How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

Your invented scenarios don't prove a thing, shit for brains. All we know is what Trump actually said, and his description of events doesn't indicate sexual assault, no matter how hard you want it to.

I know you het Trump because he gets all the pussy he wants and you get none, but your hatred doesn't change the known facts.
I didn't invent the scenario. Trump did.

Your defense of it is embarrassing and really reflects on your loss of morality. Of course, your sissy ass would never try it, because you aren't an intimidating, rich celebrity, and any woman worth anything would kick your shriveled little nuts into your throat.

You are just grabbing your ankles for the little orange mushroom. As you always do.
I guess that's why 26 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.

Because they let him assault them.
All what "26" women? All the accusations made against Trump were discredited. Furthermore, according to their lawyer's doughtier, they were all paid.
Record deficits. Serial adultery. Sexual assault. Multiple marriages. Protectionist tariffs. Record spending. Endless scandals and corruption. Putin worship. Insurrections. Batshittery.

It's all cool now in the organization formerly known as the Republican Party. In fact, if you don't go along with all the batshittery, profligacy, and corruption, you are slandered, smeared, besmirched, banished, ejected, blackmarked, ostracized.

So it's worse than just being cool. It is a requirement.
I didn't invent the scenario. Trump did.
Like I said, retard, what Trump described doesn't constitute sexual assault.

Your defense of it is embarrassing and really reflects on your loss of morality. Of course, your sissy ass would never try it, because you aren't an intimidating, rich celebrity, and any woman worth anything would kick your shriveled little nuts into your throat.

You are just grabbing your ankles for the little orange mushroom. As you always do.

I have no trouble defending voluntary sexual relations, asshole. You're hatred of any man who gets a little female attention says all we need to know about you.
What you have us a case if vote fraud, not VOTER fraud. The difference is that vote fraud is a criminal offense, punishable under law, but it does NOT invalidate the vote.
Voter fraud, is both criminal, and invalidates the illegal vote.

What you have is a case where those who illegally transported the votes can be prosecuted for it. But the votes themselves can't be invalidated, since they were subsequently certified as legitimate votes.
No. What you are saying is that illegal ballots should be counted and that is never the case until 2020. 7% of votes are election changing numbers. Every swing state should be decertified. The election was stolen there is no use in denying it any longer.
Record deficits. Serial adultery. Sexual assault. Multiple marriages. Protectionist tariffs. Record spending. Endless scandals and corruption. Putin worship. Insurrections. Batshittery.

It's all cool now in the organization formerly known as the Republican Party. In fact, if you don't go along with all the batshittery, profligacy, and corruption, you are slandered, smeared, besmirched, banished, ejected, blackmarked, ostracized.

So it's worse than just being cool. It is a requirement.
You talking about Kamala?
That isn't up to you, piece of shit. It's up to the women. Have you asked them? Nope. You just weep and wail and revel in the orange gospel. Sick and sad.
It's not up to you, either, turd. The only thing we know is what Trump said, and that doesn't constitute sexual assault. Do you have any testimony that contradicts his version of events? If not, then shut your fucking yap

What did Thomas know about his wife’s Jan. 6 plotting when he ruled to block the release of White House documents?

When ex-President Donald Trump sued to block the release of White House documents and communications sought by the House committee investigating his effort to overturn the 2020 election, there was only one member of the Supreme Court to take his side: Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas did not disclose it at the time, but we now know that he had a significant conflict of interest in this and related cases.


This looks very bad for Clarence, his wife - and SCOTUS.
Right, I am just a normal, moral person and will assume that grabbing someone's pussy without first asking is assault.
You have no evidence that he did otherwise, you lying piece of shit.

Then there are pieces of shit like you and the orange slob who think that goes in the reverse order.

I think it's safe to say you want Trump to grab your pussy.

I don't make stuff up like you, douchenozzle. You can argue against a fantasy until doomsday, but that doesn't make it true. That's all your doing.
Pieczenik is correct---Sandy Hook was a pushed crisis in order to try to disarm the law abidding. The libs played it for a power grab.
It was a horrific event in which dozens of small children were shot to death.

I thought you folks cared about children?
What is this paranoid nonsensense? Who is trying to take away her rights? Nobody. You just don't have anything better to say.

Because you agree with every word out of this nutball's mouth.
I keep telling you that those foil helmets you get from the back of your comic books don't work, now let me deal with the obvious troll.

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