, doesn't it! But where does the government get the healthcare from to give to us? Correct, from other people! Soooooooooo, if I have a right to healthcare, then they can NOT deny me it, meaning I can FORCE them to work or they are denying me my rights.

It is the same with housing. Where does government get housing from? Private sector, that is where. So if everyone has a right to housing, that means that everyone has a right to the builders labor of that housing, even if they, or the government can NOT pay them.

And so, by using the old "tugging at heartstrings" routine, the left is just using its age old method of transfer of wealth by giving POSITIVE rights. They are setting up a forced transfer (socialism) between people who have 50 cents, to those who only have a 25 cents; which always looks good to the people who only have 25 cents, until they figure out they are going to transfer some of their money, to those that only have 10 cents. In fact, the only people who end up reasonably wealthy under these kind of SOCIALIST PLANS, are the people who control them to start with; which is exactly why these Leftists on here are all for it, lol!
The word "Right" has been mindlessly and casually tossed around so much at this point, it essentially can mean anything. Or nothing.

Just like.... aw, fuck it, there are so many of those words now, the list is too long. It's a function of intellectual laziness that we can no longer use words properly.

Agreed Mac. But, all I am trying to do is explain to people that our bill of rights was created from NEGATIVE rights. I am for the Left adding rights, as long as they are NEGATIVE. I refuse to support any new rights that are POSITIVE as to institute them, you have to infringe on others!
It should be remembered, that the Messiah said long ago...we need a new Bill of RIGHTS, for POSITIVE rights. If I recall, most on the left agreed with him.

Of course they do, because only a positive right can transfer wealth from one individual, to another. It is also why the Left needs control of the judiciary. If they can get the robes to "infer rights" on illegals, they are off to the races.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

"Other than the government"? Okay, so you don't expect "anyone else" to provide it; you expect EVERYONE else to provide it.

Doing something for years doesn't make it any more correct. Nor does it magically make it a "right".

Yup, I expect everyone to provide it.

Perhaps if the private sector would provide 100% employment with decent wages and benefits this would not be an issue.

Perhaps if the American consumer would support the products they make that could be accomplished.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Yes we have, and they used the program to destroy great neighborhoods and cities across the country costing working citizens hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

No, you have a right to access those things, but not a right to be provided those things. Big difference.

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