How many democrats own guns?

They tend to poll gun owners as well as non-gun owners so they kind of get what everyone thinks and right now their is a slight majority in favor of them. That is just the truth. I hate them as well since they make me stand in line for so long to answer dumb questions and how hard would it to be to create a registry from the information they have collected.
This is just a lie.

Liberals do not advocate for a complete gun ban.

Not all, but many do. You know that, quit lying.
We would need a new poll to answer your question definitively.

Based on my own experience almost no one wants a compete ban on guns.

Most people are fine with hunting guns.

Most people are against AR and AK style assault guns however.

The problem is that the movers and shakers in the Democrat Party and the monied and powerful Socialists of the world, do. Despite what you and your democrat friends think, the people YOU vote for want a ban on guns.
I believe that with the deaths of both elderly Brady's, that handgun control is now finally dead.

As for the banning of assault style weapons, with Hillary's imminent election and possible takeover of House and Senate for at least 2 years, another Federal ban like WJ Clinton's first one will be in the making.

Handguns should be safe since Billy did not go after them before. For all we know, Bill and Hillary probably both own handguns.

Hunting guns should also be safe since nobody is assaulting them (no pun intended).

Hunting guns normally don't hold more than 5 cartridges.

Assault style guns can hold from 10 to 30 cartridges or more and normally have detachable box or cylinder magazines. Most people infer that an assault weapon also includes some kind of pistol grip on the stock. So that feature normally gets built into the definitional legislation for them as well.

The second worst mas public shooting was done it's a hand gun.......they are not safe.........there was a county in Arizona..10 rounds used to be the limit they said they wanted.......they want all of them....

California (run by stupid Libtards) recently passed a series of draconian gun control laws that will make it close to impossible for the average person to own a functional fire arm.


Completely false.

You may own revolvers in Calif.

You may own pistols as long as they can only hold 10 rounds or less.

You may own shotguns as long as they can only hold 10 shells or less.

You may own carbines and rifles as long as they do not have detachable magazines AND also a pistol grip or a folding stock.

And you can only own 10 round detachable box magazines or smaller.

Until the next push.....then it will only be 9 rounds....which will effectively ban pistols that hold 10...ditto a rifles........and then someone will use a shotgun..and then it will be 5 shells or less.....and each step will get closer and closer...and th n they will get registration...and that will be it....

California (run by stupid Libtards) recently passed a series of draconian gun control laws that will make it close to impossible for the average person to own a functional fire arm.


Completely false.

You may own revolvers in Calif.

You may own pistols as long as they can only hold 10 rounds or less.

You may own shotguns as long as they can only hold 10 shells or less.

You may own carbines and rifles as long as they do not have detachable magazines AND also a pistol grip or a folding stock.

And you can only own 10 round detachable box magazines or smaller.

There is no Legitmate reason for any of those limits.......yet they passed them........there will be no legitimate reason for the next steps either....that you are fine with it shows how endangered the Right is.....

Should a writer be limited in how many words they can write a limit the ability of crazies to push violent rhetoric? Should you be limited in how much time you can spend on a help reduce computer crime....?
Why do gun nuts act like their gun rights haven't been expanded in the past decade?
They haven't

I cannot buy or legally own some guns in my state. I cannot legally own a magazine of more than a 10 round capacity.

things I could do just a few years ago

You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.

The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.

We need to weaken that is insane that 5, politically appointed, unaccountable lawyers can determine the Rights of 320,000,000 people......
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You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.

The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.
With 33% of households being gun owning and 66% being non gun owning, you cannot be sure that a repeal of the 2nd Amendment is impossible.

If the gun ownership increased then maybe you could feel more safe.

But right now a repeal of the 2nd Amendment would be very close.

Needing 2/3rds of the Senate to even get the Amendment process out of Congress and you think that's close?

Are you insane?

Th y need one judge...that's it.
The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.
With 33% of households being gun owning and 66% being non gun owning, you cannot be sure that a repeal of the 2nd Amendment is impossible.

If the gun ownership increased then maybe you could feel more safe.

But right now a repeal of the 2nd Amendment would be very close.

Needing 2/3rds of the Senate to even get the Amendment process out of Congress and you think that's close?

Are you insane?

I've explained how the amendment process isn't needed. If you're too stupid to understand that, let me know and I'll get a kid to explain it on your 1st grade comprehension level.
My my you are a rude fokk.

Not my problem NYCarbineer is too stupid to understand a simple explanation.

He understands .....he is lying. He is the quisling...the one who I'll lie to the uninformed to make gun control seem common sense and reasonable.....just like putting yellow stars on Jews sounded reasonable..after didn't hurt anyone...they just wanted to know who the Jews were....
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

1. It isn't overblown one iota.
2. Even if they weren't, you have to fight for every right you have constantly. You give an inch and they take a mile. Make ti tough for the tyrants, and they are forced to compromise.
That's all part of the propaganda... They are in your head. The NRA should be working to make guns safer and owners more educated and prepared. It should be a collaboration with government, not a battle. There is not a serious movement to ban all guns, most people just want to be as safe as possible when dealing with deadly weapons

The NRA is one of the best places to get gun safety courses they have certified instructors in every state
In fact many states that issue any type of hunting or pistol permit require a basic NRA safety course as a prerequisite
Yes, which is what attracted me to them... They should stick to that and cut out the propaganda
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law
The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.
With 33% of households being gun owning and 66% being non gun owning, you cannot be sure that a repeal of the 2nd Amendment is impossible.

If the gun ownership increased then maybe you could feel more safe.

But right now a repeal of the 2nd Amendment would be very close.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't have to be repealed in order for guns to be outright banned, or effectively banned.

That's what I tried to explain to NYCarbineer. He keeps talking about how an amendment to repeal the 2nd wouldn't happen. I agree. However, nothing has to change in the wording of ANY portion of the Constitution. As few as FIVE Justices have to say it means something else. He can't grasp how that works.

That's why I said we can't let Trump put anti-abortion and anti-gay rights judges on the court.
Oh THAT'S what you "meant". Jeeze!

My personal view is that abortion has been settled.

Gay marriage has also been settled.

Assault weapons have not yet been settled.

Slavery had been settled too...until the Rights of blacks were forced on their democrat slave owners.....
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

i dont find that over blown at all
It's not real. They are instilling fear and playing y'all like puppets.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,
On the contrary, we know exactly what they are. As do most people. The domination of the politicians by the NRA is at an end. The nonsense you and they spew is now falling on deaf ears, and in many races the endorsement of the NRA may even be toxic.

You fools have had your day. You said putting millions of guns out on the street was going to make us all so much safer. Hasn't turned out that way. And the voters will be making their dissatisfaction known at the polling places.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The better and most important question is this:

Why do so many convicted felons and mentally unstable persons own guns in America?

The felons break the law.......and the mental health system won't lock up the dangerously mentally ill.

and the mental health system won't lock up the dangerously mentally ill

hell they wont even get them on the no sale background check
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law
With no control measures a "bad guy" can walk into a store and buy a gun like its a pack of cigarettes... Is that what you promote?
The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

i dont find that over blown at all
It's not real. They are instilling fear and playing y'all like puppets.

no there is much talk coming from the left on banning certain firearms

replacing SC judges

plus there has already been confiscations in this country
BRitain, Germany and Australia did not ban guns over night....but they all needed registration first.....that is the key......and the anti gunners know it....they want universal background checks only for that reason.....since they know UBCs don't do anything to stop crime.....
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law
With no control measures a "bad guy" can walk into a store and buy a gun like its a pack of cigarettes... Is that what you promote?

Their straw buyers do that today...........or they steal the gun.......and mass shooters pass those same background checks.........
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law
With no control measures a "bad guy" can walk into a store and buy a gun like its a pack of cigarettes... Is that what you promote?

did you misunderstand what i said

or are you intentionally distorting my post seriously

currently we do not have a universal background check

firearm "stores" are required to conduct a check
A gun that is made to quality standards is a life time purchase. Except by misuse and carelessness, you will never use it to the point it is worn out. So why shouldn't there be a month or better waiting period for the background checks when one is purchased. In fact, six months would not be unreasonable.

As for Dems owning guns, yes, many of us do. And many of us have more guns than we need either for protection or hunting. And still support very strong background checks on the purchase of any firearm, new or used.

No, the right of privacy is in the Constitution but there are no protections whatsoever for fetuses.

That is the reason why a million American chidren are murdered each year on demand for the sake of convenience and that is despicable.

However, there is a Consitutional right to keep and bear arms and the Bill of Rights says very specifically that it shall not be infringed. You Moon Bats really hate the Constitution, don't you?

It is amazing how utterly dense you Moon Bats are when it comes to understanding what the phrase "shall not be infringed" means. It is not a hard thing to understand unless you are a Libtard Moon Bat with your head up your ass.

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