How far will your president go to stay in office

Would Trump start a war to stay in office?

Nope. He already cancelled that attack he was going to order on Iran because 150 people would have been collateral damage.

Only lefty loons think he would order an attack.
I see so the tension between the country wasn't increased so when scum bag does something later he will have more reasons to justify his attack to stay in power. SO you believe this pig?You think he tells the truth.
We are debating/ arguing against these right wingers that think pumpkin man tells the truth. Because they believe that, nothing else has to be said. It means the only source these people have to get their information being from the mouth of their God and leader, means he has to tell the truth in their mind or else them being judged as totally stupid.
The pathological liar song for all my republican fiends
Typical because Trump is The Pathological Liar-in-Chief.

"The Pathological Liar Song" by Et2Bruté and the Conspiracy
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Hell I hope he tries to stay in office simply to start a civil war in this country! I don't give a shit if he actually stays or not....
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
24 investigations, eh.

I wish there were more to keep the libtards occupied and out of my life and away from my money.
Tracking 29 Investigations Related to Trump - The New York Times
Trump inaugural committee
donations and spending
Southern District of New York

Trump inaugural committee donations /
committee chairman’s ties to Middle East
Eastern District of New York

Business and political dealings of top fund-raiser
for Trump’s campaign and inauguration
Justice Department’s public integrity section

Possible role of Trump and others
in concealing hush money payments
Southern District of New York

Whether Trump’s lawyers offered
presidential pardon to Cohen
Southern District of New York

Allegations of inflated insurance claims
Southern District of New York

Pending prosecution of Roger J. Stone Jr.
United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

Possible lobbying violations by firms recruited
by former Trump campaign chairman
Southern District of New York

Pending prosecution of former Manafort associate
United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

Bank officer who sought Trump administration job
Southern District of New York
State and Local Investigations

Authorities in New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., are also examining Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates through various — mostly civil — investigations.

Trump Organization insurance practices
New York Department of Financial Services

Contributions to Trump inaugural committee
New Jersey attorney general

Role of Trump’s children and
businesses in Trump’s inauguration
District of Columbia attorney general

Pending criminal prosecution of Manafort
on state mortgage fraud charges
Manhattan district attorney

Allegations of misused charitable
assets, self-dealing and campaign finance
violations by the Trump Foundation
New York attorney general

Allegations that the Trump
Organization inflated financial assets
New York attorney general

Trump family’s tax schemes
New York attorney general

Whether Trump and his family underpaid taxes
New York City
Congressional Investigations

In the months since Democrats took control of the House, several committees have opened inquiries that could turn up politically damaging or embarrassing material or, in the case of the obstruction investigation, lead to impeachment proceedings.

Potential foreign influence over Trump
and possible attempts to obstruct justice
House Intelligence Committee

Possible role of Trump and others
in concealing hush money payments
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Possible obstruction of justice and abuse
of power by Trump and his administration
House Judiciary Committee

Possible abuses of the White
House security clearance process
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Whether Trump misrepresented his net worth
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Alleged use of private messaging
by White House officials
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Trump’s tax returns
House Ways and Means Committee

Trump’s communications with Putin
House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Reform Committees

Possible money laundering
House Intelligence and Financial Services Committees

Russian interference in the 2016 election
Senate Intelligence Committee

Proposed U.S. nuclear venture in Saudi Arabia
House Oversight and Reform Committee
Dodd/Frank and Obamacare,,,,,,,,,,,
The pathological liar song for all my republican fiends
Typical because Trump is The Pathological Liar-in-Chief.

"The Pathological Liar Song" by Et2Bruté and the Conspiracy
Lets have the economic collapse then. We can all start over together. There will be pain. Be true to your spouting beliefs.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Still butthurt, eh?
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

Trump would go as far as ordering nuclear strikes to maintain the presidency; he is one sicko fucking puppy.

That wouldn't be a very good idea. If the nuclear plants go on strike, nobody would be there to press the "button" and the reactor cores would most assuredly meltdown.


Hell I hope he tries to stay in office simply to start a civil war in this country! I don't give a shit if he actually stays or not....

There are many who say Trump is the last non Leftist President we will have without a Civil war.
The Left will take all future elections through election fraud, intimidation or flooding the country with an overwhelming number of foreigners made voters.
Non Leftist Americans will then have a choice to make....

1). Accept Leftist Rule and everything that comes with it, forget the Constitution and absolutely turn in your guns. Accept retribution and oppression.


2). An armed rebellion

There is little chance any other outcome can ultimately come. Some say.....
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
MY presisident didn't do very much at all to stay in office.

In fact, his term ended prematurely as he was riding in a car in Dallas.
Hell I hope he tries to stay in office simply to start a civil war in this country! I don't give a shit if he actually stays or not....

There are many who say Trump is the last non Leftist President we will have without a Civil war.
The Left will take all future elections through election fraud, intimidation or flooding the country with an overwhelming number of foreigners made voters.
Non Leftist Americans will then have a choice to make....

1). Accept Leftist Rule and everything that comes with it, forget the Constitution and absolutely turn in your guns. Accept retribution and oppression.


2). An armed rebellion

There is little chance any other outcome can ultimately come. Some say.....

I've heard this before. And yes, I did watch it. The last bunch that tried to train with this in mind moved from Georgia where Georgia would have tossed the whole bunch in Prison to New Mexico where they where all rounded up and are still in prison. The Revolutionaries would have to organize to do this. And that type or organizing is against Federal and State Laws and draws very long Prison Sentences. Both the States and Federals look for these things. You can have a whole warehouse full of weapons but when when you start to organize for your revolution you are going to get tripped up in the early stages and arrested, convicted and locked up. This isn't a Movie, this isn't a Fictional Adventure Book, it's reality.
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You gone and done it again. Don't we have enough of these things running around already? Doesn't Trump have enough people trying to beat a path to his temporary cabinet positions already?

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And I will say it again.
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And another Temporary Trump Cabinet Member is created

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