How many democrats own guns?

I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

1. It isn't overblown one iota.
2. Even if they weren't, you have to fight for every right you have constantly. You give an inch and they take a mile. Make ti tough for the tyrants, and they are forced to compromise.
That's all part of the propaganda... They are in your head. The NRA should be working to make guns safer and owners more educated and prepared. It should be a collaboration with government, not a battle. There is not a serious movement to ban all guns, most people just want to be as safe as possible when dealing with deadly weapons
The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

lol, a typical RW denialist.

So....tell me...what does a universal background check do that will stop a criminal from getting a gun? What will they do that stops a mass shooter from getting a gun? How will universal background checks work without gun registration? Will handing you gun to your friend on the range now be a felony if you don't get a background check on the transfer of that gun?

Can you friends or relatives take your guns into their home and keep them while you are on vacation, and return them when you get back without two background checks on the transfers?

So liars polling the uninformed show nothing real about the issue.

I've asked Slade what type of background check was going to be done on the person that stole one of my guns. He's yet to provide an answer. He seems to not understand that the only ones affected by what he supports aren't the ones we need to worry about and those that are won't be subjected to those laws no matter how many are passed. Criminals don't care about what the law says or how many laws say it. That's why they're criminals.
What kind of bg check? No kind of bg check for thieves... What kind of gun is he stealing?

Doesn't matter. What kind will that thief get for the gun he stole? That's right, he won't.
What are you talking about?
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown
You are definately not one of the brighter candles in the box....
Go back to school and learn how to make an arguement. Empty statements with no explanation, justification, or rationale, only make you look stupid
Put more quarters in your on-line degree machine.....:lol:
There it is again, presumptive empty and ignorant statements... Keep going dude, I enjoy watching idiots sink their own ship
What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown
You are definately not one of the brighter candles in the box....
Go back to school and learn how to make an arguement. Empty statements with no explanation, justification, or rationale, only make you look stupid
Put more quarters in your on-line degree machine.....:lol:
There it is again, presumptive empty and ignorant statements... Keep going dude, I enjoy watching idiots sink their own ship
Indeed....please, carry on.....
The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

1. It isn't overblown one iota.
2. Even if they weren't, you have to fight for every right you have constantly. You give an inch and they take a mile. Make ti tough for the tyrants, and they are forced to compromise.
That's all part of the propaganda... They are in your head. The NRA should be working to make guns safer and owners more educated and prepared. It should be a collaboration with government, not a battle. There is not a serious movement to ban all guns, most people just want to be as safe as possible when dealing with deadly weapons

The NRA is one of the best places to get gun safety courses they have certified instructors in every state
In fact many states that issue any type of hunting or pistol permit require a basic NRA safety course as a prerequisite
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?

obama and, shumer...........

What legislation did Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer ever introduce to ban all guns?

All guns in one swoop is not the tactic......anti 2nd amendment judges to get around the ne d to pass legislation is the biggest step..........he had his primary goal to pass government healthcare so he didn't want to distract from that.....

What will they do next....the Supreme Court to overturn Heller and Macdonald, and they will get rid of the Lawful Commerce in Arms act....which will allow frivolous law suits to drive out A,erican gun makers.....they will pass universal background checks and then wait for the next mass shooting to pass gun registration....

That is how they will boil the frog....
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown isn't.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?
All of the ones that say "you don't need a gun"

That's foolishness. I know plenty of people who don't need a gun and I don't support banning all guns.

You aren't a leader in the democrat party.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?
All of the ones that say "you don't need a gun"

That's foolishness. I know plenty of people who don't need a gun and I don't support banning all guns.
I support the constitution....

Not if you vote democrat.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

I've owned guns all my life and I wouldn't vote for a god dammed Republican on my death bed. I have a .38 Chief's Special, a .30 .30 saddle rifle and a Remington long barreled 12 gauge. Nobody who's just an everyday citizen needs a weapon like the AR-15 and the damn things should be taken out of gun stores all over America. The NRA is nothing more than a branch of the gun manufacturers and that shit should be stopped too.

Gun banner, right here.....
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

which proves the lie that RWNJ's keep telling about democrats hating guns. normal people (e.g, 90% of this country) just want guns out of the hands of crazies, criminals, abusers and people on the terrorist watch list.

no normal person likes a background check. but normal people understand that it's necessary. you're just a whining crying brat.

Uninformed people know nothing about background checks....that is why they support universal background checks.....anti gun leaders want registration of guns...they know they need that to ban guns....pushing a ban before registration will allow people to resist.......with registration they will know who has them....and can punish law abiding gun owners who refuse to register their Germany, Australia and Britain........and the rest of the countries through history.......they will start banning whole categories of guns...for public safety....
There are no serious efforts in this country to ban all guns. That is paranoid propaganda invented by the gun rights extremists.

Ah but that was not your question was it?

You asked and I quote

"Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?"

And I answered that

No you made some shit up that didn't prove anything.

So you're saying that not one liberal here or anywhere wants a gun ban?

There are people who want a gun ban. You can find people who support any position.

Can you name any with absolute certainty, though? Can you prove that any effort to ban guns in the US has ever been attempted at the legislative level?

And....I own a firearm. Have been a gun owner for my entire adult life.

ever?? the D.C. case that ended with heller's saying there can't be a total ban. ...which was reasonable. it's the way it's interpreted by the NRA pawns that's the problem.

And Hilary said that ruling was wrong and you have left I got Jusitces saying the 2nd amendment needs to go....
No you made some shit up that didn't prove anything.

So you're saying that not one liberal here or anywhere wants a gun ban?

There are people who want a gun ban. You can find people who support any position.

Can you name any with absolute certainty, though? Can you prove that any effort to ban guns in the US has ever been attempted at the legislative level?

And....I own a firearm. Have been a gun owner for my entire adult life.

ever?? the D.C. case that ended with heller's saying there can't be a total ban. ...which was reasonable. it's the way it's interpreted by the NRA pawns that's the problem.

No the first step is getting the courts to say that gun ownership is not an individual right.

So tell me if the government says that no individual has the right to own a firearm what the next step will be?

gun ownership was not an individual right for more than 200 years. prior justices, including chief justices, laughed at the idea.

heller is law. no total bans. period.

see how the court works.

Wrong....Scalia pointed out you were wrong in Heller.....and the Right to self defense is a Right that predates the can be taken away, but it exists outside of the Constituion....
One of my gay friends, who used to go to the Pulse Nightclub, asked me to teach him how to shoot and advise him on what gun to buy. I have taken him out to the range twice now and he loves it. I have absolutely no doubt that he will be voting for Hillary in the next election. He's gay, he has been brainwashed into thinking that the GOP hates gays so he must vote Democrat. I never speak about politics in social gatherings so we don't talk about it except that I have told him that if he wants to buy a gun, he needs to do it before the election.

You need to start talking politics in social gatherings....they need to hear the other side......their professors in college, the movies and t.v. They arch and the news they get reinforce left wing crap...they need to hear your setting is off limits to the left...that is why they are winning.....
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The better and most important question is this:

Why do so many convicted felons and mentally unstable persons own guns in America?
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

They tend to poll gun owners as well as non-gun owners so they kind of get what everyone thinks and right now their is a slight majority in favor of them. That is just the truth. I hate them as well since they make me stand in line for so long to answer dumb questions and how hard would it to be to create a registry from the information they have collected.
This is just a lie.

Liberals do not advocate for a complete gun ban.

Not all, but many do. You know that, quit lying.
We would need a new poll to answer your question definitively.

Based on my own experience almost no one wants a compete ban on guns.

Most people are fine with hunting guns.

Most people are against AR and AK style assault guns however.

Most people who have hunting guns and think they will let them keep hunting guns are fools.......
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The better and most important question is this:

Why do so many convicted felons and mentally unstable persons own guns in America?

The felons break the law.......and the mental health system won't lock up the dangerously mentally ill.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda

then why do you fund them by being a member
Honest answer is I inherited my guns and wanted to do the responsible thing, I like the insurance perks from the NRA but am having a hard time with the propaganda that I mentioned. While I appreciate the fight for preserving the second amendment, I dont like the distortion and manipulation of the facts. I'm most likely going to cancel my membership

What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

i dont find that over blown at all
Gun control is virtually none exsistent.

Criminals have guns. Gang bangers have guns. Domestic violence perpetrators have guns. Terrorists have guns. Drug dealers have guns. Sometimes little kids have a gun. Young kids take guns to school occasionally. Law abiding citizens have guns. Felons have guns. Illegals have guns.

If we have "gun control" in this country, where is it? Everybody who wants a gun can get a gun.

Buy a 20t round magazine in California. Or a pistol that uses one.......criminals get them, law abiding gun owners do an AR-15 in New York......

They are boiling the frog...and once they get the Supreme Court they will make those local laws Constitutional...and then the gun banners across the country can enact those same laws town by town, state by state........without Congress having to risk a democrat majority by banning guns.....
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You guys are y push laws that infringe on the Right and they keep pushing....and not one thing they push....stops one criminal or mass shooter.........

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