How many white supremacists are there?

It was jc456 who brought the deplorable history of southern Democrats, I was just agreeing with him that they were indeed pieces of shit. 😉
I'm merely saying what you are. A kkk demofk. again, an umbrella you can't get out from. Its history is yours. deal with it.
Okay, you're a man. My bad. Someone said otherwise. I'll try to use the proper pronoun lol :p

Hm... here's a hint, Mr Small Business Owner. If you push racial and cultural boundaries, you lose half your customers right out of the starting gate.

Disney... how's that working out for you? :p
Disney is going to be just fine just like the NFL after a bunch of you white snowflakes promised to never watch again. 😄
Stupid thread premise

Since most views on race are personal, it is impossible to establish a number
Most Americans today know enough to keep their racist views private
So "Most Americans" are "white supremacists" according to you as they have "racist" views?
I'm merely saying what you are. A kkk demofk. again, an umbrella you can't get out from. Its history is yours. deal with it.
I'm not a white southerner. The people who are going to be mad at you pissing on the legacy of piece of shit white racists like Lee and Davis are going to be them, not me you moron. 😂
I'm not a white southerner. The people who are going to be mad at you pissing on the legacy of piece of shit white racists like Lee and Davis are going to be them, not me you moron. 😂
I don't care where you live, you are a kkk demofk where you are today.

Robert Byrd was also a piece of shit but not as big a piece of shit as Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis who went to war against America to protect slavery. Ultimately you are tearing down the legacy of white southern racist heroes which I'm more than fine with. 😁
you voted for hitlery right? her bestist bud.
Their desire to conserve slavery and then later on white supremacy in the form of segregation. It's where the roots of conservatism begin.

Gawd DAMNED but you're fucking stupid. :thup:

You have no clue what words mean.

Conservative in modern parlance - limited small government, individual rights, property rights, free markets.

Obviously that is the opposite of modern democrats, but what of the democrats in the Antebellum South?

Limited Government? Well, not so much. Those democrats, just like democrats today, held the state to be supreme, that the state had the right to infringe on the populace at large on behalf of the Oligarch ruling caste. Like Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros, the plantation owners were the obscenely wealth who owned the democrat party outright.

Property rights? Well, not so much. Georgia passed the "Small Holder Act" in 1831 that empowered Oligarchs to steal the land of small farmers using the power of eminent domain. Then, as now, the democrats had complete contempt for the property rights of the lower and middle class.

Individual rights? Are fucking kidding me? You enslaved people. democrats now have illegal Mexicans as the new slave caste.

Free Markets? The Cotton Producing States as they called themselves fixed prices across the board to ensure that no market based competition was allowed from one state to another.

You're a bigot and a racist, but virtually nothing you post has any basis in historical fact.
Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were a couple of the racist piece of shit Democrats, along with people like Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was the first grand wizard of the KKK, who left the union to start the Confederacy in order to protect their right to own black people as slaves. This is basic fucking history you moron. If you want to remind everyone that Democrats and KKK members like Davis, Lee and Forrest were pieces of shit no one on the progressive left is going to argue with you. 😄
Forrest was a piece of shit and looked down upon even by his contemporaries in the Confederacy. Davis and Lee were gentlemen and though being rebels against the Union were considered decent men by their contemporaries on BOTH sides of the war. By modern standards there wasn’t a person alive in 1860 that wasn’t a racist. Even diehard abolitionists thought blacks were inferior to whites. They just objected to them being enslaved. If you notice, the Underground Railway moved escaped slaves up into Canada, NOT into free states. Lincoln established Liberia as a place to move freed slaves, even a radical abolitionist like him didn’t want them in the USA. It’s not fair to judge historical figures by modern standards.
The people today trying to protect the legacy of people like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest are Republicans.
why should we forget who they were? History tells us who people really were. Why do you wish them to be silent, to protect your kkk buddies?
Their desire to conserve slavery and then later on white supremacy in the form of segregation. It's where the roots of conservatism begin.
actually white supremists came from Demofk Andrew Jackson. Again, you keep trying to get out from under that umbrella, and it ain't gonna work kkk demofk.

Live with your history fkwad.
Since wanting to enforce immigration laws
Wanting your country to remain first world
Wanting to enforce labor laws and minimum wage laws
Wanting to keep our streets safe
Wanting any standards at all
Loving our country

All things that make one a white supremacist in the eyes of the leftist idiot.
Since wanting to enforce immigration laws
Wanting your country to remain first world
Wanting to enforce labor laws and minimum wage laws
Wanting to keep our streets safe
Wanting any standards at all
Loving our country

All things that make one a white supremacist in the eyes of the leftist idiot.
oh fk all them kkk demofks. Don't let them losers get under your skin. Just call them the fking racists they are.

They are even building a new breed to threaten and live on plantations. illegals they are shipping around.
The people today trying to protect the legacy of people like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest are Republicans.
What is with you retarded fucktards?

What is this "legacy" bullshit?

You can't change history by tearing down statues.

Who cares what anyone's "legacy" is? Legacy is all about popular opinion, which is worth less than the sweat on a penny.

Why do you clowns get so bent out of shape about other peoples' opinions? Leave them alone! You can't change them. And hurling accusations is just going to piss those people off.

I just DO NOT CARE about other peoples' personal lives. I only care what they do in public. You can't control whether someone's a racist, you can't even stop them from acting on it, all you can do is punish them for doing so.

Is that what you're trying to do? Punish people? Get revenge?

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