How many democrats own guns?

I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law

The only reason for a universal background check is to get universal gun registraton......universal background checks cannot be confirmed without registration of guns....that is why the anti gunners are pushing for it so does nothing to stop crime or mass why are they pushing it? Registration.
You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.
What distortion of the facts?......please list them.....
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

1. It isn't overblown one iota.
2. Even if they weren't, you have to fight for every right you have constantly. You give an inch and they take a mile. Make ti tough for the tyrants, and they are forced to compromise.
That's all part of the propaganda... They are in your head. The NRA should be working to make guns safer and owners more educated and prepared. It should be a collaboration with government, not a battle. There is not a serious movement to ban all guns, most people just want to be as safe as possible when dealing with deadly weapons

The NRA is one of the best places to get gun safety courses they have certified instructors in every state
In fact many states that issue any type of hunting or pistol permit require a basic NRA safety course as a prerequisite
Yes, which is what attracted me to them... They should stick to that and cut out the propaganda

So, as long as they do things your way, it's OK but if they don't, it's propaganda?

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.

One of the things that these Moon Bats have a very difficult time understanding is that background checks do absolutely nothing to keep a firearm out of the hands of somebody that wants to use it for criminal purposes.

Background checks only make it more of a hassle for law abiding citizens to purchase a gun.

In addition to being absolutely worthless background checks are a major infringement on our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because it is having to get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights that shall not be infringed and that is wrong.
They haven't

I cannot buy or legally own some guns in my state. I cannot legally own a magazine of more than a 10 round capacity.

things I could do just a few years ago

You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.

The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.

We need to weaken that is insane that 5, politically appointed, unaccountable lawyers can determine the Rights of 320,000,000 people......

It's been like that since 1803 when the Court gave itself the authority to do that. NYCarbineer thinks only an amendment could repeal or drastically weaken the 2nd amendment. Not one word has changed in the 14th Amendment since it was ratified in 1868 yet what it "says" has expanded greatly due to exactly what you stated. Nothing in it remotely addresses same sex marriage, abortion, etc. yet those activists extending things under the 14th sure seem to be able to find words that have never been in it.

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.

One of the things that these Moon Bats have a very difficult time understanding is that background checks do absolutely nothing to keep a firearm out of the hands of somebody that wants to use it for criminal purposes.

Background checks only make it more of a hassle for law abiding citizens to purchase a gun.

In addition to being absolutely worthless background checks are a major infringement on our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because it is having to get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights that shall not be infringed and that is wrong.

I did absolutely nothing illegal with the way I had my gun in my car but to idiots like Daryl Hunt, I'm wrong and the thief that committed 3 crimes in the process of stealing it did nothing wrong in his eyes.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.
Enforce current laws and forget any new laws, any new laws are a big waste of time and money... Not to even mention an absolute infringement on an absolute right.
That's what you nuts always say. The current laws that you now want to enforce were infringements, right?
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.
Enforce current laws and forget any new laws, any new laws are a big waste of time and money... Not to even mention an absolute infringement on an absolute right.
That's what you nuts always say. The current laws that you now want to enforce were infringements, right?
The progressive federal government has none of the answers...
The simple implication embedded in most of their messages that the evil Left is trying to take away our right to own guns and abolish the second amendment. Its completely overblown

i dont find that over blown at all
It's not real. They are instilling fear and playing y'all like puppets.

no there is much talk coming from the left on banning certain firearms

replacing SC judges

plus there has already been confiscations in this country
Yes banning weapons and tools that facilitate mass destruction in small amounts at time is completely different than banning all guns. It why citizens are driving armed tanks to work and protecting their houses with land mines.

Rifles with detachable magazines were used to kill 157 people in mass shootings in 34 years......from 1982-2016.....

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and murder over 1,500 people every single year.....

each year rifles kill fewer people than knives, clubs or bare hands.....

yet you guys focus on the one instrument that isn't killing people in large numbers......
Come on man, use common sense... Make guns super easy to get and put a gun into the hands of the killers who used the knives, clubs, or bare hands... Take away all gun control and give them machine guns... Fatalities go up
You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law

The only reason for a universal background check is to get universal gun registraton......universal background checks cannot be confirmed without registration of guns....that is why the anti gunners are pushing for it so does nothing to stop crime or mass why are they pushing it? Registration.
You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Okay....lets go with this.....If I said all we need to do is sprinkle pixie dust in the woods at midnight and that would reduce gun would be right to ask me exactly how this would accomplish that..right?

Please explain how current background checks keep criminals from getting guns.

Please explain how current background checks stop mass shooters from getting guns.

Your side has yet to explain that as criminals and mass shooters keep getting guns.

Then, please explain how universal background checks would keep criminals and mass shooters from getting guns.

Then explain how universal background checks work if we don't have universal gun registration.

I am happy to discuss each point.

It isn't a matter of some will, some won't ...the primary way criminals get guns is people with clean records buying the guns for them.....they are often baby mommas, mothers, grandmothers.....or they pay some idiot to buy the guns....I have linked to the stories in other threads.......

Prosecutors do not like to take a baby momma to court on a straw purchase charge...because it takes time, resources and the chance of putting that baby momma in jail for a few years is not likely to happen....they will state the gang banger baby daddy threatened them if they didn't do it.....

The next way criminals get guns...they steal them....criminals are now stealing construction vehicles and ramming gun stores...going through the walls or barred doors and grabbing handfuls of guns......

Gun shows are not the primary source for guns.......too many cops trolling for illegal buyers.......actual criminals prefer to buy their guns from sources they know, friends and families...i.e. straw buyers......

Mass shooters....they can pass any background check you want....the Orlando night club shooter passed 3 background he passed was for a security job at a security company....then 10 months of undercover FBI surveilllance, and 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators...and even undercover operatives talking to him.........

And he still passed the background checks to buy his guns...then he murdered those people with those guns....

The Santa Barbara shooter...passed background checks 3 times.....

The San Bernadino shooters...she passed a background check to become the wife.....and they both passed background checks for their guns...and the rifle...the guy who bought them for them.....passed background checks for those....

The truth is........the only reason anti gun activists want universal background checks is so they can get gun registration......that is the only reason...since I have just shown you that current background checks are easily gotten around by criminals and mass shooters....and universal background checks can be gotten around the exact same ways.....

These are not NRA talking points...these are not talking points in any way....these are the facts that address why background checks only effect normal gun owners.......I have pointed this out with actual detail....

Please explain how I am wrong.
I'll give you one simple example. A young man was arrested for trying to murder Trump at one of his rallies in Vegas a few weeks ago. The kid flew to Vegas, took some shots at a gun range, went to the rally and tried to steal a gun from a guard at the rally where he was then arrested. I trust you are familiar with the incident?

Now take away gun control and play out the scenario... The kid goes to a gun store and buys a gun, kid is allowed to carry the gun to the rally (a point trump and gun advocates make would have saved lives in Paris and Orlando if people were carrying)... You have any doubt that trump would be dead right now without the restrictions that took the gun out of this kids hand at this event?
You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law

The only reason for a universal background check is to get universal gun registraton......universal background checks cannot be confirmed without registration of guns....that is why the anti gunners are pushing for it so does nothing to stop crime or mass why are they pushing it? Registration.
You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers..

Excellent point......and those who are, when we find them we can arrest them...we do not need universal background checks to do this...we can already do this and I have linked in other threads about gun runners captured, not with background checks or gun laws...but with snitches....the way all other crimes are stopped.

If you want to stop illegal gun buying...send in undercover police officers....put in sting operations on internet sales....make clear the buyers and sellers cannot pass background checks or are felons....and if the seller or buyer goes forward..arrest them.....

That is how it would be handled if the issue was stopping criminals.....the issue for anti gun activists is getting rid of guns.....that is why they focus on normal gun owners and not criminals.
I actually agree with you on the bg checks, I don't think they serve a significantly impactful purpose and there are better approaches to take. If We are being really honest, registration would be the safest and most effective answer but I know there is no way those fighting the Strawman would ever let that fly
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

As I said naive.

You think it's going to stay that way? That's the whole point.
Say hi to the Strawman for me
You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law

The only reason for a universal background check is to get universal gun registraton......universal background checks cannot be confirmed without registration of guns....that is why the anti gunners are pushing for it so does nothing to stop crime or mass why are they pushing it? Registration.
You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.
I did answer that... No kind of background check. bg checks have no effect on criminals that illegally buy or steal arms. Do you claim that 100% of criminals steal or illegally obtain guns and 0% are detoured from not being able to easily buy one from a store?
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

im definitely against registration

as for a universal background check

im not really for that either

however i do believe in responsible gun ownership to include not selling a bad guy a gun

in a sale like that the bad guy trying to buy the gun is already breaking the law

The only reason for a universal background check is to get universal gun registraton......universal background checks cannot be confirmed without registration of guns....that is why the anti gunners are pushing for it so does nothing to stop crime or mass why are they pushing it? Registration.
You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.
I did answer that... No kind of background check. bg checks have no effect on criminals that illegally buy or steal arms. Do you claim that 100% of criminals steal or illegally obtain guns and 0% are detoured from not being able to easily buy one from a store?

The laws you support won't keep criminals from getting guns because they're criminals. They will find a way to get them. The laws you support will make it harder for those that wouldn't do the things for which you use to put those laws in place.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

I know a few libs who are gun owners, one owns for self defense reasons only.
. I do all of my political fighting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They know how I feel and my opinions. No need to ruin social events.

No need to risk an ass whipping there? Isn't that why people like you trash people on the Net? To avoid the confrontation that would occur if you said the same things in person?
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

You are sadly naïve. You have yours so you aren't concerned with how hard it is for anyone else. Naïve and apathetic.
How hard is it? You get a back ground check and buy a gun. My buddy owns a gun shop in California and can't keep his shelves stocked.

As I said naive.

You think it's going to stay that way? That's the whole point.
Say hi to the Strawman for me

You keep using that word, but you have no idea what it means. Typical.
. I do all of my political fighting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They know how I feel and my opinions. No need to ruin social events.

No need to risk an ass whipping there? Isn't that why people like you trash people on the Net? To avoid the confrontation that would occur if you said the same things in person?

Oh look, an internet tough guy. Go fuck yourself with a cactus, idiot.
i dont find that over blown at all
It's not real. They are instilling fear and playing y'all like puppets.

no there is much talk coming from the left on banning certain firearms

replacing SC judges

plus there has already been confiscations in this country
Yes banning weapons and tools that facilitate mass destruction in small amounts at time is completely different than banning all guns. It why citizens are driving armed tanks to work and protecting their houses with land mines.

Rifles with detachable magazines were used to kill 157 people in mass shootings in 34 years......from 1982-2016.....

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and murder over 1,500 people every single year.....

each year rifles kill fewer people than knives, clubs or bare hands.....

yet you guys focus on the one instrument that isn't killing people in large numbers......
Come on man, use common sense... Make guns super easy to get and put a gun into the hands of the killers who used the knives, clubs, or bare hands... Take away all gun control and give them machine guns... Fatalities go up

in gun ban UK it is quite common for a bad guy to have the machine gun

I did answer that... No kind of background check. bg checks have no effect on criminals that illegally buy or steal arms. Do you claim that 100% of criminals steal or illegally obtain guns and 0% are detoured from not being able to easily buy one from a store?

Background checks are as worthless as tits on a boar.

The great majority of gun violence in this country is done with stolen or cheap black market guns. Every shooting in Chicago every night is done with a gun that was not obtained through a back ground check.

Occasionally a person will legally buy a gun and then later on decide to use in a crime (like in Orlando) but if the person really wanted to commit the crime and couldn't get one legally he would get the gun through illegal means.

The NICS system is worthless.

I have never committed a crime nor have been been arrested. The only time I have ever been in a court house is when called to jury duty or property business. I also have had several high national level security clearances.

I buy several guns a year and have been run through the NICS system numerous times. I have been rejected two times for no apparent reason. It was cleared up after some hassle but it just shows how flawed the system is.

We simply don't need the government giving us permission to enjoy our Constitutional rights, which is what background checks are all about. That is wrong and oppressive and provides no tangible benefit. It is the assumption that a person is guilty until proven innocent and that is also against the Constitution.

If you have to get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right protected under the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the parchment it is written on, is it?

The crime should absolutely never be the possession of firearms. The crime should be using the firearm for an illegal purpose. .
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
Democrats and liberals own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and abide by current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

And residents of California and the other 49 states have access to all manner of firearms in accordance with the Second Amendment.
This is just a lie.

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