how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

I see you can't grasp the concept of mental masturbation. Don't worry, you really weren't expected to.

orogenicman said:
To be frank, I generally don't think with my dick. Why do you?

SSDD said:
Still don't grasp the concept I see. Perhaps if you actually looked up the term.

No need. You are providing plenty of examples right here in your own responses. Congratulations. Now, did you learn how to quote people all on your own or did you need mommy's help? :eusa_hand:

You really should learn how to properly quote people.

What exactly makes you such a POS? I was quoting abraham, then I quoted you. I forgot to cut and paste your name. Is that concept as far beyond you as the concept of mental masturbation?
Dude, in your post #3077, you quoted Abraham as asking this question:

If you stick a hot coal on a metal grate inside a cold refrigerator, where do you imagine the heat goes?"

Abe didn't ask that question. I DID. You sure do have a fixation with dicks. What's up with that?
Dude, in your post #3077, you quoted Abraham as asking this question:

If you stick a hot coal on a metal grate inside a cold refrigerator, where do you imagine the heat goes?"

Abe didn't ask that question. I DID. You sure do have a fixation with dicks. What's up with that?

Sorry, I can't draw you a picture. I copy and paste the names and post numbers when I respond rather than retype it all. I had previously responded to a post by abraham. When I responded to your post, I forgot to copy your name and simply hit paste at the beginning of the quote. Since abraham's name and post number were on my clipboard, his name posted and as I was in a rush to get to work, I didn't proof read. I have corrected the error so you can quit your crying, grab yourself a hanky and wipe your f'ing tears and get back to your mental masturbation.

If you posessed half a brain, you could have clicked on the quote and it would have taken you back to the post I had originally commented on. Of course, that would require some original thought and a willingness to do something other than cry over an error and lord knows, we wouldn't want you to do any of that.
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Dude, in your post #3077, you quoted Abraham as asking this question:

If you stick a hot coal on a metal grate inside a cold refrigerator, where do you imagine the heat goes?"

Abe didn't ask that question. I DID. You sure do have a fixation with dicks. What's up with that?

Sorry, I can't draw you a picture. I copy and paste the names and post numbers when I respond rather than retype it all. I had previously responded to a post by abraham. When I responded to your post, I forgot to copy your name and simply hit paste at the beginning of the quote. Since abraham's name and post number were on my clipboard, his name posted and as I was in a rush to get to work, I didn't proof read. I have corrected the error so you can quit your crying, grab yourself a hanky and wipe your f'ing tears and get back to your mental masturbation.

If you posessed half a brain, you could have clicked on the quote and it would have taken you back to the post I had originally commented on. Of course, that would require some original thought and a willingness to do something other than cry over an error and lord knows, we wouldn't want you to do any of that.

Look dude, I don't really care how you made the error. I was just pointing out that Abe didn't ask the question, I did. Just so you know who it is you are actually talking to. So you make the error, and then insult me for pointing it out. Brilliant. If you are married, I predict a long and happy life for you two. Or not.
I apologize for pointing out that you are an over emotional bitchy little girl. Sometimes one simply can't help pointing out the obvious.
I apologize for pointing out that you are an over emotional bitchy little girl. Sometimes one simply can't help pointing out the obvious.

Right. So you mistake me for someone else, then insult me because of your mistake, and then - insult me again. Wow, you just can't help yourself, can you? They make a pill for that. You should consider taking one (or two, or three...).
I apologize for pointing out that you are an over emotional bitchy little girl. Sometimes one simply can't help pointing out the obvious.

Right. So you mistake me for someone else, then insult me because of your mistake, and then - insult me again. Wow, you just can't help yourself, can you? They make a pill for that. You should consider taking one (or two, or three...).

Even when I explain what happened in simple terms, you still think that I mistook you for someone else? Guess I should have added stupid to over emotional bitchy little girl.
I apologize for pointing out that you are an over emotional bitchy little girl. Sometimes one simply can't help pointing out the obvious.

Right. So you mistake me for someone else, then insult me because of your mistake, and then - insult me again. Wow, you just can't help yourself, can you? They make a pill for that. You should consider taking one (or two, or three...).

Even when I explain what happened in simple terms, you still think that I mistook you for someone else? Guess I should have added stupid to over emotional bitchy little girl.

Golly gee, how predictable.
First, anyone who turns to wiki for real information is an idiot.

I have yet to see you show anything I've taken from Wikipedia wrong.

SSDD, If you actually believe some unknown force or process is blocking the transfer of heat energy from a cold object to a hot object, you need to break out the old textbooks and start over.

I don't believe I have ever said that some unknown force blocks anything. Does an unknown force block a rock from falling up? Or does an unexplainable force cause it to fall down?

I have said that energy from a cooler object does not radiate from a cool object to warmer objects. Any description of how that may happen is entirely a product of your apparently deficient imagination (see the falling rock example) as I have made no attempt to describe how it happens that energy doesn't move from cool to warm. I have only pointed out that the second law says that it does not.

Is the problem, then, a poor command of English? As several of us have attempted to force through that force field you maintain around your 'native intellect', all bodies radiate in all directions. Cooler objects DO radiate towards warmer objects. Your comment above that I've emboldened is WRONG. There is no net transfer in that direction - as you've been told now many a time. But radiation from cold towards hot most certainly DOES take place.
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First, anyone who turns to wiki for real information is an idiot.

I have yet to see you show anything I've taken from Wikipedia wrong.

Is the problem, then, a poor command of English? As several of us have attempted to force through that force field you maintain around your 'native intellect', all bodies radiate in all directions. Cooler objects DO radiate towards warmer objects. Your comment above that I've emboldened is WRONG. There is no net transfer in that direction - as you've been told now many a time. But radiation from cold towards hot most certainly DOES take place.

So you guys say. The problem is that you take your radiation beliefs on faith. Observation and experimentation tells us that cooler objects don't radiate towards warmer objects.
Here's a little thought experiment for you. Let's take two metal plates set up facing each other. On the back of one are cooling coils. On the back of the other are heating elements. So one plate is heated and the other is cooled.

CASE 1) We start the heaters and the chillers and we wait for equilibrium and then measure the temperature of the plates.

CASE 2) We start only the heaters, wait for equilibrium and then measure the temperature of the plates.

In both cases, the "cold" plate is colder than the hot plate. You say the cold plate will not radiate at the hot plate in either case. There should then be no difference in the hot plate's temperature. Do you think that's what will be found?
Here's a little thought experiment for you. Let's take two metal plates set up facing each other. On the back of one are cooling coils. On the back of the other are heating elements. So one plate is heated and the other is cooled.

CASE 1) We start the heaters and the chillers and we wait for equilibrium and then measure the temperature of the plates.

CASE 2) We start only the heaters, wait for equilibrium and then measure the temperature of the plates.

In both cases, the "cold" plate is colder than the hot plate. You say the cold plate will not radiate at the hot plate in either case. There should then be no difference in the hot plate's temperature. Do you think that's what will be found?

Thought experients because real world experiments don't yield the results you are looking for. If real world experiments would prove your point don't you think someone would actually be doing them?
Cold TV and radio transmission antennas broadcast effortlessly to warm receiver antennas.

The second law of thermodynamics doesn't seem to care.
SSDD's idea seems most like the concept of the caloric. .

Actually, any "ideas" are from your own minds. I have not made any attempt to either describe why or how neither heat nor energy moves from higher entropy states to lower entropy states. I have only stated that is what the second law says. All of these "ideas" and "explanations" are from your own fevered brains. You get so wrapped up in your own little circle jerk, that you fail to notice that you are discussing descriptions that have never been made. I have simply stated the second law.

The rest is spew from you guys and your own mental masturbation, in an attempt to justify your belief that energy does spontaneously move from higher entropy states to lower.

" I have not made any attempt... "

Exactly, your concept lacks any reasoning beyond, "My interpretation of the general statment on Hyperphysics is correct." Unfortunately, your interpretation is complete bullshit, lacking any deeper consideration of what energy is and how it is transfered between bodies.
Cold TV and radio transmission antennas broadcast effortlessly to warm receiver antennas.

The second law of thermodynamics doesn't seem to care.

Take a minute to learn about frequency and amplitude. They are also governed by the second law. You guys just aren't very bright.

You seem not to understand that the second law governs all energy exchanges and radio transmission and reception is an energy exchange.
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