How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

"25% no health care"

America had and continues to have 100%, citizens and non-citizens, with healthcare since President Reagan.

Just one more fact about which you are ignorant.

Did you know that Ronald Reagan was a member of the GOP?


That is false.

Shocker...another lie from the liar.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment with the informed consent of the patient, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, get back in the sewer....

....and would the rest of you stop lifting the manhole cover for him!!!!

If emergency care were all anyone ever needed, you would be almost correct.
When did Michigan, California, and New York become southern states? has there been a geographical realignment of the continent?

and can you please quantify "tend" ?

What's the black poverty rate in New York?

What is it in Georgia?

What is it in Arizona?

The black poverty rate is directionaly proportional to the black population in the state.

States with more blacks "tend" to have more black poverty----Duh !

Rate is percentage not total number.
Worth watching

[ame=]ZoNATION: Oprah Orders More Whine On The Race Card - YouTube[/ame]
PC has swallowed hook line and sinker the conservative elitists' scheme for wringing support out of the middle and working classes...

...convince them that all their troubles are the fault of the poor, and especially the poor of a different color.

And in the mean time, Obamacare is transferring a massive amount of middle class wealth to rich insurance companies and a government bureaucracy.

Go figure.
Very well stated! It's nice to have an intelligent discourse that doesn't devolve into stupid insults. Many good threads just end up in the toilet when it gets to be just stupid insults.
Some Asians do have a "Chinatown", Koreatown", etc. . They also do have Asian leadership; Asia Society | Diversity Leadership Forum , Welcome to Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) | Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) , CAPAL | Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership . I think it's fine for Americans to have such associations (First Amendment), it just seems that the Black people get the rap for basically having the same things other minority groups in this country have.
Welcome to Congressional Hispanic Caucus | Congressional Hispanic Caucus
Congressional Friends of the Irish National Caucus
Italian American Congressional Delegation

The list goes on.


The rap as you say is placed on organizations that receive negative media attention. It's not that there is a problem with a group/organizations in general. While some organizations are truly evil to the core most are formed with good intention.

However, a problem arises when someone of the group makes statements that are not supported by the group. For example, when someone makes racist, bigoted statements that get carried by the media, those people just became a spokesman for the organization. Even though this is a blatant fallacy that this person is a representative member of the entire group, the media and economic/political opponents are certainly going to take advantage.

In fact many times the one bad member isn't even a member, he's a plant of the group's opponents, put there for media attention.

Still other times the one bad member is the leader of the group, but because of the complexities there may be a hundred issues, and the selected leader may be the best of the few options. For example, Romney was a homophobe. I don't support his views on gays, but I support his views on economics more than Obama. Becomes a mess when the best guy to vote for (the libertarian) is not even allowed to go to the debates.

Excellent points.
PC has swallowed hook line and sinker the conservative elitists' scheme for wringing support out of the middle and working classes...

...convince them that all their troubles are the fault of the poor, and especially the poor of a different color.

And in the mean time, Obamacare is transferring a massive amount of middle class wealth to rich insurance companies and a government bureaucracy.

Go figure.

What's to figure?

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Did they ever finish the super highway to Mexico?

No. That project was shut down.

God bless Texas. They have it correct.
Not perfect but I like it here better than most places.

Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Yeah he's leaving. Agreed would be good to get a good governor here for a change. Mostly the Governorship in TX has been ceremonial under his control as opposed to actually having governing responsibilities.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

I'm not a fan of Perry, he had way to many crony capitalist and socialist moves when he first took over. To his credit, when he got slapped around by the conservative voice he changed his tune. Perry is an ex-Democrat that ran the campaign for Al Gore. He appears to be a guy willing to play the politics game of doing what the polls tell him to do. I've had a few conversations with him, not a bad guy. more a car salesman type.

In Texan, all hat no cattle.
Did they ever finish the super highway to Mexico?

No. That project was shut down.

God bless Texas. They have it correct.
Not perfect but I like it here better than most places.

Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Yeah he's leaving. Agreed would be good to get a good governor here for a change. Mostly the Governorship in TX has been ceremonial under his control as opposed to actually having governing responsibilities.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

I'm not a fan of Perry, he had way to many crony capitalist and socialist moves when he first took over. To his credit, when he got slapped around by the conservative voice he changed his tune. Perry is an ex-Democrat that ran the campaign for Al Gore. He appears to be a guy willing to play the politics game of doing what the polls tell him to do. I've had a few conversations with him, not a bad guy. more a car salesman type.

In Texan, all hat no cattle.

When the leftist "Politifiction" sticks up for a Republican.........??? :dunno:
Did they ever finish the super highway to Mexico?

No. That project was shut down.

God bless Texas. They have it correct.
Not perfect but I like it here better than most places.

Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Yeah he's leaving. Agreed would be good to get a good governor here for a change. Mostly the Governorship in TX has been ceremonial under his control as opposed to actually having governing responsibilities.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

I'm not a fan of Perry, he had way to many crony capitalist and socialist moves when he first took over. To his credit, when he got slapped around by the conservative voice he changed his tune. Perry is an ex-Democrat that ran the campaign for Al Gore. He appears to be a guy willing to play the politics game of doing what the polls tell him to do. I've had a few conversations with him, not a bad guy. more a car salesman type.

In Texan, all hat no cattle.
Nice rebuttal. Well done.

This guy has his head on straight.

Taking about the racist Democrat Party.....

.....did you notice that all the Liberals who got so riled up in the thread, none denied any of this:

" If one leans toward being kind, it is possible to claim that Liberals realized the error of their ways, the history of Democrat racial policies, the racism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, FDR putting a KKKlaner on the Supreme Court, or Governor Bill Clinton championing the Confederate flag, and the blocking every anti-lynching bill by the Senate Democrats....and turned over a new leaf!"

I guess that's an admission that the OP is correct.....
PC has swallowed hook line and sinker the conservative elitists' scheme for wringing support out of the middle and working classes...

...convince them that all their troubles are the fault of the poor, and especially the poor of a different color.

And in the mean time, Obamacare is transferring a massive amount of middle class wealth to rich insurance companies and a government bureaucracy.

Go figure.

What's to figure?


I believe that this fits here:

1. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Does he sound just like a certain President??

...walks like a duck....quacks like a duck....
When the leftist "Politifiction" sticks up for a Republican.........??? :dunno:

PolitiFact | The legend of Al Gore and Rick Perry

So he was a democrat, went on tour with Gore twice, supported him, was seen as the leader of said effort in Texas, but may have had a different title than chair? Who cares what the title was.. he supported Gore's election campaign. That he did not do the "work" of chair is no surprise. Perry is more a speech giver than a doer kind of guy.

I talked to Perry about it. He told me that he grew up a democrat and had a change of heart, like Reagan did.
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The three biggest obstacles to black advancement are education, healthcare, and illegitimacy. White racism does not make the top ten.

But it's their number 1 excuse.
And too many refuse to take advantage of it...but then that would be tentamount to submitting to 'whitey's world', no? (Belive me? I was married to a teacher...the stories I could share....) It's easier not to work to better one's self of one's own sweat equity...and it's precisely what they're being told.
The pic is of himself. Anyway? God bless Texas. They have it correct. Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

25% no health care

Number one in pollution

drop outs


number one in children without health care

You know, I don't think that's such a hard act to follow. I think cleaning up GOP mess is harder.

"25% no health care"

America had and continues to have 100%, citizens and non-citizens, with healthcare since President Reagan.

Just one more fact about which you are ignorant.

Did you know that Ronald Reagan was a member of the GOP?


Going to the emergency room is not "health care". It's "going to the emergency room".
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


Wow you are classless. First, the girl in that picture obviously has health issues and that has nothing do with the topic. Second, glad to know you hate people with health issues like physical deformities. Stay classy!

Oh yea, Republicans really "care" about people. No really. OK, just kidding.

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