How Many 73 Year Old Men Do You Know Who Have Dyed Blond Hair?

Every time Hillary or Obama gave a speech they had a shitload of makeup on.
Obama dyes his hair and Hillary needs a hairdressor and a makeup artist.
Same with Michelle.

Oh but that's different.
OK, but, how many 73-year old men do you know who have dyed blond hair and spray painted orange faces?
Politicians and actors do both.....and you don't seem to mind.
Bill Clinton has been bleaching his hair for years.
He's also had plastic surgery.

BTW.....this is Hillary without makeup

Hillary with makeup

Michelle with and without makeup

OK, but the thread is about 73-year-old men dying their hair blond and spray painting their face orange. You seem obsessed and stuck on "what about" deflecting. "Bu...bu...bu what about..." wanna ignore facts and just focus on your hatred.
Fact is not a single poster has responded about the question in the OP, but plenty like you have responded with off-topic nonsense what about deflections. Looks like Donald Dork stands alone.
Just because we don't give you the response you wanted...doesn't mean we went off-topic.
You're dealing with real people with their own minds and opinions.
We're not all brainwashed like you are.
I don't know any. I don't know any who spray paint their faces orange either. Would you consider them as kind of dorky, weird or having a big insecurity problem?

Is Donald creating a fashion trend? Will we be seeing more old guys dying their hair blond and painting their faces orange?
View attachment 265539
No cry baby he's still your president.
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Sorry, but no.
I don't know any. I don't know any who spray paint their faces orange either. Would you consider them as kind of dorky, weird or having a big insecurity problem?

Is Donald creating a fashion trend? Will we be seeing more old guys dying their hair blond and painting their faces orange?


Well, technically she is DYKE rather than a man..

I don't know any. I don't know any who spray paint their faces orange either. Would you consider them as kind of dorky, weird or having a big insecurity problem?

Is Donald creating a fashion trend? Will we be seeing more old guys dying their hair blond and painting their faces orange?


Well, technically she is DYKE rather than a man..

Oh....DO tell us all about your knowledge in this regard.

Hey stupidfuck Trump has a new hairstyle;


Guess you'll be posting an apology, right?

Nah, you're a fucking pile of shit, no integrity, no class.
How many 73-year-old men do you know who dye their hair blond and paint their face orange?

You're a bitter, miserable little turd.
OK, if that is what you think, but, you have not answered the question. Do you know any 73-year-old men who dye their hair blond and paint their face orange?
You believe you are less judgemental than I.
I get it, you have legitimate issues with the President because you hate his combover. That sounds reasonable for a generation of idiots who question their own sexuality.
I don't know any. I don't know any who spray paint their faces orange either. Would you consider them as kind of dorky, weird or having a big insecurity problem?

Is Donald creating a fashion trend? Will we be seeing more old guys dying their hair blond and painting their faces orange?
and having a 180 degree combover with a quart of hairspray a day to hold it in place...

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