How do we get our blood types


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
There are two types of genes that determine your blood type: they are ABO and Rh.

ABO has three types of alleles: A, B and O. Rh has two types of alleles: + and -.

Here is a denotation mapping for ABO:

AA => A
AO => A
AB => AB
BB => B
BO => B
OO => O

Here is a denotation mapping for Rh:

++ => +
+- => +
-- => -

So for example, your blood type will be called A+ if you have AA or AO alleles of ABO gene and ++ or +- alleles of Rh gene.

Chances of you ending up with a certain type of blood is dependent on allele combination that you inherit from your mom and dad both. For example if your mom carries A+ A+ A+ A+ and your father carries B- B- B- B- then your odds are calculated by the technique which follows: Remove the duplicate alleles. That leaves us with A+ and B-. Since AB maps to AB and +- maps to +. We end up with 100% chance of AB+.

Let us take another example. Let us say your father carries A+ B- A+ B- and your mother carries B+ A- B+ A- alleles. Let us remove the duplicates and go to the Punnett square to calculate the odds.

A+ B+ | A+ A-
B+ B- | A- B-

So you have 25% of chance of being one of these: AB+, A+, B+ and AB-. Further more you cannot be of any other blood type but those four.
my mother is AB pos, Dad is O pos

I am A pos
sister is B pos

so we have all 4 blood groups in our family...

don't know if we carry the RH neg cuz it would be silent with the pos RH
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
i don't know why they evolved, but it would make sense that O was the original blood group...since it is basically zero, square 1....and the universal blood group that can be transfused in to anyone, as long as it is packed red blood cells and the plasma in the blood is drawn off the unit....
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
i don't know why they evolved, but it would make sense that O was the original blood group...since it is basically zero, square 1....and the universal blood group that can be transfused in to anyone, as long as it is packed red blood cells and the plasma in the blood is drawn off the unit....

Most Africans and Native Americans are Type O , typical Meat eaters and very efficient at storing blood sugar which is why you see them so overwheight when they get on the white
man junk food diet
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
i don't know why they evolved, but it would make sense that O was the original blood group...since it is basically zero, square 1....and the universal blood group that can be transfused in to anyone, as long as it is packed red blood cells and the plasma in the blood is drawn off the unit....

Its actually an interesting subject when you get into it deeper
my mother is AB pos, Dad is O pos

I am A pos
sister is B pos

so we have all 4 blood groups in our family...

don't know if we carry the RH neg cuz it would be silent with the pos RH

Being a diploid species, we humans carry two copies of each gene, one copy inherited from each parent. Interestingly enough, pea plant is also a diploid species. That is why Mendel chose pea to study segregation of heritable traits. Isn't science fascinating? :)
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What's that blood type which is rare? And what makes it rare? Thanks.

The most rare blood types are listed below. The top most blood type is the most rare and the bottom one is the most abundant:

1. AB-
2. B-
3. AB+
4. A- & O-
5. B+
6. A+
7. O+

The O allele is carried by the large segment of the population. Even when you are other type, you are still likely to carry O allele as silent other. A and B are rare alleles to begin with and on top of that - is even more rare because both Rh alleles have to be - in order for you to be -. That is why AB- is very rare.
from what i understand Type O is the original blood type for humans or close to it. blood type changed
as an adaptation to different diets
i don't know why they evolved, but it would make sense that O was the original blood group...since it is basically zero, square 1....and the universal blood group that can be transfused in to anyone, as long as it is packed red blood cells and the plasma in the blood is drawn off the unit....

There is no universal donor type but there is universal beggar type which is type AB+.

Below is a little compatibility chart. The left of => is receiver and the right side is compatible donor group.

O+ => O+ O-
O- => O-
A+ => A+ A- O+ O-
A- => A- O-
B+ => B+ B- O+ O-
B- => B- O-
AB+ => AB+ AB- A+ A- B+ B- O+ O-
AB- => AB- A- B- O-

As you can see AB+ can accept blood from any other blood type. So if your life hangs on finding a blood donor ASAP then AB+ is the type to be :)
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