How is this NOT a full fledged invasion?

Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.
It is not an armed invasion by a foreign country...

it is a humanitarian crisis.

It is not an armed invasion by a foreign country...

Or is it like dumping CARP into a pristine lake to slowly capture the lake? This is how muslim invasions work. They are patient (and somewhat civilized) until they overwhelm. Then dogs in cabs
first it was the Muslims, as the evil ones...

then it was the Central American Christians...

NEXT it could be you!

Is that what you really want, and where you want this slippery slope to go? Always finding some group of God's children that you differ with, to hate?

It really is not worth it Old Yeller....hatred kills the soul...

the world is not all about YOU and only you and your kin or your clan only...


We definitely have a humanitarian crisis going on, beginning in these Central American countries and we need the 'best' and the brightest in our State Department to get their asses down there, and help find and then create, a solution.

They can fix their own shithole country they created or kill millions off in a civil war. I (and America) can no longer afford to care, thanks to $22T DemRino. We have our own problems to fix.

Again, i dont hate. Facts are, shithole countries are shitholes for a reason. We have immigration laws. Follow the law. Assimilate. We cant continue to be an SA welfare center.
You leftys should get over the wage difference. Your never going to change it, it's been this way since ancient Greece, Rome, even the caveman days. Shitheads that refused to go on the hunt, didn't eat. LOL I know, how about you go back to hating Trump? LOL
The Ruling Class demands open borders, so the MSM and the two criminal gangs (Ds and Rs) dutifully abide.
I think it is
Quite the opposite gipper.... the ruling class supports things like the minimum wage, because their big ass corporations can afford to pay it, and it is smaller businesses that supports the cheap labor.

If true, what’s stopping them from volunteering to pay it on their own?

Because they want to squash small businesses, thus forcing them... is what I have read on it.... I am not certain this is nothing but a conspiracy, but it kind of makes sense.

Haha...So these companies you speak of want to charge more for their products and or services because charging more always results in more demand, more sales and more production?
Those crops are not going to pick themselves

Prison labor. FEMA trailers for bus loads of city Welfare recipients. Chemical castration in exchange for any subsidy for those who won't go along. Enough is enough. Change the bad system. Start now or more pain ahead. Do something! I toss out a few rough ideas.
Thirdly, they know the party they entirely own and control (D Party), desperately needs more voters. Its a win-win-win for them.
We do NOT need more voters.... Democrats/Independents leaning liberal, are by far, the most populated party with legal voters.... (it is republicans who need to lie, cheat, and steal and rob citizens of their vote in order to win) The Democrats just can't get the legal voters, especially the legally here Hispanic citizenry, to vote.... and you think we will get illegals or refugees to vote? NOT A CHANCE IN HELL or Heaven... that's simply made up right wing conspiracy crapola, with no support to back it up... imo.
Those crops are not going to pick themselves
Agreed. We all should recognize that much of the low skilled labor in this country, is performed by foreign laborers. Granting them work visas seems logical, but our corrupt government can't think logically.
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

You need clean reliable power with good infrastructure and smart employees to build hi-tech. Asia can do it, in spades. Refugees cant quickly or easily pick up the ENG background to compete. The leaders in the country are too corrupt and not smart enough. Next solution please.
The USA has a number of closed military bases in the South West deserts. I propose building walls around them and turning illegals lose in them with no further aid until they are ready to sign a full release of liability and return to their home country.

In mexican jails, if you want good food, you buy your own with money sent from relatives. Why can't we do that?
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

You need clean reliable power with good infrastructure and smart employees to build hi-tech. Asia can do it, in spades. Refugees cant quickly or easily pick up the ENG background to compete. The leaders in the country are too corrupt and not smart enough. Next solution please.
I've always talked about low-end manufacturing to begin with.

Giving up when faced with tough challenge is always a good idea.

If your solution is to just build a wall, go ahead.
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!

Sucks huh...the truth always gets in the way of where you’re determined to stear the narrative.
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!

Sucks huh...the truth always gets in the way of where you’re determined to stear the narrative.
Oh, on the contrary. I think you're a fine representative of Trumpism and today's GOP.

There ya go! A nice compliment for your Sunday! Your "sabbath", right?
The Ruling Class demands open borders, so the MSM and the two criminal gangs (Ds and Rs) dutifully abide.
I think it is
Quite the opposite gipper.... the ruling class supports things like the minimum wage, because their big ass corporations can afford to pay it, and it is smaller businesses that supports the cheap labor.

If true, what’s stopping them from volunteering to pay it on their own?

Because they want to squash small businesses, thus forcing them... is what I have read on it.... I am not certain this is nothing but a conspiracy, but it kind of makes sense.

Haha...So these companies you speak of want to charge more for their products and or services because charging more always results in more demand, more sales and more production?
For 20 years, I only worked for large corporations, in management and the last decade or so of working, only in the Corporate Office... In the field of business I was in, we didn't have any minimum wage positions.... every single job in the Distribution Center warehouses, were paid more than minimum wage, even the night janitors... we did not need, nor want, cheap labor... and I was paid double to triple of what my sister made yearly, as a teacher... and by no means was I at the top of the ladder in management, or a VP level... we had nearly 30 VP positions and bosses, handling us all...

In general, my personal experience tells me, needing to squash the pay of everyone working there was never a goal, of anyone working for these corporations or the VP's running the different segments of it....

The goal was, TO BEAT LAST YEAR in sales/profit, and what we could do, whether it be to improve on a product we were continuing with, or to create new product from scratch, to make that happen.

(We might have had a Comptroller that was counting pennies, or someone in Leather procurement, or factory procurement, but they never bothered me or my segment of the business...)

We had a term that we followed when it came to these businesses...

SALES heal all wounds...

If we could run the business with the right product, that customers wanted, then everything would be ok, with salaries, with supply costs/overhead costs, to profit margin increases... increased sales, heals all wounds.

today, maybe things are different out there, with these big corporations... it's been almost 2 decades since I gave it all up... the Walmart's of the world at the time were just in their beginnings. they had not reached the point of having no competition left, to compete with them...

maybe you are right

but maybe you are wrong.

KNOW that it was the Small Business association and the Chamber of Commerce that lobbied the Republican party members, under Reagan, to remove the harsh penalty for businesses, that hired illegals. Reagan had harsh penalties for those businesses in his bill proposal, and the Republicans, not the Democrats, changed those penalties so much so, to make them worthless....

IT WAS NOT the elite, or big corporations.

In order to compete with corporation's cheap labor costs in China etc. these home grown small businesses are using illegals, for their own cheap labor could be what is happening?
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!

Sucks huh...the truth always gets in the way of where you’re determined to stear the narrative.
Oh, on the contrary. I think you're a fine representative of Trumpism and today's GOP.

There ya go! A nice compliment for your Sunday! Your "sabbath", right?

Cool word...”Trumpism”.....what does it mean? Does it mean those Party to Trumpism believe in accountability and the causation principle?
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!

Sucks huh...the truth always gets in the way of where you’re determined to stear the narrative.
Oh, on the contrary. I think you're a fine representative of Trumpism and today's GOP.

There ya go! A nice compliment for your Sunday! Your "sabbath", right?

Cool word...”Trumpism”.....what does it mean? Does it mean those Party to Trumpism believe in accountability and the causation principle?
Whatever you'd like!

I'm in a very complimentary mood today!
Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!

Sucks huh...the truth always gets in the way of where you’re determined to stear the narrative.
Oh, on the contrary. I think you're a fine representative of Trumpism and today's GOP.

There ya go! A nice compliment for your Sunday! Your "sabbath", right?

Cool word...”Trumpism”.....what does it mean? Does it mean those Party to Trumpism believe in accountability and the causation principle?
Whatever you'd like!

I'm in a very complimentary mood today!
. to address my post below?
(For the record, I’d be scared to if I were you.)

“Isn’t the “root cause” the fertility rate among the cockroaches?
What if they only gave birth to children they can support? You know...took a White / Asian perspective on know, a common sense, common decency sort of thing.
Shit, animals in the wild stop reproducing when resources are limited..WTF!”

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