How Racist is Trump Towards Black Americans?

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation

Mr. Randall hit the nail straight up on the head.

He wrote some very powerful literary work during his time.

I am going to start looking for more of his work. That poem was impressive.
Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."

You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation

Mr. Randall hit the nail straight up on the head.

He wrote some very powerful literary work during his time.

I am going to start looking for more of his work. That poem was impressive.

Actually there should be additional links to his work within the link I posted.

I have a book of his poems somewhere in my library that my father gave me long ago, I will look for it and PM you the name of it.
Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation

Mr. Randall hit the nail straight up on the head.

He wrote some very powerful literary work during his time.

I am going to start looking for more of his work. That poem was impressive.

Actually there should be additional links to his work within the link I posted.

I have a book of his poems somewhere in my library that my father gave me long ago, I will look for it and PM you the name of it.

Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."
Being "color blind" is racist. Just ask the board racism expert, IM2.
Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."
trump is a racist and that's being fair.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows,...

No, it's not that. It is just what libs do, when they want to marginalize their enemies. We all know that.
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
Your article mentions that Trump was sued because he wouldn't rent to welfare recipients. I wouldn't either, regardless of their skin color. Does that make me a racist?
That's not what the article says, that's what Trump stated his reason for the discrimination was. Like I said, when people engage in unlawful discrimination and they are questioned about it, they almost always claim that racial discrimination is not the reason for their actions, that it's something else and generally the something else is something that isn't unlawful. This is what the consent decree stipulates in part

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C. Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations contained therein, and predating this Order.

II. INJUNCTION It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the defendant, its officers, agents, employees, successors, and all persons in active concert or participation with any of them, are hereby permanently enjoined from:


1. Refusing to sell or rent, refusing to negotiate for the sale or rental of, or otherwise making unavailable or denying any dwelling to any person on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

2. Discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith, because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

3. Making, printing, or publishing, or causing to be made, printed, or published, any notice, statement or advertise-ment with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.

4. Representing to any person because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin that any dwelling is not avail-able for inspection, sale or rental when such dwelling is in fact so available.

5. Influencing the residential choice of any person on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

6. Coercing, threatening, or interfering with, or attempting to coerce, threaten or interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of the right to equal housing opportunity protected by the Fair Housing Act of 1968, or in the exercise or enjoyment of the right to assist others to secure equal housing opportunity.

7. Engaging in any act or practice which has the purpose or the effect of denying or abridging the right to equal housing opportunity protected by the Fair Housing Act. In this connection, defendants shall not, in determining the income qualification for rental of any person, family, or other group of persons, fail or refuse to fully count a woman's total income, including salary, wages, alimony, support payments or other income from whatever source received.​
Trump didn't want to rent to welfare recipients. Period.
Trump is right. Notice that since Trump has been President we don't see any more black thugs being heralded as victims by the media and glorified by the President as victims of racism. Obama did a lot of damage to race relations, and scum sucking jackals like you run with it. Creatures like you are what America can do without. You're kind should be totally ignored.
Yawn! That law is not oppression.
It most certainly is. You just can't see it because you've never been in that position. What do you do to support yourself?
Uses his black privilege I’m guessing.
There is no such thing as black privilege.
There sure is. Cockroaches like you squeal and cry "racist" so some white liberal will run over to you and wipe your butt and give you free food, housing, education, a do nothing job for a government paycheck, and then a medal for having dark skin.

I happen to be black, so I know there is no such privilege. All these things you talk about have been given to whites since 1776. So STFU white boy.

Why don't you shut me up, black boy.
It most certainly is. You just can't see it because you've never been in that position. What do you do to support yourself?
Uses his black privilege I’m guessing.
There is no such thing as black privilege.
There sure is. Cockroaches like you squeal and cry "racist" so some white liberal will run over to you and wipe your butt and give you free food, housing, education, a do nothing job for a government paycheck, and then a medal for having dark skin.

I happen to be black, so I know there is no such privilege. All these things you talk about have been given to whites since 1776. So STFU white boy.

Why don't you shut me up, black boy.

Because he is full of shit.

Good for you and good for him.. You LIKE "killing of farmers" and seizing land.. Most people do not....

White farmers were not getting killed in large numbers as compared to non farmers that were black. Secondly the land that was seized was land whites stole from Black South Africans. Your half truth filled defense of white racism ain't going to cut it flacaltenn.

Your WHOLE-HEARTED attempts to CONDONE killing and seizing of land are noted... The rest of us would like this settled in a CIVILIZED way....

Your ignoring how whites killed to seize the land is noted. Us black folks don't ignore 100 years of white incivility.

So not only do you think it's wise and fair to use the TACTICS of white racists while posting on social media, but you also condone the PRACTICES of past white racists even with the violence and lawlessness...

Cool.... Good luck with that approach... :badgrin:

Ya know -- Sometimes the whole world learns valuable lessons from the suffering of others.. But most of time, the awful acts are just recycled and those past victims --- just suffered in vain..
Look, we aren't going to listen to white people trying to tell us how racism doesn't exist. OK? If a person from the middle east tells you there are no terrorist groups in that region, you'd laugh and roundly dismiss that opinion. So why should we as blacks or any other person of color accept what whites say about how racism doesn't exist. If a Muslim tells you not every Muslim is a terrorist, a lot of whites dismiss that, but we must always preface what we say with not all whites are that way or else be blamed for racism. Fuck that, whites don't get to live by rules they won't live by themselves. donald trump is a racist, that's a reality and it is why many whites so wholeheartedly support and defend any and everything he does. This is not about some political advantage, it is about a recognition of reality. Whataboutism and comparing similar things that happen to whites is no defense to claim the absence of racism. I can be stopped by a cop and a white person stopped by that same cop for two completely different reasons and race could play a factor in my stop while not doing so for whites. So it's time to get with reality and stop looking for excuses to deny the continuing existence of white racism in America today.

Good for you and good for him.. You LIKE "killing of farmers" and seizing land.. Most people do not....

White farmers were not getting killed in large numbers as compared to non farmers that were black. Secondly the land that was seized was land whites stole from Black South Africans. Your half truth filled defense of white racism ain't going to cut it flacaltenn.

Your WHOLE-HEARTED attempts to CONDONE killing and seizing of land are noted... The rest of us would like this settled in a CIVILIZED way....

Your ignoring how whites killed to seize the land is noted. Us black folks don't ignore 100 years of white incivility.

So not only do you think it's wise and fair to use the TACTICS of white racists while posting on social media, but you also condone the PRACTICES of past white racists even with the violence and lawlessness...

Cool.... Good luck with that approach... :badgrin:

Ya know -- Sometimes the whole world learns valuable lessons from the suffering of others.. But most of time, the awful acts are just recycled and those past victims --- just suffered in vain..

Look asshole, this is not about using tactics of white racists. It is not even close. Blacks in South Africa deserve to get their land back. If I was about using the tactics of white racists, it would mean endorsing black South Africans invading white countries, murdering and stealing the land, then enacting laws denying whites ownership of that land. Get it? You want to ignore every fucking wrong thing whites have done in this situation and I am not going to do so. Whites stole the land in South Africa, whites continue controlling the economy of south Africa in part because they did steal the land. Learn that, and learn it in depth before you talk your bullshit.
Look, we aren't going to listen to white people trying to tell us how racism doesn't exist. OK? If a person from the middle east tells you there are no terrorist groups in that region, you'd laugh and roundly dismiss that opinion. So why should we as blacks or any other person of color accept what whites say about how racism doesn't exist. If a Muslim tells you not every Muslim is a terrorist, a lot of whites dismiss that, but we must always preface what we say with not all whites are that way or else be blamed for racism. Fuck that, whites don't get to live by rules they won't live by themselves. donald trump is a racist, that's a reality and it is why many whites so wholeheartedly support and defend any and everything he does. This is not about some political advantage, it is about a recognition of reality. Whataboutism and comparing similar things that happen to whites is no defense to claim the absence of racism. I can be stopped by a cop and a white person stopped by that same cop for two completely different reasons and race could play a factor in my stop while not doing so for whites. So it's time to get with reality and stop looking for excuses to deny the continuing existence of white racism in America today.
Ahhh, you poor little thing.
Look, we aren't going to listen to white people trying to tell us how racism doesn't exist.

Hi, IM2. Reasonably well adjusted people are asking SPECIFICALLY who is the "WE" you are referring to?

Is it America's large population of apparent emotionally or mentally troubled citizens raised by a large population of emotionally troubled women these folks speak about in their video broadcast condemning FVVKERY in America's HATEFUL PRO BLACK community which you are an integral part of?

"Black women are destroying themselves & black men"

Click Here: Recognize Prevent Child Abuse

!!!Strong Language!!!

Child Abusing PROBLACK Women Are Destroying The Black Community:

_thuglife Tupac Shakur.jpg


IM2, as always I expect you to ignore my posts, as you have since learning in May of 2019 you can no longer degrade Avery Jarhman as a "Boot licking lawn jockey"?

Blacks in South Africa deserve to get their land back. If I was about using the tactics of white racists, it would mean endorsing black South Africans invading white countries, murdering and stealing the land, then enacting laws denying whites ownership of that land. Get it?

You're ranting and not actually READING what I said.. If you want to RE-SEGREGATE South Africa, then do it LEGALLY and by laws... Don't USE the tactics of the whites that intruded on the land and built S. Africa into a prosperous exporting country..

THOSE tactics of simply and arbitrarily TAKING SHIT is what you're fond of.. And those are same tactics of racist colonials... ISSUE mass deportation orders to 4.5Mill white S. Africans.. THEN, take the land back...

But you will lose a LOT in that process.. A lot of infrastructure, expertise, and intl. business..

SOON -- it will resemble Zimbabwe and the carnage that occurred under Mugabe... Because any country with the power to seize and reassign land arbitrarily has the power to disperse it to nephews, cousins, kinfolk and the fighting will be black on black...

If it's NOT BY THE RULE OF LAW -- you're screwed from the start....
Blacks in South Africa deserve to get their land back. If I was about using the tactics of white racists, it would mean endorsing black South Africans invading white countries, murdering and stealing the land, then enacting laws denying whites ownership of that land. Get it?

You're ranting and not actually READING what I said.. If you want to RE-SEGREGATE South Africa, then do it LEGALLY and by laws... Don't USE the tactics of the whites that intruded on the land and built S. Africa into a prosperous exporting country..

THOSE tactics of simply and arbitrarily TAKING SHIT is what you're fond of.. And those are same tactics of racist colonials... ISSUE mass deportation orders to 4.5Mill white S. Africans.. THEN, take the land back...

But you will lose a LOT in that process.. A lot of infrastructure, expertise, and intl. business..

SOON -- it will resemble Zimbabwe and the carnage that occurred under Mugabe... Because any country with the power to seize and reassign land arbitrarily has the power to disperse it to nephews, cousins, kinfolk and the fighting will be black on black...

If it's NOT BY THE RULE OF LAW -- you're screwed from the start....

First off, I did read what you posted and it's not about re segregation. Second, the legislature ruled on land seizure so it is the rule of law. Third, you whites always bring up how things will become Zimbabwe without the white man. The white man is what messed Zimbabwe up in the first place. Without the white man, there would have been no fucking Mugabe, because there would not have been a revolution for independence that put him in power due to the fact that the white man had colonized the country.

Africans have been farming since the beginning of time, I think they will be able to farm without whites controlling the farms. You as a white person need to stop preaching when the manner in which things were done in South Africa is not the way you want to tell us how we should do things. If things were reversed you would have no problem in using military force to take back what was yours. So drop the disingenuous crap. And no, South Africa won't lose all the things you claim.

Southern Africa was a series of sucessful countries before whites got there. Most of Africa was doing quite fine. Maybe you need to stop reading white African history flacaltenn, because its full of errors and based on racial supremacy. You seem unable to process the complete version of things in places such as Africa. White intrusion and colonization ruined the continent. It did not bring progress, it did not bring expertise, and Africa would have been better off if whites had left it alone. Now that blacks want their land back, we have to hear all this bullshit from whites about how bad that is, how wrong it is, what Africans will lose and how corrupt things might get. Colonization was corrupt flacaltenn, so whites, who were the colonizers, need to just fall the hell back on these matters.
Except trump is the one on a crime spree.

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