How Racist is Trump Towards Black Americans?

Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.
Can you articulate exactly what a Black American Conservative is selling out?

It's pretty simple. The entire best interest of black people in America. You post up Booker T. Washingtons comment in a time where the courts decided that segregation of blacks and whites would be the law and blacks had no real rights under the law. So here comes Washington telling white people that the blacks complaining about what was happening to them were just doing so to have a job. In light of the reality that Washington faced, that was a boldfaced lie. Todays black conservatives tell you guys the same lies. And just like then, when there where actually whites that believed blacks were happy as slaves, we get whites like you who belive racism doesn't happen to blacks because of the lies of black conservatives.

We did not get the right to vote, equal rights or equal opportunities because of the Booker T Washington plan. We did not get civil rights by doing what Booker T wanted done. This is what some black conservatives need to understand. Appeasing and going along with the whites who are racists hoping that changes them DOES NOT WORK! Washington’s plan did not work for one major reason. Ta-Nehisi Coates points this out in his 2009 article, “The Tragedy And Betrayal Of Booker T. Washington.”

“The dominant logic of the post-Reconstruction era held that the real problem wasn't white racists, but carpetbaggers and meddlers from up North who'd elevated illiterate blacks above their station. The white Southerner, presumably, had no existential objection to blacks, they just didn't want to live next door to them or have an illiterate and morally degenerate population electing their politicians. To this Washington, and much of black America, said Fine. Cease fire. You let us be, we'll let you be.”

His idea or plan did not work out because he dismissed one essential truth. Southern Whites hated blacks.

You guys gladly point us to sellouts like Washington and denounce men like Dubious, Garvey and others who said we must organize and fight for our equality. That in itself is what conservatism is supposed to stand for according to every white racist in this motherfucker including you. That is, don't depend on the government for anything, do for self. But when we stand for self, punks like you want to discredit us and then point to mealy mouthed faggot black conservatives who say lets sit and wait and one day if we just be quiet, everything will be all right. Fuck that, it doesn't work.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
Your article mentions that Trump was sued because he wouldn't rent to welfare recipients. I wouldn't either, regardless of their skin color. Does that make me a racist?
You do realize that in almost all cases when the party is asked if they engaged in racial discrimination they always respond that they did not, whether they didn't realize they had and/or even when they know tat they did.

On the other hand If the law stipulates that you cannot discriminate against renters who use government subsidies and if certain segments of society are more impacted by the use of government subsidies (non-whites) and you then use that as a criteria for not renting to certain people even though the government says you cannot discriminate in this manner, then yes your behavior in this specific set of circumstances could be found to be racial discrimination.

Whether or not that tranlates to you as an individual being a racist depends on whether or not you actually are and not just making excuses as to the real reason you don't want to rent to a certain segment of the population.
Yes, I understand that. The law is just another example of big government bureaucrat oppression. Citizens should be able to rent their property to whomever they want to.

Yawn! That law is not oppression.
It most certainly is. You just can't see it because you've never been in that position. What do you do to support yourself?

That law is not oppression. And I do know what oppression is. Don't tell me what I haven't faced white boy. Not being able to deny blacks places to live is not oppression.
Your article mentions that Trump was sued because he wouldn't rent to welfare recipients. I wouldn't either, regardless of their skin color. Does that make me a racist?
You do realize that in almost all cases when the party is asked if they engaged in racial discrimination they always respond that they did not, whether they didn't realize they had and/or even when they know tat they did.

On the other hand If the law stipulates that you cannot discriminate against renters who use government subsidies and if certain segments of society are more impacted by the use of government subsidies (non-whites) and you then use that as a criteria for not renting to certain people even though the government says you cannot discriminate in this manner, then yes your behavior in this specific set of circumstances could be found to be racial discrimination.

Whether or not that tranlates to you as an individual being a racist depends on whether or not you actually are and not just making excuses as to the real reason you don't want to rent to a certain segment of the population.
Yes, I understand that. The law is just another example of big government bureaucrat oppression. Citizens should be able to rent their property to whomever they want to.

Yawn! That law is not oppression.
It most certainly is. You just can't see it because you've never been in that position. What do you do to support yourself?
Uses his black privilege I’m guessing.
There is no such thing as black privilege.
Here's what you don't see on your Mainstream media.

I personally don't think Trump is a racist, he just is an opportunist who likes to appeal to racists.

Of course there are those who do say he is a racist

Omarosa: 'Very clear' Trump is a racist

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, says there is no doubt in her mind that President Trump is a racist.

So 8.4 million Obama voters decided to vote for Trump in 2016. Gee, I didn't know there were so many racist Obama supporters.
Biggest blow to Clinton came from Midwest Obama voters who backed Trump, says progressive strategist
Trump Curious Racist_02.png

Donald Trump Boycott, RACIST, Boyce Watkins, Mechee X.png
z.tupac trump RACIST_01.png
Here's what you don't see on your Mainstream media.

I personally don't think Trump is a racist, he just is an opportunist who likes to appeal to racists.

Of course there are those who do say he is a racist

Omarosa: 'Very clear' Trump is a racist

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, says there is no doubt in her mind that President Trump is a racist.

So 8.4 million Obama voters decided to vote for Trump in 2016. Gee, I didn't know there were so many racist Obama supporters.
Biggest blow to Clinton came from Midwest Obama voters who backed Trump, says progressive strategist

trump is a racist. Period.
Yes, I understand that. The law is just another example of big government bureaucrat oppression. Citizens should be able to rent their property to whomever they want to.

Yawn! That law is not oppression.
It most certainly is. You just can't see it because you've never been in that position. What do you do to support yourself?
Uses his black privilege I’m guessing.
There is no such thing as black privilege.
There sure is. Cockroaches like you squeal and cry "racist" so some white liberal will run over to you and wipe your butt and give you free food, housing, education, a do nothing job for a government paycheck, and then a medal for having dark skin.

I happen to be black, so I know there is no such privilege. All these things you talk about have been given to whites since 1776. So STFU white boy.

Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there.
And of course you are simply lying. Trump rented to hundreds of blacks.
The case was settled out of court. Why are you accusing IM2 of lying about something that is a matter of public record.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there.
And of course you are simply lying. Trump rented to hundreds of blacks.
The case was settled out of court. Why are you accusing IM2 of lying about something that is a matter of public record.

The boy is delusional, thinking he can just repeat a lie and eventually we'll just agree that his lie is true.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
Your article mentions that Trump was sued because he wouldn't rent to welfare recipients. I wouldn't either, regardless of their skin color. Does that make me a racist?
That's not what the article says, that's what Trump stated his reason for the discrimination was. Like I said, when people engage in unlawful discrimination and they are questioned about it, they almost always claim that racial discrimination is not the reason for their actions, that it's something else and generally the something else is something that isn't unlawful. This is what the consent decree stipulates in part

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C. Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations contained therein, and predating this Order.

II. INJUNCTION It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the defendant, its officers, agents, employees, successors, and all persons in active concert or participation with any of them, are hereby permanently enjoined from:


1. Refusing to sell or rent, refusing to negotiate for the sale or rental of, or otherwise making unavailable or denying any dwelling to any person on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

2. Discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith, because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

3. Making, printing, or publishing, or causing to be made, printed, or published, any notice, statement or advertise-ment with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.

4. Representing to any person because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin that any dwelling is not avail-able for inspection, sale or rental when such dwelling is in fact so available.

5. Influencing the residential choice of any person on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

6. Coercing, threatening, or interfering with, or attempting to coerce, threaten or interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of the right to equal housing opportunity protected by the Fair Housing Act of 1968, or in the exercise or enjoyment of the right to assist others to secure equal housing opportunity.

7. Engaging in any act or practice which has the purpose or the effect of denying or abridging the right to equal housing opportunity protected by the Fair Housing Act. In this connection, defendants shall not, in determining the income qualification for rental of any person, family, or other group of persons, fail or refuse to fully count a woman's total income, including salary, wages, alimony, support payments or other income from whatever source received.​
We as blacks choose our own leaders. We do not choose them to please whitey. Whitey doesn't get to tell us who to follow or who to respect. Fuck Booker T. Washington, that's just not the way to go, and furthermore there aren't any blacks trying to keep racism alive to get a motherfuckling check. If whites actually had to live with this shit, they'd understand just how fuckling retarded that opinion is. But you see, many times white racists give themselves away or project. People like Rush made themselves millionaires by race pimping whites. Same with blacks like Larry Elders.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).

Maybe you haven't heard the story of Trump fighting the West Palm city council when he bought Mar a Lago and changed the "membership requirements"... He went out of his way to avoid them blocking the "public access" to Mar a Lago which WAS a racial motive on the part of the West Palm Beach council..

Looking back to housing issues in the 70s, isn't really definitive.. There were STILL deed covenants in properties that TECHNICALLY excluded blacks and jews...

How Donald Trump Beat Palm Beach Society and Won the Fight for Mar-a-Lago

Getting nowhere with the Town Council on his Mar-a-Lago subdivision proposal, Trump needed a “fix-it person,” says Richard Rampell, the head of a prominent local accounting firm and the brother of the attorney who would help clear the way for Trump into Palm Beach, Paul Rampell. “So Trump meets with my brother, and my brother comes up with an idea to convert Mar-a-Lago into a private club that is open to everyone,” Richard Rampell tells me. At the time, Palm Beach’s Waspy private clubs had what he calls an open secret: as Trump claimed, they didn’t admit Jews or African-Americans.

With the specter of his lawsuit still hanging over the council, it voted 4--1 to approve Trump’s plan, and those who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, become members of the other clubs now had a club of their own. Naturally, the question when it comes to Donald Trump is always: Was it for him or them? “He basically opened Palm Beach up . . . to make a buck,” says Laurence Leamer, author of The President’s Butler, a novel about a “flamboyant” New Yorker who becomes president. “But he did it, and a lot of people in his shoes at that time wouldn’t have done it.”

Trump instructed his attorney to settle his $50 million lawsuit against the town, and the selling of the Mar-a-Lago Club began, with typical Donald Trump bravado. MAR-A-LAGO CLUB MEMBERSHIP LIST A REAL WHO’S WHO, read a December 12, 1994, Palm Beach Post headline, noting that Steven Spielberg, Henry Kissinger, Lee Iacocca, Denzel Washington, Michael Ovitz, Norman Mailer, and Elizabeth Taylor, among others, had joined. The club’s membership director added, in a later article, that Princess Diana and Prince Charles, then separated, “each filed their own application and paid their own $50,000 initiation fee.” But in March, Trump admitted that he had merely sent the royal couple and the other celebrities unsolicited offers for free honorary membership. According to The New York Times Magazine, he later declared, “I believe everyone’s going to accept.” (Many, if not all, declined membership, according to media reports at the time.)

Donald trump challenges Agreement with town, read the full-page Palm Beach Preservation Foundation ad, alerting all citizens to appear at a special Town Council hearing on September 16, 1996, at which Trump would appeal to end certain restrictions—affecting noise and traffic, etc.—that had been part of his agreement with the council for approval of his club.

“At the insistence of Mr. Trump’s representatives, this Special Hearing comes at a time of year when many residents are away,” read the preservation foundation ad. Nevertheless, every seat in the council chambers was taken, with 72 citizens standing in the back, when the meeting began at 9:30 A.M. Trump and his attorney had already implied that he and his club had been discriminated against because many of its members were Jewish, and, worse, that the council members who had placed the conditions on him had not placed those restrictions on their own clubs. The council members were “more than pissed off,” says Richard Rampell, as this “put them on the defensive.”

Before the meeting, Paul Rampell had sent the council members copies of the movies Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner—in which Katharine Houghton brings Sidney Poitier home to her parents, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy—and Gentleman’s Agreement, the 1947 film in which Gregory Peck plays a reporter who masquerades as a Jew to write a story about anti-Semitism.

Nope IM2 -- NOT a racist.. But if you want to use that meme for political advantage or to leverage your personal power -- have at it...
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).

Maybe you haven't heard the story of Trump fighting the West Palm city council when he bought Mar a Lago and changed the "membership requirements"... He went out of his way to avoid them blocking the "public access" to Mar a Lago which WAS a racial motive on the part of the West Palm Beach council..

Looking back to housing issues in the 70s, isn't really definitive.. There were STILL deed covenants in properties that TECHNICALLY excluded blacks and jews...

How Donald Trump Beat Palm Beach Society and Won the Fight for Mar-a-Lago

Getting nowhere with the Town Council on his Mar-a-Lago subdivision proposal, Trump needed a “fix-it person,” says Richard Rampell, the head of a prominent local accounting firm and the brother of the attorney who would help clear the way for Trump into Palm Beach, Paul Rampell. “So Trump meets with my brother, and my brother comes up with an idea to convert Mar-a-Lago into a private club that is open to everyone,” Richard Rampell tells me. At the time, Palm Beach’s Waspy private clubs had what he calls an open secret: as Trump claimed, they didn’t admit Jews or African-Americans.

With the specter of his lawsuit still hanging over the council, it voted 4--1 to approve Trump’s plan, and those who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, become members of the other clubs now had a club of their own. Naturally, the question when it comes to Donald Trump is always: Was it for him or them? “He basically opened Palm Beach up . . . to make a buck,” says Laurence Leamer, author of The President’s Butler, a novel about a “flamboyant” New Yorker who becomes president. “But he did it, and a lot of people in his shoes at that time wouldn’t have done it.”

Trump instructed his attorney to settle his $50 million lawsuit against the town, and the selling of the Mar-a-Lago Club began, with typical Donald Trump bravado. MAR-A-LAGO CLUB MEMBERSHIP LIST A REAL WHO’S WHO, read a December 12, 1994, Palm Beach Post headline, noting that Steven Spielberg, Henry Kissinger, Lee Iacocca, Denzel Washington, Michael Ovitz, Norman Mailer, and Elizabeth Taylor, among others, had joined. The club’s membership director added, in a later article, that Princess Diana and Prince Charles, then separated, “each filed their own application and paid their own $50,000 initiation fee.” But in March, Trump admitted that he had merely sent the royal couple and the other celebrities unsolicited offers for free honorary membership. According to The New York Times Magazine, he later declared, “I believe everyone’s going to accept.” (Many, if not all, declined membership, according to media reports at the time.)

Donald trump challenges Agreement with town, read the full-page Palm Beach Preservation Foundation ad, alerting all citizens to appear at a special Town Council hearing on September 16, 1996, at which Trump would appeal to end certain restrictions—affecting noise and traffic, etc.—that had been part of his agreement with the council for approval of his club.

“At the insistence of Mr. Trump’s representatives, this Special Hearing comes at a time of year when many residents are away,” read the preservation foundation ad. Nevertheless, every seat in the council chambers was taken, with 72 citizens standing in the back, when the meeting began at 9:30 A.M. Trump and his attorney had already implied that he and his club had been discriminated against because many of its members were Jewish, and, worse, that the council members who had placed the conditions on him had not placed those restrictions on their own clubs. The council members were “more than pissed off,” says Richard Rampell, as this “put them on the defensive.”

Before the meeting, Paul Rampell had sent the council members copies of the movies Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner—in which Katharine Houghton brings Sidney Poitier home to her parents, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy—and Gentleman’s Agreement, the 1947 film in which Gregory Peck plays a reporter who masquerades as a Jew to write a story about anti-Semitism.

Nope IM2 -- NOT a racist.. But if you want to use that meme for political advantage or to leverage your personal power -- have at it...
We know the whole story flac. That changes nothing. trump is a racist and you are white and conservative so you will naturally deny racism in another white man who has denied entry into America from mostly non white nations under a so called muslim ban, when millions of muslims live in white European countries.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
Fake news from the baiter. Maybe if you practice you can be a master.

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