How Long Can You Keep Saying “Is Nooooooottttt!!!!!”??????


And we're still energy independent. Prices are falling as the pandemic bubble smooths out, and worldwide production out paces demand.
And still much higher than before Biden 'won' the election. Again, you play with the facts.
Next time argue that there is 0% inflation like Biden did, why don't you?
You wrote this:
Executive Orders right from the start: Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.

“…caused by Democratic policies. By killing the Keystone Pipeline, proclaiming an end to fossil fuels, stopping oil drilling offshore and in Alaska, and banning new fracking contracts on federal lands, their programs sent the price of gasoline and all energy soaring, from an average of $2.20 per gallon in November 2020

Then, I wrote "The Keystone XL was for importing more oil not the production that led to energy independence. That energy independence came from Texas, and still does. Not non producing lease sales in Alaska. Fracking even on federal lands and new drilling permits has not been banned. None of that caused the world wide spike in oil prices. That happened after the economies began to open and the the oil exporting nations were unable or unwilling to ramp up production to pre-pandemic levels. By Nov. 2020 prices had bounced back from below 2 dollars earlier that spring. $2.79 in Houston this past weekend.

Got anything to defend your obviously failed talking point position?
How to tell us you are mentally ill without saying you are mentally ill. :heehee:

Isn't supporting this a priori evidence of mental illness????

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
It's always so telling what MAGAt-GOPrs dwell on.....a lot. And yet, we never hear anything about policies.
Every day, in every way, the Democrat debilitation of America becomes more and more evident. Name the ways America is better under Biden.

See what I mean?

Dick Morris put it this way: THREE BIG ISSUES LOOK to dominate the political landscape as this is written: inflation, immigration, and crime. Each of the three has the same unique feature: none was a problem under Donald Trump, and all emerged as serious issues on the day that Biden was inaugurated.
It's always so telling what MAGAt-GOPrs dwell on.....a lot. And yet, we never hear anything about policies.
Which policies do you want to talk about. Inflation? Border? Drug poisoning? Abortion? Horrific crime?

You keep that clap trap shut about those policies eh Ninny.LOLOL

You just post the first dumb ass thought that enters that empty space don't you Ninny???
6. THREE BIG ISSUES LOOK to dominate the political landscape as this is written: inflation, immigration, and crime. Each of the three has the same unique feature: none was a problem under Donald Trump, and all emerged as serious issues on the day that Biden was inaugurated.

Millions of illegals invited in by the Democrats ringing the dinner bell.

“When Biden was elected, it was fiesta day at the Mexican border. Barriers came down, and those who were arrested for crossing illegally were released, flown at government expense (often in secret) to new homes deep in the heartland of our country, often despite local objection. Border checks for COVID stopped, even as we Americans all had to continue to wear masks. Deportations stopped, even for those who had committed violent felonies while they were here illegally. Murderers and rapists were invited to stay. The Trump border wall stood incomplete, …

The borders were open! As the word spread through Mexican and Central- American communities, a record number bought illegal passage from coyotes.

Trump was gone!”
Morris, Op. Cit.
It's always so telling what MAGAt-GOPrs dwell on.....a lot. And yet, we never hear anything about policies.
let's do it, pick a policy. Trump's wall stopped illegal mobs from coming in. He detained and held. What is xiden doing about illegals? Should we ask the Mayors of NY and Chicago?
7. The flood of illegal immigrants expose another long-told lie of the Democrats.

This is the constant drumbeat from the Left: "…repeated like a mantra: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"
Tucker Carlson

No they don't.

One more Democrat lie that simpletons bought like it was on sale.

Non-citizens are more likely to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned for serious crimes than people who are born here; much more likely!

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.

“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

But Democrats waved 'em all in.
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7. The flood of illegal immigrants expose another long-told lie of the Democrats.

This is the constant drumbeat from the Left: "…repeated like a mantra: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"
Tucker Carlson

One more Democrat lie that simpletons bought like it was on sale.

Non-citizens are more likely to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned for serious crimes than people who are born here; much more likely!

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.

“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

But Democrats waved 'em all in.
people who illegally entered a sovereign nation, have no place to live, no job, no money and they are the bestest citizens?

Oh, and cause chaos to wherever they go.

That's hilarious.

"Inflation rose faster than expected in August, keeping prices painfully high

Consumer price index unexpectedly climbed 8.3% in August, despite a decline in gas prices"​

You know they're's much higher.

Democrats lie about everything.

.The inflation rate in Trump's last year....1.4%

US Inflation Rate by Year: 1929-2023

The U.S. inflation rate by year is the percentage of change in prices from one year to the next. It responds to business cycle phases and interest rates.

Just saw these two headlines.......just as I said: Democrat Inflation is way over 8.3%.

. . . Food at Home Index Up 13.5% Over Last 12 Months . . .

. . . Underlying Inflation Reaches Scorching New Record High . . .
Face the facts.

1.Every day, in every way, the Democrat debilitation of America becomes more and more evident. Name the ways America is better under Biden.

See what I mean?

Dick Morris put it this way: THREE BIG ISSUES LOOK to dominate the political landscape as this is written: inflation, immigration, and crime. Each of the three has the same unique feature: none was a problem under Donald Trump, and all emerged as serious issues on the day that Biden was inaugurated.

2. Executive Orders right from the start: Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.

View attachment 695545

“…caused by Democratic policies. By killing the Keystone Pipeline, proclaiming an end to fossil fuels, stopping oil drilling offshore and in Alaska, and banning new fracking contracts on federal lands, their programs sent the price of gasoline and all energy soaring, from an average of $2.20 per gallon in November 2020, to $3.28 in May 2021, and is predicted to break four dollars by the end of the year.”

3. “Fear of Biden tax increases and tougher regulation reined in production. ….Biden was proposing to double the capital gains tax?

Anxious to appease a public concerned about the slow pace of recovery, Biden and his Congress lavished voters with new goodies. They increased unemployment benefits by $300 more per week, gave every person a $1,400 stimulus check, in- creased food stamp aid, and paid out more in Obamacare subsidies. Economists calculated that if people stayed home and did not work, a family of four could make a pretax income of $100,000 a year just living off federal benefits. So why work? Millions did the sensible thing and decided to stay home. Nine million jobs were unfilled by the end of summer 2021. It didn’t pay to go to work. You made more by not working.

Supply bottlenecks began to choke off the recovery.”

Soooo…..which was the worse plan…..the above by the Democrats……

…..or voting for Democrats???

You need top face the facts.

1. The problems are the Republican assaults on our freedoms. Republicans are attacking voting rights. They are subverting our democracy by using gerrymandering and trying to make voter initiatives harder to get on the ballot. Republicans in Michigan tried to keep initiatives on pro-choice ballot measures and voting measures off the ballot despite the fact that their only job is to ensure there are enough signatures. Republicans are desperately trying to subvert democracy because they know their agenda is unpopular. They are attacking free speech rights. They want to seize social media. They are trying to indoctrinate children. Women have already felt the first attacks on our rights with abortion rights being left to the whims of politicians. In addition, we have Clarence Thomas attacking the right to contaception and gay marriage.

2. Gas prices have risen because oil companies want them to rise. They have thousands of leases that they have acquired over the years. They have plenty of places to explore. Biden has sold more parcels than Trump did. A Dallas Fed survey of oil company executives shows that 59% say that shareholders are the reason they have not increased drilling. Only 7% say the government is the reason that they are not increasing drilling.

3. That is so ridiculous. Capital gains should be taxed as ordinary income.

That is the usual Republican talking points. There is not one bit of evidence of that. The benefits ran out over a year and a half ago. There are many workers who are fed up with companies treating them like dirt. For example, many truckers found they could make more money and have better working conditions by finding something else to do. In addition, many people retired. The baby bust has been a ongoing issue and the pandemic hastened this issue.

Unfortunately voting for Democrats is the only way to stop the new Nazi Party, the Republican Party.
Trump made the deal to withdraw from Afghanistan and Biden fucked it all up with ignorance and arrogance.
Yet the Taliban held fast to the deal they made with Trump and never attacked our soldiers. They might be Muslim men, but they are real men.
Biden got run out of Afghanistan for being an arrogant fucktard and got innocent people killed in the process. Left behind around a thousand, too.

Trump's deal:

How Biden fucked it up because the withdrawal date was May 1:

The results:

Trump was the one who fucked it up. The Taliban wantonly violated the treaty and Trump did nothing about it. His response was to withdraw American troops. Trump signed a surrender document and did nothing as the Taliban ignored what they signed. That set the stage for the collapse of the Afghan military.

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