How many white supremacists are there?

democrats of 200 years ago arent anything like democrats of today.

Actually, you're virtually identical.

Big Government, all powerful state controlled by Oligarchs imposing its will on the masses while crushing the civil rights of enemies of the party. From Calhoun to Zuckerberg, Oligarchs buying elections and democrats. Government of the Oligarch, by the Oligarch, for the Oligarch.

democrats, democrats never change.

the republicans started winning over the racist south a generation ago with the southern strategy.

The racists like you, remained in the filthy fascist democrat party.
Wait, so Chauvin is a murderer, but BLM Byrd is not?

This is why you have zero credibility, Goat Curious.

You're the one who can't face reality you clown. The only one of them convicted for murder is Chauvin while Byrd is hailed as a hero by the mainstream. Maybe in your incel fantasies things are different but back here in reality the tale of the tape in this culture war of ours has Chauvin largely regarded as a piece of human shit and Byrd a hero. Be salty about it you pussy. 😁

You're the one who can't face reality you clown. The only one of them convicted for murder is Chauvin while Byrd is hailed as a hero by the mainstream. Maybe in your incel fantasies things are different but back here in reality the tale of the tape in this culture war of ours has Chauvin largely regarded as a piece of human shit and Byrd a hero. Be salty about it you pussy. 😁

Ah, so killing a black felon is bad, but shooting an unarmed protester is good - because white lives just don't matter.

democrats of 200 years ago arent anything like democrats of today.

the republicans started winning over the racist south a generation ago with the southern strategy.
Eight out of every ten folks pictured here are Democrats (And Like Richard Byrd most of them Died Gray Hair Democrats )
Ah, so killing a black felon is bad, but shooting an unarmed protester is good - because white lives just don't matter.

Not when they're at the head of an angry mob trying to get over a barrier protecting Congress. No one but deplorable racists think otherwise. 😁
that was a 100 years ago. All the racists democrats switched parties starting in the 60's, and by the 90's they were all out.

but Byrd had changed his ways, the NAACP mourned byrd's death.
Wrong (All my Southern Family Members remained in the Democrat Party until their Death as Gray Hair Democrats ( Mother , Uncles Auntees , Cousins ... And Just because a Lot of Dixiecrats voted Reagan does not mean they did not Vote Carter Clinton ...
Wrong (All my Southern Family Members remained in the Democrat Party until their Death as Gray Hair Democrats ( Mother , Uncles Auntees , Cousins ... And Just because a Lot of Dixiecrats voted Reagan does not mean they did not Vote Carter Clinton ...

In 1826, the newly formed democratic party was based on racism and corruption.

In 2022, the filthy democrat party is based on racism and corruption.

democrats, democrats never change.
Ah, but attacking police officers is no reason to be subdued. Oh, and congress wasn't even in the building when Byrd murdered Babbitt.

I get it, white lives don't matter.
Must suck huh, that your own country finds Chauvin to be a piece of shit and Byrd a hero. 😄
they forget about the black man, Darrell Brooks, who drove his SUV down a white christmas parade killing 6 in Wisconsin.
Yup. Biden sure didn’t go out there to comfort the victims, or to call the racist black savage a “black supremacist.”

The favoritism now shown blacks is beyond ridiculous. It’s criminal.
That's stupid. If things never change then America is still the racist country that began with legalized black slavery. But I'm glad you agree that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were deplorable pieces of human shit. 😄 Let's make sure no one ever forgets that.
demofks are still demofks
Yeah, not seeing anyone other than sick fuck racists like you call BLM Byrd a "hero."

Byrd is a murderer - pure and simple. He executed an unarmed protester.

We will not forget.
Funny, he's not being charged with murder. And please, never forget how far your cuck fantasies are from reality. 😄
Why would I care about boundaries erected by soft ass cucks like you?

This is a progtard in a nutshell, right here. ^^^

First of all she's terminally stupid, she thinks I erected the boundaries. (Probably a public school education, is my guess - or maybe no education at all).

But more importantly, she doesn't understand what a BOUNDARY is. Thinks it's a rule, or a picket or something. A fence, something erected (by me).

This why progtards have FLUID boundaries, because they have no clue what a boundary is in the first place, much less why it's a very good idea to respect them.

But this progtard has no use for respect, she said so herself.

Her self described progtard m.o. is to disrespect and disregard other peoples' boundaries and push their culture to the fringes

Progtards are evil, nasty, miserable excuses for human beings.

They're also dangerous. Unpredictable, because they don't know (or care) what boundaries are.

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