How did Birth Control become a right?

The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

It's amazing to me that the same people who complain about the abortion rate, would also deny women access to birth control.

Birth control is a basic health need for women of child bearing age, unless they want a dozen children. If my health insurance is part of my salary package, it damn well better have birth control as part of that package, because my employer has no right to tell me what I do with my body.

This is discrimination against female workers. Especially when you consider that men are having their Viagara covered.
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

It's amazing to me that the same people who complain about the abortion rate, would also deny women access to birth control.

Birth control is a basic health need for women of child bearing age, unless they want a dozen children. If my health insurance is part of my salary package, it damn well better have birth control as part of that package, because my employer has no right to tell me what I do with my body.

This is discrimination against female workers. Especially when you consider that men are having their Viagara covered.

If men are having their viagra covered, it's because the employer chose so---not the government.

And you are correct, if getting free birth control is that important to you, then it's up to you to find a job that has that coverage. But the government forcing employers to have that coverage is as anti-American as it gets.
There are many medications that employers do not pay for. You have a right to take aspirin. Your employer has no obligation to pay for your aspirin. Not even when your doctor tells you to take one every day. Employers do not pay for condoms. Men have to buy them on their own.

You have a right to birth control, aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup and condoms. Which one does someone else pay for?
There are many medications that employers do not pay for. You have a right to take aspirin. Your employer has no obligation to pay for your aspirin. Not even when your doctor tells you to take one every day. Employers do not pay for condoms. Men have to buy them on their own.

You have a right to birth control, aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup and condoms. Which one does someone else pay for?

What the left doesn't understand is that this was all about vote buying. I don't need medication to screw around with the opposite sex, my medication is life sustaining, and it doesn't cost me ten bucks a month, it costs me over $150.00 a month.

But it was never about the necessity of drugs, it was about the necessity of getting votes. Women are half of the population in this country. People with serious illnesses like myself are a fraction of that.

Yet it's not a right of mine to demand my employer pay for my medication which I would die if I don't take it, yet the left feels birth control is a right.
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

Get out your quill pen and ink well then.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lets go back. I spent most of my life without a computer or cell phone. The Constitution is obsolete.

Then change it. You can, you know. Just convince enough people to agree with you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are many medications that employers do not pay for. You have a right to take aspirin. Your employer has no obligation to pay for your aspirin. Not even when your doctor tells you to take one every day. Employers do not pay for condoms. Men have to buy them on their own.

You have a right to birth control, aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup and condoms. Which one does someone else pay for?

What the left doesn't understand is that this was all about vote buying. I don't need medication to screw around with the opposite sex, my medication is life sustaining, and it doesn't cost me ten bucks a month, it costs me over $150.00 a month.

But it was never about the necessity of drugs, it was about the necessity of getting votes. Women are half of the population in this country. People with serious illnesses like myself are a fraction of that.

Yet it's not a right of mine to demand my employer pay for my medication which I would die if I don't take it, yet the left feels birth control is a right.

People don't understand that a "right" is something you can't be prevented from exercising. It is not something you can legally force someone else to buy for you.

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The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

It's amazing to me that the same people who complain about the abortion rate, would also deny women access to birth control.

Birth control is a basic health need for women of child bearing age, unless they want a dozen children. If my health insurance is part of my salary package, it damn well better have birth control as part of that package, because my employer has no right to tell me what I do with my body.

This is discrimination against female workers. Especially when you consider that men are having their Viagara covered.
So your calling women, nice little whores? I guess they are when being gay is okay to an elementary kid, or if your a boy. And you fell like a girl, than you can be a girl. Elementary kids shouldn't be taught this kind of sexual perversion at such a young age. Also your employer isn't telling you what to do with your body, if they refuse to pay for birth control. You can always buy it yourself, I see you want to have what you want at the expense of others. Oh and if someone is providing for you, they can tell you what to do with your body. Example, drug test.
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Paying that's chump change if you factor in the resulting costs of unwanted children.

So that should be societies obligation and not the individual? Or perhaps you think the ACLU and others are right, and it's the employers obligation.

Like I said, this was nothing more than vote buying.
Justices on the Supreme Court found a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution as a basis for justifying the murder of the unborn.
By passing legislation in the liberal media that's how. Its called propaganda, can't muster the support of the American people, can't get actual laws passed, then use propaganda in the schools and media to faux pass it.

I get that. What I don't get is how anybody can file a lawsuit over it. Employers provide (or should be allowed to provide) whatever benefits they desire. No government should force any industry to provide anything but a safe workplace and reasonable demands of an employee.

What's even more disturbing is that some liberal court will actually rule employees have the right to free birth control by their employers.

Wouldn't be an issue if the right didn't fuck around with such things.

Wouldn't be an issue if the left just governed when in charge and not try to takeover private industries.

Actually you're wrong. The first thing was that the right keeps trying to prevent things like abortion, and the left is playing the partisan game.

Many people think they can simply do things with no consequences, like preventing Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice. But then when it comes back to bite them on the ass because the Democrats fight back just as dirty, people on the right start whinging and moaning that it isn't right, it isn't fair.

Don't you get it? As long as this partisan politics bullshit happens, THE GAME is more important than YOU.
If you oppose abortion, then make birth control a right.
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?
As soon as woman were allowed to claim they had dicks.
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

Get out your quill pen and ink well then.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lets go back. I spent most of my life without a computer or cell phone. The Constitution is obsolete.
It shows
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

I like birth control.

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