How can Trump be charged federally in a state court?

Not that one. That's a misdemeanor. What's the unspecified crime that makes it a felony?
Sigh…we have been over this a dozen times.

The crimes that put Cohen in jail
You should have stopped after "the federal government prosecutes federal crimes",
You just did.
Only reading what YOU want to, as usual.

"Because it covers Manhattan, the Southern District of New York has long been one of the most active and influential federal trial courts in the United States".
which agreed with the admiral.
Stop talking in generalities. Look at Braggs specific charges. They are total bullshit.
NO, they aren't.
If they were, the judge wouldn't have signed off to let the grand jury convene or proceed.
Let alone an indictment.
What are the odds that they will be tossed vs going to trial? IMHO 90/10 tossed, but it may take an appeal or two.
If you are referring to “the Dersh”… yea… he is at this point a talking head
Dersh is/was a HARVARD LAW professor. He knows his LAW.
Jonathan Turley is also a LAW EXPERT

So how many LAW professors say Bragg's indictment is solid? waiting....
They are not above the law. No.

How in hell can you claim we are all above the law? You did make that claim

Because we have too much government, too many politicians, and TOO MANY DAMN LAWS.

Do you not know this? You have to be wholly ignorant to mouth crap like "No one is above the law" in 2023 America. If we were held to all the laws for even ONE DAY this entire nation would shut down.

Are you kidding me?
Sigh…we have been over this a dozen times.
The crimes that put Cohen in jail
For the millionth time. Cohen went to jail for TAX EVASION
The FEC already said that the Stormy payments were LEGAL
Because we have too much government, too many politicians, and TOO MANY DAMN LAWS.

Do you not know this? You have to be wholly ignorant to mouth crap like "No one is above the law" in 2023 America. If we were held to all the laws for even ONE DAY this entire nation would shut down.

Are you kidding me?
We are a nation of laws asshole. That’s what civilization is about.

Christ and you claim to be a teacher?

You’re a fucking child throwing a tantrum
Uh, yeah…I have the right to ask questions, also the law states that trump has a right to know what crime he’s being charged with. All he knows right now is that he has been indicted for falsifying business records in conjunction with a crime, but Bragg won’t say that that underlying crime is.

According to the 6th amendment, trump has a right to know exactly what he is being charged with.

There is no "underlying crime" to charge Trump with in the indictment, Trump is being charged with Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, the connection to other crimes that others committed which is the "aiding and concealing" part of Section 175.10 it talked about in the Statement of Facts document also submitted to the court with the documents. It isn't that Trump must be charged with this "underlying" crime committed by someone else. During trial the prosecution will have to show the connection for "aiding and concealing" the other crime to justify the felony level charge.

The problem is that some people think we are at the trial stage where the prosecution has to layout it's entire case. We aren't we are at the indictment/arraignment stage where the results of the Grand Jury (indictment) are presented to the court and the individual charged (arraignment). After this the prosecution will have to turn over all evidence (testimony, statements, texts, phone records, travel documents, audio records, invoices, checks, account ledgers, etc.) to the defense as part of discovery. What the prosecution is not required to do is to layout their entire case strategy to the defense.

The defense will then have to opportunity to go through the evidence, compare them to the Indictment and Statement of Facts and submit motions to the court. Motion to Dismiss, Motion to Suppress Evidentiary Item XXX, ect. The prosecution gets to respond and then the Judge makes a ruling on each individual motion.

For the millionth time. Cohen went to jail for TAX EVASION
The FEC already said that the Stormy payments were LEGAL
For the millionth time… he went to jail for a number of crimes. Illegal campaign contributions among them.
You just did.
Only reading what YOU want to, as usual.
"Because it covers Manhattan, the Southern District of New York has long been one of the most active and influential federal trial courts in the United States".
NO, they aren't.
If they were, the judge wouldn't have signed off to let the grand jury convene or proceed.
Let alone an indictment.
You mean the Trump hating judge?
Even the CNN "experts" said that the indictment is very thin.
We call it total bullshit.
What we need is for a red state DA to indict Hunter Biden or other high profile dems.
Dersh is/was a HARVARD LAW professor. He knows his LAW.
Jonathan Turley is also a LAW EXPERT

So how many LAW professors say Bragg's indictment is solid? waiting....
Both talking heads and both Trump toadies
We are a nation of laws asshole. That’s what civilization is about.

Christ and you claim to be a teacher?

You’re a fucking child throwing a tantrum

Um, no. Your personal attacks on my sex life (!), my profession are not going to cover for your stupid posts.

"We are a nation of laws"


"No one is above the law"

are two TOTALLY different statements.
For the millionth time, Cohen went to jail for 8 charges, one of which was Campaign Finance Violations.
What part of the FEC said that the Stormy payments were NOT a crime don't you understand?
If Cohen signed a plea deal that included Stormy, that's on him, he's a dumb lawyer.
read this
Aka bullshit.

Bragg did NOT charge Trump with campaign violations. He charged him with falsifying financial docs to cover up an illegal campaign contribution.

You even noted that you understood that.

Stop acting like a simpleton
I never said Bragg charged trump with campaign violations. I said campaign violations is what he’s alleging. Even in my post further down I state that brag brings the charge of falsifying records, but the underlying crime that he is alleging is campaign finance violation.
He isn't. He is being charged under NY State law of falsifying business records with the intent of concealing a crime. That crime need not be a NT State crime. It can be Federal, or in any other jurisdiction. It does not even need to have been committed by Trump. He falsified the records to conceal a crime.

I don’t know, even vox is saying (cnn said this as well) that they aren’t sure if Bragg can use a federal crime to upgrade a state crime.

I mean, vox is a lefty site, and if they are suggesting that braggs case is shaky, that is saying something.
Dersh is/was a HARVARD LAW professor. He knows his LAW.
Jonathan Turley is also a LAW EXPERT
WOW, Bragg, the judge AND the jury should have consulted them.
So how many LAW professors say Bragg's indictment is solid? waiting....
How many judges say Bragg's indictment is solid?
ONE, and that's all it takes.
Um, no. Your personal attacks on my sex life (!), my profession are not going to cover for your stupid posts.

"We are a nation of laws"


"No one is above the law"

are two TOTALLY different statements.
No they are not and I’m sorry about your screwed up sex life.
Trump isn't being charged federally. That's why the House of Representatives can go fuck themselves on investigating the DA. The feds have no jurisdiction over this DA or these charges.

Yeah, we know, states rights but when it is convenient.

This also means that Joe and his goons have no jurisdicition of DA’s from red states. I encourage any with any legal authority whatsoever in their jurisdictions to pursue Biden and his family. Unfortunately for Republicans and the country, most of their business was likely done in blue states and overseas where they can get away with absolutely anything.
Yes, it did but republicans are STILL in the dark.
They must be getting a "summary" from FOX, who also can't comprehend what is in the indictment.
They love duping their cult.

"Beginning in mid-2015, Trump orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election. They allegedly identified and bought negative claims about him to suppress their publication to boost his electoral prospects".

"By doing this they allegedly violated election laws and made false entries in the business records of various entities in New York. They also allegedly took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in the scheme".


Ok, but this has been in front of the doj and lawyers before, and they refused to take it, if this is such an open and shut case, why would they not investigate it then?

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