How are we going to stop the liberal war on free speech and conservative voices?

Forcing Facebook to follow the 1st amendment isn't anyone giving up liberty.
Zuckerberg can still post on his own forum and others his viewpoints. So can everyone else.


YOU stop using Facebook and Google....instead of whining that someone ELSE should protect you.
Standing up for the values this country was founded on is not whining.
Private businesses being allowed to make their own choices is NOT the values of this country?

FB should be free to control the content expressed using its assets. Likewise, private citizens should be equally free to yell, say bad things about FB, organize boycotts, create alternatives to FB, and scream at the sky if they want to.

Now, should PA laws be extended to cover FB, things get a little more murky, and if internet access becomes a commodity like electrical power, even more so.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.
Typical Trumpette. Is sooooooooooo afraid he might lose his "right" to spew bigoted hate speech.

You dipsticks want to freedom top spew your bullshit but those opposing must STFU.
Please point to the bigoted & hate speech by Diamond & Silk

I'll wait......
Produce and promote competing platforms. Continue to get the truth out despite, Google, YouTube, Twitter's and Facebook's Censorship of Conservative Free Speech.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.
Typical Trumpette. Is sooooooooooo afraid he might lose his "right" to spew bigoted hate speech.

You dipsticks want to freedom top spew your bullshit but those opposing must STFU.
Please point to the bigoted & hate speech by Diamond & Silk

I'll wait......
I was talking in generalities when you assholes scream about the first amendment.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.
Typical Trumpette. Is sooooooooooo afraid he might lose his "right" to spew bigoted hate speech.

You dipsticks want to freedom top spew your bullshit but those opposing must STFU.
Please point to the bigoted & hate speech by Diamond & Silk

I'll wait......
Who are these (people?) that the trumpanzees are losing their shit over?
Oh that radical left. The nerve of them.

Wanting healthcare for children (Always use the children for political gain)
Healthcare for the middle class (Force "Obama care" paid for by working Americans so you can watch TV all day)
Equal pay for equal work (Except I've been a manager and many want the pay....without doing any work)
Diversity (Yeah, working great for Germany)
A living wage (You mean Socialism...again paid for by those who WILL work to support those who wont)

Such scary people. No wonder they terrify right wingers.

Want to see scary? Look in the mirror.
If conservatives can find anybody in their ranks who didn’t refuse higher education and knowledge because both are “too liberal,” I’m sure they can easily create a competitor. Buuut I doubt they have anybody like that. They’re still hoping robots forget how to bang on rocks so they can get their coal jobs back.

Right, that's why liberals are so dominant on talk radio.

Come on, first off talk radio is for the elderly.

Secondly, I don't see conservatives applying this new 'free speech' right that forces companies like facebook to be a platform for every fucking crazy idea to apply to talk radio.

Conservatives don't want the government forcing anything of the sort, in either direction. Partisans do.

Conservatives want people to be free to express themselves, right or wrong, stupid or smart. Partisans want to control expression.

Conservatives fight efforts to give the government more control. Partisans want more control for their pet causes.
You said: Conservatives want people to be free to express themselves, right or wrong, stupid or smart. Partisans want to control expression.

Go buy a gay wedding cake and put that to the test.


No, my view is consistent. Both FB and bakers should be allowed to control the content of what is expressed using their assets. A baker should be free to say to a gay couple, "I'll be glad to bake your cake. Which of these Bible verses would you like printed on it"?
Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
He tells the police to rough up people arrested.
He calls the nationwide murder of unarmed blacks a "local" thing.
He said 80% of immigrant women have been raped.

Those people are responding to a monster. How can they be called radical?
Perhaps if Trump said those things about you, you wouldn't find him so magnificent.

Some Mexicans ARE rapists. Many South American women and young girls have suffered rape and death trying to get to America. But that's funny to you I'm sure.

You're upset that criminals (your kind) are not given luxury accommodations aren't you?

You call the murder of blacks in Chicago a "Gun Control Problem".

Not sure how many have been raped, it's probably a lot. But even if it's a don't give a shit do you?

Trump has done a few things I like.....but I always held my doubts. Sry you're wrong again
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.
Typical Trumpette. Is sooooooooooo afraid he might lose his "right" to spew bigoted hate speech.

You dipsticks want to freedom top spew your bullshit but those opposing must STFU.
Please point to the bigoted & hate speech by Diamond & Silk

I'll wait......
Who are these (people?) that the trumpanzees are losing their shit over?
If conservatives can find anybody in their ranks who didn’t refuse higher education and knowledge because both are “too liberal,” I’m sure they can easily create a competitor. Buuut I doubt they have anybody like that. They’re still hoping robots forget how to bang on rocks so they can get their coal jobs back.

Right, that's why liberals are so dominant on talk radio.
Yes conservatives need to have propaganda shouted at them constantly in order to reinforce their fucked up beliefs. That’s why Fox News is so popular too.

Do I need to start naming the media outlets that liberals turn to in order to regain their warm and fuzzies when they accidentally remember Trump beat Hillary?
You can if it heps you feel better :itsok:
Hmm, yea, let's examine that.
The radicals on the left say leave the gays alone. They are human beings and deserve what the constitution guarantees.
The radicals on the right say kill the gays for no other reason than they are gay.
No, I don't think radicals on both sides are the same.

Do you realize that a lot of things you say indict yourself as a completely biased idiot? (sry, but you must not see it)

Radicals on the Left call for Trumps death (Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffith)
Radicals on the Left attack people on college campuses.

There are violent Radicals on BOTH sides.

You're about as biased an imbecile as I;ve seen on this forum. According to you...the Left can do NO wrong....
even as the bloody knife is pulled out of the chest

Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
He tells the police to rough up people arrested.
He calls the nationwide murder of unarmed blacks a "local" thing.
He said 80% of immigrant women have been raped.

Those people are responding to a monster. How can they be called radical?
Perhaps if Trump said those things about you, you wouldn't find him so magnificent.

Politicians routinely call opposing citizens negative names. Should conservatives now be excused for strenuously objecting to Obama's "bitter clingers" comment or Hillary's "deplorables"? You don't think these people are radical because you agree with them. Just hire far are you willing to take that support? Is it fine for them to start killing people because they're upset at something Trump said?
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.

Why is it the partisans cannot grasp that free speech is a function of the Govt, not of private companies.

If that is true then so is freedom of religion. So why did the bridal shop owners in Pennsylvania not get the same consideration from people on the left?

Because the people on the left are no better than the people on the right. The zealots from both sides are just mirror images of themselves

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Hmm, yea, let's examine that.

The radicals on the left say leave the gays alone. They are human beings and deserve what the constitution guarantees.

The radicals on the right say kill the gays for no other reason than they are gay.

No, I don't think radicals on both sides are the same.
You're confusing conservatives with muslims. There isn't anyone in the political conservative world calling for the murder of queers.
The problem is they don't say that out front, they claim to be an open public space, AND they give some lip service to free speech.

The problem is only one side is gunning for that ass, and you stick to your "principles" as they measure out the rope for your hanging party.

Sorry, you aren't on their side, you are worse. You are an ignorant idiot.

I am on the side of liberty, first and foremost. I will always take the side of liberty over the side of more Govt control.

If that means I am hanging myself, then at least I die with my boots on.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Forcing Facebook to follow the 1st amendment isn't anyone giving up liberty.

Zuckerberg can still post on his own forum and others his viewpoints. So can everyone else.

Facebook is following the 1st amendment in this case.

No, they are not. They are just silencing certain voices they don't like on their platform, which has right now nothing to do with the amendment.

Unless we consider massive online social media platforms to be a new form of the commons, and thus subject to 1st amendment protections for those using it.
No, they are not. They are just silencing certain voices they don't like on their platform, which has right now nothing to do with the amendment..

Of course they are....and guess what? Ther's nothing you can do about it except stop using their services and encourage other like minded people to do the same.

I think FAR too many on the right have made the grave mistake of underestimating the radical Left. For DECADES.

Only AFTER the Rightwing has been silenced will they realize they shoulda woulda coulda done something before it was too late. (perfect modern example? Venezuela)

I say we're awfully close to that threshold now (if not already past it). When Rightwingers are prosecuted for posting their opinions on forums (or blocked), we'll know we've arrived at the destination of our passive acceptance.
No, they are not. They are just silencing certain voices they don't like on their platform, which has right now nothing to do with the amendment..

Of course they are....and guess what? Ther's nothing you can do about it except stop using their services and encourage other like minded people to do the same.

I think FAR too many on the right have made the grave mistake of underestimating the radical Left. For DECADES.

Only AFETR the opposition has been silences will they realize they shoulda woulda coulda done something before it was too late.

I say we're awfully close to that threshold now (if not already past it). When Rightwingers are prosecuted for posting their opinions on forums (or blocked), we'll know we've arrived at the destination of our passive acceptance.

Making Facebook and other large social media platforms a part of a new digital commons would be a step before we have to start thinking of open violent resistance.
Making Facebook and other large social media platforms a part of a new digital commons would be a step before we have to start thinking of open violent resistance.

Good luck. Hold your breath.......
Why would the side that's gaining the upper hand need to make such concessions?
If anything, you'll be forced to subsidize Facebook and other liberal UNIONS

You MAY instead, want to focus on the fact that the US and Russia are escalating tensions and we're dangerously close to a conflict with Russia......

In Spite of the imbeciles on this forum who keep saying Trump and Putin are lovers
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Making Facebook and other large social media platforms a part of a new digital commons would be a step before we have to start thinking of open violent resistance.

Good luck. Hold your breath.......

Why would the side that's gaining the upper hand need to make such concessions?

If anything, you'll be forced to subsidize Facebook and other liberal UNIONS

making them follow the 1st amendment requires no subsidies, in fact it improves their bottom line because it renders them protected if content that is offensive ends up being posted.
making them follow the 1st amendment requires no subsidies, in fact it improves their bottom line because it renders them protected if content that is offensive ends up being posted.

I agree with you.....but reality is, they are an independent business. We REALLY don't want government interfering with business like that.

Why don't you instead spend your time convincing so called Right Wingers to not USE FACEBOOK?
No, the problem is the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.
This thread is further proof of that.

No the problem is that it's prevalent in generous helpings on BOTH sides.....

but some imbeciles can't see it on account of their Plantation Blinders

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