How do you feel about people who want to punish you for your opinions?

How do you feel about people who want to punish you for your opinions?

  • I hate them

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I dislike them

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • I am greateful to them for helping me see the errors of my ways

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
Not only want to, but have a full opportunity to destroy your career.
It shows me who the weak and spineless are.

Shows me how jealous they are they were born a real loser

Shows me that FB and Witter is all they have in their basements filled with Zoloft and antipsychotics

Shows you what awful parents they have who should not even have been born

It shows me how hateful they are for their own miserable failure in life

Usually these people are grotesquely ugly. Like The Elephant Man. That really makes a lot of people angry.

Their spouses are usually uglier which causes more hatred for having something putrid to doink.

Their children are basement dwelling fat gutted losers.

Well does that explain it?

Most people around these people absolutely hate their guts and wish they'd fall down 18 stories
Not only want to, but have a full opportunity to destroy your career.
I wish you put down, I really pity people who live such a miserable existence.

People who do this awful kind of stuff will be payed back some way somehow a lot worse.

You can't keep doing things like that without a severe lesson. The laws of nature will not allow it .
Not only want to, but have a full opportunity to destroy your career.
How do you feel about people who want to punish you for your opinions?
I want them in a concentration camp that would make Auschwitz look like Disneyland.
I’d volunteer to be the gasser.
Could I pick about a dozen 0f the good looking chicks for humanitarian reasons before you gassem?
Not only want to, but have a full opportunity to destroy your career.
I don't hate anyone. Gave that up years ago. Life's too short for the stress
I just pity them. People who would go to those lengths have to be very unhappy inside. If everyone would mind their own fucking business and give it your best shot. You'll be better and happier.
Not only want to, but have a full opportunity to destroy your career.

The GI has been showing those type of trash an early exit for decades now.

Guam 1944.jpg

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