How did Minnesota Become a State Full of Idiots?

How did Minnesota Become a State Full of Idiots?
Asks the guy in a country which elected a New York huckster.
Hillary was a New York huckster? Is that what you refer to?
When was Hillary elected President, retard?
She was not...because voters saw her for the New York huckster that she was.
Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are. Now you have no room to whine about Minnesota.
Gopher state lets terrorist have a home in our nation...and re-elects Al Franken to the Senate. WTF Happend to you people? Keep it up and Californian's will begin to move to your state. State of ten thousands lakes has a few million retarded people living there.
Minnesota pipeline to al-Shabab | Minnesota Public Radio News

I used to live up there. And's a State of idiots.

Kind of figures really

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Minnesota is 2nd for High School, 10th for Bachelor's Degree and 17th for advanced degree.

Which means at least 32 states are more stupid than Minnesota, which you say is stupid, which kind of figures, seeing Trump is in the White House.

Of those states which are below the US average for high school attainment, four voted Democrat and thirteen voted Republican, hmm.. go figure.
10th for Bachelor's degree...that explains much. Indoctrinated.

Ah, yes, I forgot that those with low education levels make themselves feel better by pretending that it's all about indoctrination. The only real true thinkers are those with IQs below 50, isn't it?
I have a Masters. But I am a combat vet. You people on campus like to think yourselves "big thinkers" because you are narcissistic assholes.

You have a masters, and yet, most of the time your "arguments" are insults..... money well spent huh?
Gopher state lets terrorist have a home in our nation...and re-elects Al Franken to the Senate. WTF Happend to you people? Keep it up and Californian's will begin to move to your state. State of ten thousands lakes has a few million retarded people living there.
Minnesota pipeline to al-Shabab | Minnesota Public Radio News
Many year ago in a far off land a wise Judge ruled that all mental patients had the right to be free and not locked up to protect them. So all of the Mental Patients got together and move to the North State of MINN.....

I used to live up there. And's a State of idiots.

Kind of figures really

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Minnesota is 2nd for High School, 10th for Bachelor's Degree and 17th for advanced degree.

Which means at least 32 states are more stupid than Minnesota, which you say is stupid, which kind of figures, seeing Trump is in the White House.

Of those states which are below the US average for high school attainment, four voted Democrat and thirteen voted Republican, hmm.. go figure.
10th for Bachelor's degree...that explains much. Indoctrinated.

Ah, yes, I forgot that those with low education levels make themselves feel better by pretending that it's all about indoctrination. The only real true thinkers are those with IQs below 50, isn't it?
I have a Masters. But I am a combat vet. You people on campus like to think yourselves "big thinkers" because you are narcissistic assholes.

You have a masters, and yet, most of the time your "arguments" are insults..... money well spent huh?
They are well founded and backed by fact. When I reach the end of my rope with ignorance I just tell it like it is. Notice I have put liberals in their place nearly 100% of the time.
How did Minnesota Become a State Full of Idiots?
Asks the guy in a country which elected a New York huckster.
Hillary was a New York huckster? Is that what you refer to?
When was Hillary elected President, retard?
She was not...because voters saw her for the New York huckster that she was.
Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are. Now you have no room to whine about Minnesota.
Not whining...only liberals do that. Just stating the facts that you don't get in bubble world bubble boy.
Kind of figures really

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Minnesota is 2nd for High School, 10th for Bachelor's Degree and 17th for advanced degree.

Which means at least 32 states are more stupid than Minnesota, which you say is stupid, which kind of figures, seeing Trump is in the White House.

Of those states which are below the US average for high school attainment, four voted Democrat and thirteen voted Republican, hmm.. go figure.
10th for Bachelor's degree...that explains much. Indoctrinated.

Ah, yes, I forgot that those with low education levels make themselves feel better by pretending that it's all about indoctrination. The only real true thinkers are those with IQs below 50, isn't it?
I have a Masters. But I am a combat vet. You people on campus like to think yourselves "big thinkers" because you are narcissistic assholes.

You have a masters, and yet, most of the time your "arguments" are insults..... money well spent huh?
They are well founded and backed by fact. When I reach the end of my rope with ignorance I just tell it like it is. Notice I have put liberals in their place nearly 100% of the time.

Oh come on with the bravado, it doesn't look very good on the internet.

You "tell it as it is", well, you probably tell it as you think it is, but unless you can argue the point, then chances are it isn't as you think it is.

You're trying to tell me how I think, and yet you don't know me. That's the first problem here. You've tried to point out a few "facts" such as "You people on campus", er.. which campus am I on? And then you think I'm a "big thinker", whatever you think this means.
The Big Thinker - Wikipedia

This is what I've found for "big thinker".... go have a look.
Asks the guy in a country which elected a New York huckster.
Hillary was a New York huckster? Is that what you refer to?
When was Hillary elected President, retard?
She was not...because voters saw her for the New York huckster that she was.
Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are. Now you have no room to whine about Minnesota.
Not whining...only liberals do that. Just stating the facts that you don't get in bubble world bubble boy.

Oh wow. only liberals whine. Then you say "Just stating the facts.

What do Conservatives do then?

Gripe? Moan? Wail? Whimper? Grouse? Grumble? Sob?
Hillary was a New York huckster? Is that what you refer to?
When was Hillary elected President, retard?
She was not...because voters saw her for the New York huckster that she was.
Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are. Now you have no room to whine about Minnesota.
Not whining...only liberals do that. Just stating the facts that you don't get in bubble world bubble boy.

Oh wow. only liberals whine. Then you say "Just stating the facts.

What do Conservatives do then?

Gripe? Moan? Wail? Whimper? Grouse? Grumble? Sob?
Fight against the MSM and liberal,professoriate, establishment.
When was Hillary elected President, retard?
She was not...because voters saw her for the New York huckster that she was.
Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are. Now you have no room to whine about Minnesota.
Not whining...only liberals do that. Just stating the facts that you don't get in bubble world bubble boy.

Oh wow. only liberals whine. Then you say "Just stating the facts.

What do Conservatives do then?

Gripe? Moan? Wail? Whimper? Grouse? Grumble? Sob?
Fight against the MSM and liberal,professoriate, establishment.

Oh, wow... so it takes a masters degree to believe that conservatives don't whine and that ALL CONSERVATIVES (this is what you're talking about here) fight against the MSM and liberal, professoriate, establishment.

But in your so called "fighting" against the MSM, you're basically playing the same bullshit game of insults, attacks, nonsense and bullshit. Is it really worth it? You're not getting anywhere. I read your posts and all I read are mistruths and poor arguments along with those insults and attacks.
Franken is niether cool, interesting, or funny.
You damn kids! Stay offa my lawn! And if that damn ball comes over here one more time, it's mine!
No, it's more like being a baseball coach, Christian, and food citizen. The intolerence is on the left.
The paradigm is in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Look to Grumpy as your template of behavior.
Gopher state lets terrorist have a home in our nation...and re-elects Al Franken to the Senate. WTF Happend to you people? Keep it up and Californian's will begin to move to your state. State of ten thousands lakes has a few million retarded people living there.
Minnesota pipeline to al-Shabab | Minnesota Public Radio News

I used to live up there. And's a State of idiots.

Kind of figures really

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Minnesota is 2nd for High School, 10th for Bachelor's Degree and 17th for advanced degree.

Which means at least 32 states are more stupid than Minnesota, which you say is stupid, which kind of figures, seeing Trump is in the White House.

Of those states which are below the US average for high school attainment, four voted Democrat and thirteen voted Republican, hmm.. go figure.

It's because the State is 95% white. The 5% that are non-white are Muslim terrorists or Prince's illegitimate kids. Look it up. :thup:
Gopher state lets terrorist have a home in our nation...and re-elects Al Franken to the Senate. WTF Happend to you people? Keep it up and Californian's will begin to move to your state. State of ten thousands lakes has a few million retarded people living there.
Minnesota pipeline to al-Shabab | Minnesota Public Radio News

I used to live up there. And's a State of idiots.

Kind of figures really

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Minnesota is 2nd for High School, 10th for Bachelor's Degree and 17th for advanced degree.

Which means at least 32 states are more stupid than Minnesota, which you say is stupid, which kind of figures, seeing Trump is in the White House.

Of those states which are below the US average for high school attainment, four voted Democrat and thirteen voted Republican, hmm.. go figure.

It's because the State is 95% white. The 5% that are non-white are Muslim terrorists or Prince's illegitimate kids. Look it up. :thup:

Well, facts can say a lot of things, and not all of them might be true.

For states which the best high school graduation levels:

The top ten states Minnesota has the largest black population with 5.2, the next is Iowa with 2.9. So yes, here the number of black people is quite low.

The average black populations are

1st 10 = 1.82
2nd 10 = 4.75
3rd 10 + DC = 18
4th 10 = 15.4
5th 10 = 15

So, what we see, in fact is that the more black people there are, the more it's going to be in the lower three, but the worse it gets, the less likely there are to be black people.

When we look at white people it's

1st 10 = 85.99
2nd 10 = 71.93
3rd 10 + DC = 67.7
4th 10 = 66.1
5th 10 = 61.9

So we see the more white people, the higher the level of high school graduation. The problem with this sort of statistics is this

Asians who are the best students in the US

1st 10 = 2
2nd 10 = 6.88
3rd 10 + DC = 3.65
4th 10 = 2.68
5th 10 = 3.19

You see that the lowest level is for first, and yet Asians are the best students.

For Hispanics it's:

1st 10 = 4.76
2nd 10 = 10.38
3rd 10 + DC = 8.6
4th 10 = 12.39
5th 10 = 16.95

So, for hispanics it also goes, more or less the more there are, the worse the education.

However if we look at poverty we also see something similar

1st 10 = 10.95
2nd 10 = 11.4
3rd 10 + DC = 14.5
4th 10 = 16
5th 10 = 17

So, the more poverty there is, the lower the high school graduation rates.

But then if we look at graduation rates, things change.

1st 10 +DC = 14
2nd 10 = 6
3rd 10 = 11
4th 10 = 8.9
5th 10 = 16

You have the top ten + DC having a lot of black people, and the bottom 10 too, but in between it's down and up and down.

For advanced degrees it:

1st 10 = 14.3
2nd 10 = 10.2
3rd 10 + DC = 9.1
4th 10 = 11.9
5th 10 = 10.9

So, you have an even spread with the highest being up there, and then more or less 9.1-11.9 consistently.

So, for higher degrees it makes no real different.

For white people it's different:

1st 10 = 68
2nd 10 = 65
3rd 10 + DC = 76
4th 10 = 75
5th 10 = 75

It would appear that states with more white people are going to have lower figures.

So what does it all say?

No much. Part of it is that poverty is a problem. High school graduation is impacted by poverty and blacks are more likely to be in poverty. But once you get past high school, black people then stand their own.

The issue here is that society is creating ghettos and isn't helping get people out of them. It's not about race.
Is the thread created by someone from Texas who thinks Sen. Cruz is a brain surgeon who deserved his seat? The same person who read "Green Eggs & Ham" while filibustering the budget and a raise in the "Debt Ceiling?" That little prank of shutting down the gov't cost us well over $20 B; "thanks Dr. Seuss!" :argue: :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
So sad of what that beautiful part of America has's totally unrecognizable!

Scott Fitzgerald, the great American writer, who was born in 1896 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, must be turning in his grave now.

It's all so sad.:(
So sad of what that beautiful part of America has's totally unrecognizable!

Scott Fitzgerald, the great American writer, who was born in 1896 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, must be turning in his grave now.

It's all so sad.:(

What happened to the bragging of all Republicans that the whole country's going "red?" They own it all in DC, governorships from coast to coast, State Houses; down to City Councils! They still say the country's going to HELL, but they aren't taking credit for the current state of affairs! SICK! :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

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