How come the leader of the world will not be there?

Isn't Holder still over there? Is Kerry busy with something more important?

Obama is going to be in Iowa tomorrow, then later will be meeting with an athlete.

This march in Paris was important and a chance to show solidarity against radicals. Obama could have sent someone since he isn't interested in being a part of it. I am thinking he doesn't want to insult the Muslim terrorists since they are the only ones who don't like this.

Isn't the VP's job to go to these sorts of things? It's not like Biden is all that busy.
I think I agree with this. Biden should have gone.
The President himself should have gone.

Well, yeah, but at least someone of stature should have gone.

Except that Obama really doesn't want to fight the war on Muslim terror.

I'm not one bit surprise that no one from the US went.

After all terrorists attacks are "Man made catastrophe's" and the word terrorist isn't used in this administration.

Hell. The Obama administratioin didn't think it was terrorists while it was happening.

Idiots one and all.
This is what's hilarious. Many of those overseas actually blame a lot of this violence on Republicans. Who do they think they are deciding who is a "good" Muslim and who isn't. Worse, they invaded Iraq and disbanded the Iraqi army leaving hundreds of thousands of armed men without jobs. Republicans are so fucking ignorant, they have no idea the many ways they had a hand in creating so much disaster.

Now, they are saying they are embarrassed that the president isn't going over there where so many hate us because of what Republicans did and French police and security are already stretched thin. Once again the GOP is demonstrating they are truly the most ignorant people on the earth. People who live in the Amazon don't know any better. Republicans should because they are exposed to facts, knowledge and common sense. Yet, they aren't interested in the first two and have none of the third.

wow, you are insane and hate is eating you up bad

. They blame Republicans. but but wasn't it Obama who killed their leader, BIN LADEN? So they just love him and Democrats and gives them a pass.
I would like to take this opportunity as an American to apologize to the French people for our president snubbing you.
2005 was the height of the supposed war on terror unleashed by GWB.

2005 was the year our enemy, Al Queda, blew up buses and trains in England.

0 was the number of memorials attended by GWB

0 was the outrage at this by the right (and the left)...exactly what it should be now.


Can it. It's a contrived story.
The President himself should have gone.

Well, yeah, but at least someone of stature should have gone.

Except that Obama really doesn't want to fight the war on Muslim terror.
This fondness for Paris is something new for the Right.

what the hell does that have to do with Obama not attending this march. that's so dumb and typical for a snob to assume "the right" doesn't have a fondness for Paris.

More than 40 European leaders and almost every French official turned out for the massive unity rally in Paris Sunday — but there was no sign of the U.S.

Neither President Obama or Vice President Biden made the trip to Paris, although dozens of other world leaders and officials put ceremony aside and jostled for space amid the crowds in a stirring show of support against terrorism.

The U.S. did send Attorney General Eric Holder to attend a pre-march terrorism summit convened by French President Francois Hollande.

Eric Holder U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally - NY Daily News
Was Obama invited?

BTW, how is Obama going to watch the NFL playoffs if he's in France.

More than 40 European leaders and almost every French official turned out for the massive unity rally in Paris Sunday — but there was no sign of the U.S.

Neither President Obama or Vice President Biden made the trip to Paris, although dozens of other world leaders and officials put ceremony aside and jostled for space amid the crowds in a stirring show of support against terrorism.

The U.S. did send Attorney General Eric Holder to attend a pre-march terrorism summit convened by French President Francois Hollande.

Eric Holder U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally - NY Daily News
Was Obama invited?

BTW, how is Obama going to watch the NFL playoffs if he's in France.

I think he would have been warmly welcomed and French leaders would have been grateful for him showing up.
Obama has a problem if he is not the focus of the attention...
Here he would not be.
Obama has a problem if he is not the focus of the attention...
Here he would not be.

Is he the focus of your attention?

Yes. Yes he is. Every day. Not a single day goes by without you typing something about the guy. Does an hour go by? I doubt it. You think about the man constantly.

Consider that for a moment. It's awesome isn't it?

More than 40 European leaders and almost every French official turned out for the massive unity rally in Paris Sunday — but there was no sign of the U.S.

Neither President Obama or Vice President Biden made the trip to Paris, although dozens of other world leaders and officials put ceremony aside and jostled for space amid the crowds in a stirring show of support against terrorism.

The U.S. did send Attorney General Eric Holder to attend a pre-march terrorism summit convened by French President Francois Hollande.

Eric Holder U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally - NY Daily News
Was Obama invited?

BTW, how is Obama going to watch the NFL playoffs if he's in France.

I think he would have been warmly welcomed and French leaders would have been grateful for him showing up.

Perhaps. Still he didn't feel it was important enough to send someone. He has a schedule. Golf in California, steal somebody's idea in Knoxville, get back to Washington in time to catch the NFL divisional rounds on TV. No time for silly things like fighting global Islamic terror. Tommorrow he gets another jersey from another championship team, the San Antonio Spurs. Barely any time for fighting terror left.
His Muslim handlers wouldn't let him attend or send anyone. This says a lot and we should maybe be worried. Just my two feelings.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

Even CNN & MSNBC were scratching their heads this morning.

Y'know, when you do things, and when you say things, people are paying attention, they're going to draw conclusions.

He doesn't seem to get that.


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