How Racist is Trump Towards Black Americans?

And another source on Mar A Lago -- opening up the stiff elitist objections to non-discrimination...

Trump uses Mar-a-Lago to combat claims from Clinton that he's racist

Former Town Councilman Bill Diamond said Trump’s reference to Mar-a-Lago was spot-on.

“Up until the time he opened, there were very few minorities in most of the clubs,” said Diamond, who’s not a member of Mar-a-Lago. He founded Palm Beachers for Trump committee.

There was not an integrated club to the extent of Mar-a-Lago. He was able to open up a beautiful resort to the Palm Beach world. And I think he deserves tremendous credit for doing that. That was very brave of him.”

When Mar-a-Lago opened in 1995, it welcomed Jewish and African-American members.

“I think it’s something he should be very proud of,” Diamond said. “How he developed the club and how he opened it up to all ethnicities. This was the first club in Palm Beach that was really, from the very beginning, open to everybody. The opening of Mar-a-Lago to anyone in Palm Beach regardless of race or religion shows the kind of man Donald Trump is and I’m very proud of him for doing that.”

Palm Beacher Cynthia Friedman, a staunch Democrat, also gives Trump credit for his work at Mar-a-Lago.

“I think it is something for him to point out with pride,” she said. “I will give him credit when he speaks the truth, and what he said is true. That’s a fact. He did open that club with no bias on color and religion. It’s not closed like some of the other clubs that are much more restrictive.”

Friedman, a member of Mar-a-Lago, didn’t comment on whether she thought Trump was racist.

“I don’t know his other properties,” she said. “I can’t tell you what else goes on in his head. He’s certainly made statements about other categories of people. But what he said about the club stands on its own.”
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
Your article mentions that Trump was sued because he wouldn't rent to welfare recipients. I wouldn't either, regardless of their skin color. Does that make me a racist?
I agree I wouldn't want to either. However, now that I have joined the ranks of the poor...I would. Depending. If their references are good, yes. If they were loud, dirty, broke rules and in general were not favorable...then no.

Good for you and good for him.. You LIKE "killing of farmers" and seizing land.. Most people do not....

White farmers were not getting killed in large numbers as compared to non farmers that were black. Secondly the land that was seized was land whites stole from Black South Africans. Your half truth filled defense of white racism ain't going to cut it flacaltenn.

Good for you and good for him.. You LIKE "killing of farmers" and seizing land.. Most people do not....

White farmers were not getting killed in large numbers as compared to non farmers that were black. Secondly the land that was seized was land whites stole from Black South Africans. Your half truth filled defense of white racism ain't going to cut it flacaltenn.

Your WHOLE-HEARTED attempts to CONDONE killing and seizing of land are noted... The rest of us would like this settled in a CIVILIZED way....
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).

Maybe you haven't heard the story of Trump fighting the West Palm city council when he bought Mar a Lago and changed the "membership requirements"... He went out of his way to avoid them blocking the "public access" to Mar a Lago which WAS a racial motive on the part of the West Palm Beach council..

Looking back to housing issues in the 70s, isn't really definitive.. There were STILL deed covenants in properties that TECHNICALLY excluded blacks and jews...

How Donald Trump Beat Palm Beach Society and Won the Fight for Mar-a-Lago

Getting nowhere with the Town Council on his Mar-a-Lago subdivision proposal, Trump needed a “fix-it person,” says Richard Rampell, the head of a prominent local accounting firm and the brother of the attorney who would help clear the way for Trump into Palm Beach, Paul Rampell. “So Trump meets with my brother, and my brother comes up with an idea to convert Mar-a-Lago into a private club that is open to everyone,” Richard Rampell tells me. At the time, Palm Beach’s Waspy private clubs had what he calls an open secret: as Trump claimed, they didn’t admit Jews or African-Americans.

With the specter of his lawsuit still hanging over the council, it voted 4--1 to approve Trump’s plan, and those who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, become members of the other clubs now had a club of their own. Naturally, the question when it comes to Donald Trump is always: Was it for him or them? “He basically opened Palm Beach up . . . to make a buck,” says Laurence Leamer, author of The President’s Butler, a novel about a “flamboyant” New Yorker who becomes president. “But he did it, and a lot of people in his shoes at that time wouldn’t have done it.”

Trump instructed his attorney to settle his $50 million lawsuit against the town, and the selling of the Mar-a-Lago Club began, with typical Donald Trump bravado. MAR-A-LAGO CLUB MEMBERSHIP LIST A REAL WHO’S WHO, read a December 12, 1994, Palm Beach Post headline, noting that Steven Spielberg, Henry Kissinger, Lee Iacocca, Denzel Washington, Michael Ovitz, Norman Mailer, and Elizabeth Taylor, among others, had joined. The club’s membership director added, in a later article, that Princess Diana and Prince Charles, then separated, “each filed their own application and paid their own $50,000 initiation fee.” But in March, Trump admitted that he had merely sent the royal couple and the other celebrities unsolicited offers for free honorary membership. According to The New York Times Magazine, he later declared, “I believe everyone’s going to accept.” (Many, if not all, declined membership, according to media reports at the time.)

Donald trump challenges Agreement with town, read the full-page Palm Beach Preservation Foundation ad, alerting all citizens to appear at a special Town Council hearing on September 16, 1996, at which Trump would appeal to end certain restrictions—affecting noise and traffic, etc.—that had been part of his agreement with the council for approval of his club.

“At the insistence of Mr. Trump’s representatives, this Special Hearing comes at a time of year when many residents are away,” read the preservation foundation ad. Nevertheless, every seat in the council chambers was taken, with 72 citizens standing in the back, when the meeting began at 9:30 A.M. Trump and his attorney had already implied that he and his club had been discriminated against because many of its members were Jewish, and, worse, that the council members who had placed the conditions on him had not placed those restrictions on their own clubs. The council members were “more than pissed off,” says Richard Rampell, as this “put them on the defensive.”

Before the meeting, Paul Rampell had sent the council members copies of the movies Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner—in which Katharine Houghton brings Sidney Poitier home to her parents, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy—and Gentleman’s Agreement, the 1947 film in which Gregory Peck plays a reporter who masquerades as a Jew to write a story about anti-Semitism.

Nope IM2 -- NOT a racist.. But if you want to use that meme for political advantage or to leverage your personal power -- have at it...
We know the whole story flac. That changes nothing. trump is a racist and you are white and conservative so you will naturally deny racism in another white man who has denied entry into America from mostly non white nations under a so called muslim ban, when millions of muslims live in white European countries.

I DO KNOW the whole story of ending discrimination at Mar A Lago... I've BEEN to the :"Jewish" Country Club there a couple times as a guest... HE DEMANDED equal access despite HUGE pressures...
That is, don't depend on the government for anything, do for self. But when we stand for self, punks like you want to discredit us and then point to mealy mouthed faggot black conservatives who say lets sit and wait and one day if we just be quiet, everything will be all right. Fuck that, it doesn't work.

One of the problems with your argument IM2 is responsible conservative or independent, free-thinking American citizens who you choose to DENIGRATE as "mealy mouthed faggot black conservatives" are NOT being quiet, despite on-going efforts of apparent HATEFUL, emotionally troubled people like yourself choosing to HARASS and INTIMIDATE them into being silent.

Tiffany Cross, Isaiah Washington, PRO BLACK ,Mechee x_HATE,.png

Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation

Mr. Randall hit the nail straight up on the head.
Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
You're the kind of racist Booker T Washington spoke about. You probably never heard of him.

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Booker T Washington

I'm black and never heard of Booker T. Washington. LOL! And you really think that I give a damn about a black man so dumb as to make such a comment in those times? All you racists do is try pointing out shit from blacks that agree with your views then try telling us how we should be sellouts so you can keep doing what you want.

Not to deviate too far off topic, but the poem from 1952 in this link talks about Booker T. Washington. See what you think.

I first read this in elementary school.

Booker T. and W.E.B. by Dudley Randall | Poetry Foundation

Mr. Randall hit the nail straight up on the head.

He wrote some very powerful literary work during his time.

Good for you and good for him.. You LIKE "killing of farmers" and seizing land.. Most people do not....

White farmers were not getting killed in large numbers as compared to non farmers that were black. Secondly the land that was seized was land whites stole from Black South Africans. Your half truth filled defense of white racism ain't going to cut it flacaltenn.

Your WHOLE-HEARTED attempts to CONDONE killing and seizing of land are noted... The rest of us would like this settled in a CIVILIZED way....

Your ignoring how whites killed to seize the land is noted. Us black folks don't ignore 100 years of white incivility.
Let's be fair to President Trump.

He is no more a "racist" than are many Asian Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans.

We all know that many people who lambaste him for being a "racist" are far from truly being color blind themselves when it comes to their everyday activities (and words in private).

The best policy is to neither accuse others of being "racist" nor to brag about one's supposed total lack of "racism."
trump is a racist and that's being fair. Whites want to make everybody equally racist and that's just not the case. Prejudice and racism are different things. It is one thing to say you don't like a race of people and it's another one when you enact laws and policies to deny the races of people you don't like the same rights and opportunities as your race gets. This is what whites have done and this is what whites keep doing. trump is doing this and it is why he can be called a racist. If white racism was just some nasty comments and slurs, it would mean nothing, but it's more than that. Whites elected trump and republicans to take America back to white dominion over others and that is the difference between white racism and whatever racism you want to put on others.

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