How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?

Texas does rely on Oklahoma sucking so much to keep Texas from sliding into the gulf of Mexico.

That's why texas should be renamed baja oklahoma.
You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?
The pic is of himself. Anyway? God bless Texas. They have it correct. Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

25% no health care

Number one in pollution

drop outs


number one in children without health care

You know, I don't think that's such a hard act to follow. I think cleaning up GOP mess is harder.

"25% no health care"

America had and continues to have 100%, citizens and non-citizens, with healthcare since President Reagan.

Just one more fact about which you are ignorant.

Did you know that Ronald Reagan was a member of the GOP?

Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

Poverty is one measure, the number receiving welfare is another measure. I believe a part of the issue is that the black population is twice as likely as non-black population to be living in poverty and collecting welfare. Given that the black population almost entirely votes democrat, one can assume a correlation between voting and collecting welfare, thus leading to abuse of the system and generations staying in poverty. Welfare reform through duration limits was an improvement that coincidentally coincided with a boom in American production. Obama threw out welfare reform, thus giving moochers a reason to stay on welfare and/or jump onto disability so they might become a part of the permanent moocher class. Change you can believe in.

The cost of welfare is not just the dollars spent on the hand-outs, but also the loss of production the people would otherwise engage in if they were not forced to not work to continue receiving said hand-outs.

I am willing to bet the a minority of Black people are on welfare and the majority of Black people are not on welfare. So that leads me back to this question; why are some people here trying to make the minority of the Black people who are not doing well as the face of the majority of Black people who are employed and not on welfare? Why do some people who state that they belong to an ideology that "focuses on the INDIVIDUAL and not GROUPS", now the main perpetrators of stating that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation", and again trying to basically smear the majority of the Black people who are not on welfare and employed?

Do these people think that insulting "the Blacks" in that manner will make them want to join the same party that makes blanket insults and inaccurate generalizations about them? Do those same people state that "The Jews" who vote democrat are in the Democrat Concentration camp? I don't care if these republican conservative bigots keep up with the insults, hopefully that will encourage the Libertarian party to court Black people who are successful, working, and others who want to do the aforementioned without throwing that Democrat Plantation BULLSHIT out there along with the other insults that not a few republican conservative bigots throw out there.
Why is this Korean chick always talking about Blacks. Don't the Koreans have any topics or subjects of their own? Geez, everyday with this bitch

Wow....hit a nerve, huh?

Glad to do it.

isn't that just as divisive?

Let's stop dividing people and unite them instead.

Y'know.....there is reason to believe that those who roll over and make nice with the gutter-snipes are a large part of the problem.

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito" meaning "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it."

And will continue to do so.
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


Wow you are classless. First, the girl in that picture obviously has health issues and that has nothing do with the topic. Second, glad to know you hate people with health issues like physical deformities. Stay classy!
Wow....hit a nerve, huh?

Glad to do it.

isn't that just as divisive?

Let's stop dividing people and unite them instead.

Y'know.....there is reason to believe that those who roll over and make nice with the gutter-snipes are a large part of the problem.

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito" meaning "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it."

And will continue to do so.

She makes the thread being divisive then asks why other people are divisive. Then when she gets the negative response she was looking for with the trolling OP then she calls those people divisive again.

She can have this debate with her other personality
isn't that just as divisive?

Let's stop dividing people and unite them instead.

Y'know.....there is reason to believe that those who roll over and make nice with the gutter-snipes are a large part of the problem.

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito" meaning "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it."

And will continue to do so.

She makes the thread being divisive then asks why other people are divisive. Then when she gets the negative response she was looking for with the trolling OP then she calls those people divisive again.

She can have this debate with her other personality
No she answered a question to illustrate the point. But don't let that stop your faux outrage.
Does she have her hand up your ass or are you just a apologist.

Tell me where her posts are about removing fleas from her meal?
Hey....the Daily Caller picked up the disgusting, lying anti-white story that 4th graders are required to learn per the Liberal educrats......

..check out the last line in their article:

"Barack decided it was time to speak to Americans about race,” the next paragraph pedantically explains. “Black people and white people were too often angry with one another. All people were going to have to work together to solve the country’s problems. Only in that way could Americans make a more perfect United States.”

It’s not clear if the book’s author believes the United States is now “more perfect” some six years into the Obama presidency."

Obama biography tells fourth-graders white Americans racists | The Daily Caller
Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

Poverty is one measure, the number receiving welfare is another measure. I believe a part of the issue is that the black population is twice as likely as non-black population to be living in poverty and collecting welfare. Given that the black population almost entirely votes democrat, one can assume a correlation between voting and collecting welfare, thus leading to abuse of the system and generations staying in poverty. Welfare reform through duration limits was an improvement that coincidentally coincided with a boom in American production. Obama threw out welfare reform, thus giving moochers a reason to stay on welfare and/or jump onto disability so they might become a part of the permanent moocher class. Change you can believe in.

The cost of welfare is not just the dollars spent on the hand-outs, but also the loss of production the people would otherwise engage in if they were not forced to not work to continue receiving said hand-outs.

I am willing to bet the a minority of Black people are on welfare and the majority of Black people are not on welfare. So that leads me back to this question; why are some people here trying to make the minority of the Black people who are not doing well as the face of the majority of Black people who are employed and not on welfare? Why do some people who state that they belong to an ideology that "focuses on the INDIVIDUAL and not GROUPS", now the main perpetrators of stating that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation", and again trying to basically smear the majority of the Black people who are not on welfare and employed?

Do these people think that insulting "the Blacks" in that manner will make them want to join the same party that makes blanket insults and inaccurate generalizations about them? Do those same people state that "The Jews" who vote democrat are in the Democrat Concentration camp? I don't care if these republican conservative bigots keep up with the insults, hopefully that will encourage the Libertarian party to court Black people who are successful, working, and others who want to do the aforementioned without throwing that Democrat Plantation BULLSHIT out there along with the other insults that not a few republican conservative bigots throw out there.

That's a lot of good questions and statements.

I am willing to bet the a minority of Black people are on welfare and the majority of Black people are not on welfare.

Google says it's pretty close to half. It was about 40/60 when Obama took over. I think the tension, isn't that it's 40/60 or worse, the tension is that it's more than it should be. Asians were poor immigrants too, but they don't seem to have the same victim mentality, nor do they seem to seek out asian only leadership, asian only communities, and asian only solutions. But of course, it's not the race that is the issue, IMO, it's the culture espoused by media and leaders. In short Asian cultures appear to be more compatible with free market capitalism than the current victim and gang banger cultures prevalent in groups that appear to be stagnating wrt progress over poverty.

So that leads me back to this question; why are some people here trying to make the minority of the Black people who are not doing well as the face of the majority of Black people who are employed and not on welfare?

Bigotry and racism play a part with many of over fifty crowd, as they grew up when said bias was the norm. It's also still an issue with smaller groups of younger people, that grew up in hate groups. But mostly I think it's a matter of mind over cultural influence. It's really easy to place blame for all the bad in the world, much harder to come to the personal realization that some of your own personal biases are grossly incorrect.

Why do some people who state that they belong to an ideology that "focuses on the INDIVIDUAL and not GROUPS", now the main perpetrators of stating that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation", and again trying to basically smear the majority of the Black people who are not on welfare and employed?

Authoritarians of the left and right both say they are for the individual, but really what they mean is they are for the individuals in their circle of friends. They don't really believe in liberty, they are neo-con authoritarians and socialist authoritarians who strive for authority over the bad guys. The bad guys being the republicans in the democrat case, and the bad guys being the democrats in the republican case.

Most Libertarians and some independents recognize the fallacy of siding with one or the other sets of bigots and racists of the two authoritarian parties.

Do these people think that insulting "the Blacks" in that manner will make them want to join the same party that makes blanket insults and inaccurate generalizations about them?
Neither side of this two headed snake insults the other side for the purpose of getting them to switch sides. The purpose of insulting the other side is to dehumanize them. This is to justify the authority of their group over the other.

Do those same people state that "The Jews" who vote democrat are in the Democrat Concentration camp?

Same people? Some folks hate both blacks and jews. There are anti-semites who side with neo-con republican party, they also form ranks as brown shirts supporting the democrat party.

I don't care if these republican conservative bigots keep up with the insults, hopefully that will encourage the Libertarian party to court Black people who are successful, working, and others who want to do the aforementioned without throwing that Democrat Plantation BULLSHIT out there along with the other insults that not a few republican conservative bigots throw out there.

Yes, this is one of the reasons I left the republican party. I will not support a party that picks bigots, racists, and homophobes as it's leaders. That goes for the democrats as well. My politics are about 98% with in line with the libertarian party planks. To bad our voting system is designed to fail by only allowing two dominant parties at a time. Also to bad that we let the authoritarians take over the republican party.
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why do threads with certain posters always devolve into shit?

Because they are true, and you totalitarians fear/hate the truth more than death itself.

It's always been that same fear. Here:

"No clearer exposure of the scam [communism] can be found than that of a member of the Hollywood Ten, director Edward Dmytryk, who, later, wrote,

“The presumption that there is an immutable, unwritten law against informing is sheer nonsense,” Dmytryk writes. “What thousands of confused liberals have believed … is that one must allow a seditious Party to destroy one’s country rather than expose the men or women who are the Party. In other words, naming names is [considered] a greater crime than subversion.” ONE OF THE ?MARTYRS? WILL APPLAUD | New York Post

Just earlier you demanded that I 'shut up' can see how well that worked out....

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