How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

The at least 1/2 Founding Fathers will Liberals.

Ben Franklin, full-tilt liberal.

Jefferson - Big time liberal, slept with blacks.

I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

The at least 1/2 Founding Fathers will Liberals.

Ben Franklin, full-tilt liberal.

Jefferson - Big time liberal, slept with blacks.

No one doubts Jefferson slept with conservatives....
This is how evil liberalism is....
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.
Yeah dude....slightly more power. Slightly. The federal government was delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. That's it. That's not a whole lot. One is defense. Another is coining money. A third is protecting intellectual property. None of it is related to providing food, housing, healthcare, etc. to the people. None of it.
The at least 1/2 Founding Fathers will Liberals. Ben Franklin, full-tilt liberal. Jefferson - Big time liberal, slept with blacks. Adams...

Hazlnut.....full-tilt liar. Thomas Jefferson never slept with any of his slaves and DNA proved that. That vicious lie was the result of lying liberals trying to protect Bill Clinton during his sex scandal. Liberals are disgusting. Half are so evil, they will stoop to any lie, steal anything, or cheat anyone. The other half (like hazl here) are so profoundly ignorant that they can't discern the liberal lies from the truth.
This is how evil liberalism is....
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.
Yeah dude....slightly more power. Slightly. The federal government was delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. That's it. That's not a whole lot. One is defense. Another is coining money. A third is protecting intellectual property. None of it is related to providing food, housing, healthcare, etc. to the people. None of it.
Slightly? The power to tax is not slight. The Constitution gave the government much more power. The responsibility for providing food, healthcare, and housing are all here today, be it by state or federal.
This is how evil liberalism is....
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.
Yeah dude....slightly more power. Slightly. The federal government was delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. That's it. That's not a whole lot. One is defense. Another is coining money. A third is protecting intellectual property. None of it is related to providing food, housing, healthcare, etc. to the people. None of it.
Slightly? The power to tax is not slight. The Constitution gave the government much more power. The responsibility for providing food, healthcare, and housing are all here today, be it by state or federal.
The power to tax is explicitly restricted to their 18 enumerated powers genius. And yes - the power to tax is slight. It's one power. Wippity-dooo!

The only thing the U.S. Constitution did was slightly empower the federal government for matters of foreign affairs.
This is how evil liberalism is....
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.
Yeah dude....slightly more power. Slightly. The federal government was delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. That's it. That's not a whole lot. One is defense. Another is coining money. A third is protecting intellectual property. None of it is related to providing food, housing, healthcare, etc. to the people. None of it.
Slightly? The power to tax is not slight. The Constitution gave the government much more power. The responsibility for providing food, healthcare, and housing are all here today, be it by state or federal.
The power to tax is explicitly restricted to their 18 enumerated powers genius. And yes - the power to tax is slight. It's one power. Wippity-dooo!

The only thing the U.S. Constitution did was slightly empower the federal government for matters of foreign affairs.
Or as Chief Justice Marshall said, "The power to tax is the power to destroy."
This is how evil liberalism is... Making laws in public and regulations in private with the express purpose of making women and children victims for sexual predators...

I told you so, it was just a matter of time. Target is putting their customers at risk—and their shareholders. I wouldn’t be surprised if people started dumping their stock, and they should! A transgender person—in this case a man dressed as a woman—went into a Target women’s dressing room in Idaho where he began to take pictures of an 18-year-old girl undressing in the stall next to him. After the victim’s mother confronted him, he ran out the door; but the mother ran after him demanding the pictures be deleted. Target is the one inviting sexual perverts into their stores. Shame on Target, and shame on their CEO & Chairman of the Board Brian Cornell!

Documents detail alleged voyeurism incident at Ammon Target - East Idaho News
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yeah....they were so "liberal" that they desired small, powerless government and maximum freedom/liberty for the individual. That sure sounds like the liberal ideology! :eusa_doh:

The founders tried the small powerless government and discovered it was too small and too powerless so they had to change it, giving the government more size and more power.

Right, and I would agree with that. We can't have a government, that is not able to defend the country, or pay its own bills.

But while that is true, the whole reason they had a government that powerless to begin with, is because they feared the kind of government we have today. They were right to fear the kind of government we have today. History is littered by the ruins of governments that followed the path we are on.
There's nothing wrong with liberals. John Locke was a liberal, Thomas Hobbes was a liberal.

"Liberals" in America are not actually liberal. You should refer to them as leftists since very little about them is liberal.

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There's nothing wrong with liberals. John Locke was a liberal, Thomas Hobbes was a liberal.

"Liberals" in America are not actually liberal. You should refer to them as leftists since very little about them is liberal.

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And Love canal won awards for innovation....

Looking at yesterday through today's eyes is a classic liberal tactic.....
There's nothing wrong with liberals. John Locke was a liberal, Thomas Hobbes was a liberal.

"Liberals" in America are not actually liberal. You should refer to them as leftists since very little about them is liberal.

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Buttsoiler doesn't have the vaguest clue what that distinction even means.
He'll actually throw Democrats from the 19th century into the same bag because these aspects are way way over his head.

Magically it doesn't stop him from posting and looking like an idiot though.

(EDIT) I see you're new, and welcome to the board. I call the OP "Buttsoiler" because up until recently his screen name was "Rottweiler". Apparently he tried to wipe the slate clean by changing his name. :lol:

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