How many pro-lifers are actually pro-life?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Don't get me wrong. I'm used to the pro-abortion crowd's shit. Trying to bait you into a discussion so they can throw the link on one of their hidden Facebook groups and swarm you or try to dox you or whatever. Assaulting you with bricks and bottles for protesting Planned Parenthood's latest front group. All of their regular activities. What I don't get is how many other "pro-life" people are only in it to stop feticide and are still cool with defending murderous cops to the hilt or ending socialized medicine because they don't want to pay an extra hundred bucks on their taxes just to save a dirty poor person. Are there really that few of us? If so, what can be done to convince people to adopt an actually pro-life position?
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no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
1. Please see the quotations from my signature. The inevitability of your response is exactly why they're there.
2. I'm going on about the people your second sentence is about. It's disturbing to me how many people will use the pro-life label, but only mean they're for abolishing feticide. I don't think I've ever met many people who would identify as pro-life and wouldn't be defending shooting black kids or slashing welfare or bombing Tehran to punish Iran for threatening Israel. I asked the question to see if anyone here who claims the label actually holds views consistent with it.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
Right you support the unrestricted murder of millions of babies by abortion but you are pro choice, I get it now.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
1. Please see the quotations from my signature. The inevitability of your response is exactly why they're there.
2. I'm going on about the people your second sentence is about. It's disturbing to me how many people will use the pro-life label, but only mean they're for abolishing feticide. I don't think I've ever met many people who would identify as pro-life and wouldn't be defending shooting black kids or slashing welfare or bombing Tehran to punish Iran for threatening Israel. I asked the question to see if anyone here who claims the label actually holds views consistent with it.
Then I guess I am not pro life. I am pro innocent life. Unfortunately, we need the death penalty and occasionally we must go to war as horrible as that is, but killing innocent babies for nothing other than the convenience of their irresponsible parents? Sorry. Nope
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?

No, it's still pro-abortion.

Despite the futile attempts to play with the language.
See, pro-abortion nuts want to dictate to us what we mean when we say pro-life...but they refuse to be identified as what they truly are...i.e., pro-abortion.

I don't know why they obsess over the shit that makes them look the worst.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?
Right you support the unrestricted murder of millions of babies by abortion but you are pro choice, I get it now.
Then I guess I am not pro life. I am pro innocent life. Unfortunately, we need the death penalty and occasionally we must go to war as horrible as that is, but killing innocent babies for nothing other than the convenience of their irresponsible parents? Sorry. Nope
Technically that is for choice though. You can choose to kill your baby. At least she's consistent with her label and supports unrestricted individual choice, unlike the possible majority of "pro-lifers" who are just in it for protecting certain lives and couldn't give less of a shit about others.
See, pro-abortion nuts want to dictate to us what we mean when we say pro-life...but they refuse to be identified as what they truly are...i.e., pro-abortion.

I don't know why they obsess over the shit that makes them look the worst.
They're pro death except when a cop is involved.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
Right you support the unrestricted murder of millions of babies by abortion but you are pro choice, I get it now.

pssst... murder has a particular statutory meaning. but thanks for your input. let me know when you have a uterus.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.

What a load of horseshit. Absolutely 100 percent not true.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Ya women can force men to pay for their children when alive but men have no say in abortion, sounds fair to me.
See, pro-abortion nuts want to dictate to us what we mean when we say pro-life...but they refuse to be identified as what they truly are...i.e., pro-abortion.

I don't know why they obsess over the shit that makes them look the worst.
They're pro death except when a cop is involved.

quiet. the wacko stuff that comes from your keyboard is overwhelming.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
Right you support the unrestricted murder of millions of babies by abortion but you are pro choice, I get it now.

pssst... murder has a particular statutory meaning. but thanks for your input. let me know when you have a uterus.

Only uteruses are allowed to make law?

That's interesting.
no one is "pro abortion". we are pro choice.

anti-choicers are not pro life. they are pro birth.

as for the rest, what are you going on about?
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.

What a load of horseshit. Absolutely 100 percent not true.

most people are barely capable of running your own lives. you need to stay out of everyone else's.
You are pro choice as long as that choice involves your convenience.

What of my choice to carry a few 15 round magazines for my .40 cal semi automatic hand gun? What of my choice to erect a Christmas tree in the park?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.

What a load of horseshit. Absolutely 100 percent not true.

most people are barely capable of running your own lives. you need to stay out of everyone else's.

Speak for yourself, loon.

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