How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

Heres the tactic. Claim that someone else is dividing americans while promoting the idea that blacks only do things for handouts....and ask why is EVERYONE ELSE being divisive.

The basis for their whole argument is their ignorance of why people actually do what they do and why. Rush, Ann and the rest are playing them to line their pockets. Just as Bill Maher and others do to dems.
Surely you would think that people like Polivinylchic would stop, she intelligent but not in control of her emotions, which is illogical.
Ame®icano;8189218 said:
NO, the number one cause is the breakdown of the black family unit----NUMBER 1

I think that's the number one obstacle in the advancement of all people. If you fix that then the three symptoms moon mentioned will be fixed.

Education and healthcare are NOT responsibility of the federal government.

IS this a christian nation or is it not?
Education is demanded by industry and the military.
Healthcare is a human reaction to a situation which needs addressing, ignoring it and letting people suffer is cruel and inhuman.
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Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?

I think he posted wrong selfie.
How low can you go
All the way to the floor
Like you never never stoped
Can you bring it to the top
Like you never never stoped
So I go to the "Active Topics" page and this is the first thread:

Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

and this is the second thread:

How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

The question is, "Were they written by the same people?"
Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

When I was a kid it was told to me like this. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Ame®icano;8189218 said:
I think that's the number one obstacle in the advancement of all people. If you fix that then the three symptoms moon mentioned will be fixed.

Education and healthcare are NOT responsibility of the federal government.

IS this a christian nation or is it not?
Education is demanded by industry and the military.
Healthcare is a human reaction to a situation which needs addressing, ignoring it and letting people suffer is cruel and inhuman.

letting people suffer is cruel and inhuman? Not according to USMB Right Wingers. That much is clear.
So I go to the "Active Topics" page and this is the first thread:

Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

and this is the second thread:

How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

The question is, "Were they written by the same people?"

For these white wingers, they think they are giving blacks who they insist have no integrity a "teaching moment".
So I go to the "Active Topics" page and this is the first thread:

Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

and this is the second thread:

How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

The question is, "Were they written by the same people?"

It burns in their minds the inadequate ability to reason that they are biased against the left, by extreme reactionary hatred of certain groups of people, to try and push their agenda through with rhetoric and guilt by association.
So I go to the "Active Topics" page and this is the first thread:

Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

and this is the second thread:

How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

The question is, "Were they written by the same people?"

For these white wingers, they think they are giving blacks who they insist have no integrity a "teaching moment".

And they wonder why they have low black voters active in the party ranks.
Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

Poverty is one measure, the number receiving welfare is another measure. I believe a part of the issue is that the black population is twice as likely as non-black population to be living in poverty and collecting welfare. Given that the black population almost entirely votes democrat, one can assume a correlation between voting and collecting welfare, thus leading to abuse of the system and generations staying in poverty. Welfare reform through duration limits was an improvement that coincidentally coincided with a boom in American production. Obama threw out welfare reform, thus giving moochers a reason to stay on welfare and/or jump onto disability so they might become a part of the permanent moocher class. Change you can believe in.

The cost of welfare is not just the dollars spent on the hand-outs, but also the loss of production the people would otherwise engage in if they were not forced to not work to continue receiving said hand-outs.
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Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

Poverty is one measure, the number receiving welfare is another measure. I believe a part of the issue is that the black population is twice as likely as non-black population to be living in poverty and collecting welfare. Given that the black population almost entirely votes democrat, one can assume a correlation between voting and collecting welfare, thus leading to abuse of the system and generations staying in poverty. Welfare reform through duration limits was an improvement that coincidentally coincided with a boom in American production. Obama threw out welfare reform, thus giving moochers a reason to stay on welfare and/or jump onto disability so they might become a part of the permanent moocher class. Change you can believe in.

Notice that the blacks were moving away from the GOP because of their political stance when running for the presidency and that was before the great war on welfare began.
Welfare reform is not only in place it has become more stringent based on ones assets.
The states have a lot of influence in the welfare system and can change the rules of eligibility also.
Work is a requirement for welfare, or you must be in a training program to be eligible to receive aid.
The social workers I know say that they have to get through the greed to help the need.
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Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?
The pic is of himself. Anyway? God bless Texas. They have it correct. Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?
The pic is of himself. Anyway? God bless Texas. They have it correct. Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

25% no health care

Number one in pollution

drop outs


number one in children without health care

You know, I don't think that's such a hard act to follow. I think cleaning up GOP mess is harder.
Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!

Poverty is one measure, the number receiving welfare is another measure. I believe a part of the issue is that the black population is twice as likely as non-black population to be living in poverty and collecting welfare. Given that the black population almost entirely votes democrat, one can assume a correlation between voting and collecting welfare, thus leading to abuse of the system and generations staying in poverty. Welfare reform through duration limits was an improvement that coincidentally coincided with a boom in American production. Obama threw out welfare reform, thus giving moochers a reason to stay on welfare and/or jump onto disability so they might become a part of the permanent moocher class. Change you can believe in.

The cost of welfare is not just the dollars spent on the hand-outs, but also the loss of production the people would otherwise engage in if they were not forced to not work to continue receiving said hand-outs.

Now you say that the reason blacks are on welfare is because of the Democratic party. You see that a possibility.

Now is it possible that the reason for those numbers to be elevated is because of the history of blacks and how they have been treated in this Nation...or is that unfair?

And its totally ok to blame voting patterns but not history?

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