How many Democrats and Republicans here are Christians and in what way does it affect your political views?

Are you a Christian?

  • Yes I am a Christian and I am a Democrat

  • Yes I’m a Christian and I am a republican

  • Yes I’m a Christian and I am a independent

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a Republican

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a democrat

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a independent

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I’m Catholic but I’m not very religious. I have been attending church once a week. If folks look at my signature you will see I have a tremendous deal of respect for the Knights hospitalier who during the crusades stood up to help out their fellow man but also provided medical relieve to not only their own soldiers but to the enemy. They were true Christians men of the cross, men who serve the poor.

I cannot support far left wing or far right wing extremists who engage in racism, I could never support Black Lives Matter or the major corporations in America who have racist hiring policies. This is all against Christianity. Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America … perhaps maybe 5% of the country is pro BLM and therefore on the extremist far left. So again just hear what I say to my fellow Democrats because you can’t just make up other peoples views …..Black Lives Matter is a racist organization due to their attacks on American history, due to their support for racism in the job place. To the far left You can’t make up other peoples viewpoints and turn around what I said.

I also admire atheist people who donate money to the poor and who work to help people all over the world. God bless us all.
Independent voter registered democrat will switch parties before an election for a candidate I like. I am a born again christian grew up going to an Independent Fundemental Missionary Baptist congregation. How it affects my politics is 100%.
''Judge a tree by it fruit'' Is what I try to do in picking a political candidate or a pastor. As we are taught we all fall short of Gods perfection so I do not expect anyone I vote for to be perfect but I do judge on how they handle their short comings. As far as my stand on issues I pray and look to scripture for guidance.
Leftism is evil. While there are some Democrats - maybe even the majority of them - who do not support the insanity of today's Left, they stay with the party that sponsors and promotes evil. They point to President Trump's conspicuous "sins," and pretend that they justify remaining with the party of evil. They don't.

Examples of the evil of Leftism:
  • Promoting and at times even exalting abortion,
  • Supporting sexual perversion - not just the inclination, but the activities of sexual perversion,
  • Supporting measures that destroy the FAMILY, especially in minority communities,
  • Supporting and patronizing the evil of "transgenderism,"
  • Supporting racism and bigotry in the name of D.E.I.,
  • Antagonizing and ridiculing religious faith and people of faith,
  • Constant lies about everything from elections to climate change,
  • Supporting "law enforcement" practices that promote irresponsibility (e.g., looting without punishment).
The list is almost infinitely long, but you get the idea.
Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America

After seeing you say that, no one can take you seriously.

The liberals here reflect mainstream American beliefs. The conservatives here overwhelmingly hold extremist fringe beliefs that are rejected by mainstream America. That's why they can't win elections, and why they work so hard to cheat.
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Leftism is evil. While there are some Democrats - maybe even the majority of them - who do not support the insanity of today's Left, they stay with the party that sponsors and promotes evil. They point to President Trump's conspicuous "sins," and pretend that they justify remaining with the party of evil. They don't.

Examples of the evil of Leftism:
  • Promoting and at times even exalting abortion,
  • Supporting sexual perversion - not just the inclination, but the activities of sexual perversion,
  • Supporting measures that destroy the FAMILY, especially in minority communities,
  • Supporting and patronizing the evil of "transgenderism,"
  • Supporting racism and bigotry in the name of D.E.I.,
  • Antagonizing and ridiculing religious faith and people of faith,
  • Constant lies about everything from elections to climate change,
  • Supporting "law enforcement" practices that promote irresponsibility (e.g., looting without punishment).
The list is almost infinitely long, but you get the idea.
Many Democrats vote Republican. They oppose abortion, they oppose racism by the far left, they support equality among man. As Jesus taught they love even their enemy.

On the national scale most Democrat politicians betrayed the parties principles. But on the local scale there are still those Democrats that stand up for integrity and for Christian values.

That’s why I’ve always admired Robert Byrd you see he was a man who earlier in life made some mistakes he joined the KKK, but then later on he saw the light he left the clan he supported the workingman he supported honorable values. He publicly opposed the war in Iraq the invasion of Iraq in 2003 while other Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden all supported that war.

The Democrat party historically stood by police unions and they stood for the workingman, they brought us the minimum wage they brought us the eight hour workday, they brought us these things that are all about freedom and prosperity. There were also Republicans who worked for all of these causes very admirable of them…. They brought us workplace safety when there was a time when the evil doers would have children working at sweatshops for 14 hours a day for little pay. They would work men to their death.

What standing by the Democratic Party means standing by the history of the Democrat party ie the history of Andrew Jackson who made our country larger…who stood up to the British not once but twice including as a young boy when he was mercilessly beat by a British soldier he stood up for the cause of freedom.

of course the Democrat party is the party of Franklin Roosevelt and every World War II veteran I’ve talked with supported him.
This is why I am a Democrat

And today unfortunately many far left Democrats supported this type of vandalism of American history. I Agree with what Donald Trump said in the video below.. many of the small but loud and criminal far leftists didn’t even know what they’re doing they just saw some people destroying statues and went along with it.

There’s no excuse for the above vandalism. Simply put all men of history came from the slave era. All of our ancestors no matter what their skin color or religion was were people who were slave owners or who at some point fought the slave trade.

White men, black men, Jews, Christians, Muslims, the tribesman of America owned and engaged in the slave trade. They were men of their times. So vandalism of white Christian men of history is nothing short of hypocrisy and it is wrong.
It would appear that many far left wingers are radical atheists. Some conservatives are atheist but moderate in their views. Traditional Democrats are mostly Christian traditional conservatives are mostly Christian. According to a man on Fox News Keith Everett Ellison we saw this in another thread 75% of white Americans are Christians and 85% of black Americans are Christians. The question is of this US message board how many people are Christians? . I would venture to say at least 65% although that number could be somewhat wrong. I don’t think it’s any higher than 85%.
The fact that you have to ask how the 1st Amendment freedom of religion and the tradition of Christian morality that shaped the Country for 200 years factors in politics indicates that the 1st Amendment is no longer respected and Christian values are under attack.
All of the founding fathers were Christians or deists .. afaik none were atheists.

what is difficult about this topic is to actually delve into the lives of the founding fathers and really who knows what they truly thought in their own private lives and until their death beds. What went through their minds in terms of as they went on with life ….what did they think about Christianity and other religions.?

Many people are agnostic believing in some sort of a higher power. I think that makes sense ….. how could anybody look at this world and our universe and believe that there’s nothing above us. ? Agnostics believe that there is something …. atheists believe in nothing although they have a belief system of nothing. They look up to people like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.

Atheism is a religion of having no belief believing that there is no God or no higher powers.
The fact that you have to ask how the 1st Amendment freedom of religion and the tradition of Christian morality that shaped the Country for 200 years factors in politics indicates that the 1st Amendment is no longer respected and Christian values are under attack.
Imo A small portion of Americans are anti-Christian. You can listen to it on C-SPAN for example there was one man who called in who was offended by Americans who point to Christianity as what motivates them. Of course this is bigotry it is something that is a violent belief system.

The war on Christmas is also a form of bigotry.
If I was a Christian, I would think that American conservatism is probably Satan's greatest invention, being that it's convinced tens of millions of Americans to follow the Lord of Lies.
awww, give poor old fool biden a what if the chinese have paid him millions
I’m Catholic but I’m not very religious. I have been attending church once a week. If folks look at my signature you will see I have a tremendous deal of respect for the Knights hospitalier who during the crusades stood up to help out their fellow man but also provided medical relieve to not only their own soldiers but to the enemy. They were true Christians men of the cross, men who serve the poor.

I cannot support far left wing or far right wing extremists who engage in racism, I could never support Black Lives Matter or the major corporations in America who have racist hiring policies. This is all against Christianity. Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America … perhaps maybe 5% of the country is pro BLM and therefore on the extremist far left. So again just hear what I say to my fellow Democrats because you can’t just make up other peoples views …..Black Lives Matter is a racist organization due to their attacks on American history, due to their support for racism in the job place. To the far left You can’t make up other peoples viewpoints and turn around what I said.

I also admire atheist people who donate money to the poor and who work to help people all over the world. God bless us all.

I am a Liberal, and pro-choice Christian. I am also an elder in the Presbyterian Church of Canada.
I’m Catholic but I’m not very religious. I have been attending church once a week. If folks look at my signature you will see I have a tremendous deal of respect for the Knights hospitalier who during the crusades stood up to help out their fellow man but also provided medical relieve to not only their own soldiers but to the enemy. They were true Christians men of the cross, men who serve the poor.

I cannot support far left wing or far right wing extremists who engage in racism, I could never support Black Lives Matter or the major corporations in America who have racist hiring policies. This is all against Christianity. Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America … perhaps maybe 5% of the country is pro BLM and therefore on the extremist far left. So again just hear what I say to my fellow Democrats because you can’t just make up other peoples views …..Black Lives Matter is a racist organization due to their attacks on American history, due to their support for racism in the job place. To the far left You can’t make up other peoples viewpoints and turn around what I said.

I also admire atheist people who donate money to the poor and who work to help people all over the world. God bless us all.

If one has to tell others they are a Christian, then they are probably not.
This is why I am a Democrat

And today unfortunately many far left Democrats supported this type of vandalism of American history. I Agree with what Donald Trump said in the video below.. many of the small but loud and criminal far leftists didn’t even know what they’re doing they just saw some people destroying statues and went along with it.

There’s no excuse for the above vandalism. Simply put all men of history came from the slave era. All of our ancestors no matter what their skin color or religion was were people who were slave owners or who at some point fought the slave trade.

White men, black men, Jews, Christians, Muslims, the tribesman of America owned and engaged in the slave trade. They were men of their times. So vandalism of white Christian men of history is nothing short of hypocrisy and it is wrong.

The problem isn’t that all white men is history were cruel and terrible and did awful things, it’s that the American right refuses to acknowledge any of it or allow their children to be taught their history.

And in the classic case of “those who will not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them” the USA is now relitigating abortion rights, votings rights and minority right - all of which you oppose.

Your denial that you are openly and enthusiastically embracing an authoritarian white nationalist party with your condescending claims of racism by Democats is laughable to say the least.

You’re not fooling anyone, and your FDR avatar is a joke.
I take comfort knowing God will give Democrats everything they got coming to them.

Whose God??? Why do you think God hates Democrats?

The Bible clearly says that those who sit in judgement of others will receive the punishment that they would have given those they condemn.

It’s one of those “be careful what you wish for things”.

I believe that God gave us free will to rule the Earth. We’re not doing a very good job of it, but all of the things that we are facing our things that we have brought on ourselves.

How we treat one another matters. That which you have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me. I take that shit seriously.

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