How Racist is Trump Towards Black Americans?

Blacks in South Africa deserve to get their land back. If I was about using the tactics of white racists, it would mean endorsing black South Africans invading white countries, murdering and stealing the land, then enacting laws denying whites ownership of that land. Get it?

You're ranting and not actually READING what I said.. If you want to RE-SEGREGATE South Africa, then do it LEGALLY and by laws... Don't USE the tactics of the whites that intruded on the land and built S. Africa into a prosperous exporting country..

THOSE tactics of simply and arbitrarily TAKING SHIT is what you're fond of.. And those are same tactics of racist colonials... ISSUE mass deportation orders to 4.5Mill white S. Africans.. THEN, take the land back...

But you will lose a LOT in that process.. A lot of infrastructure, expertise, and intl. business..

SOON -- it will resemble Zimbabwe and the carnage that occurred under Mugabe... Because any country with the power to seize and reassign land arbitrarily has the power to disperse it to nephews, cousins, kinfolk and the fighting will be black on black...

If it's NOT BY THE RULE OF LAW -- you're screwed from the start....

First off, I did read what you posted and it's not about re segregation. Second, the legislature ruled on land seizure so it is the rule of law. Third, you whites always bring up how things will become Zimbabwe without the white man. The white man is what messed Zimbabwe up in the first place. Without the white man, there would have been no fucking Mugabe, because there would not have been a revolution for independence that put him in power due to the fact that the white man had colonized the country.

Africans have been farming since the beginning of time, I think they will be able to farm without whites controlling the farms. You as a white person need to stop preaching when the manner in which things were done in South Africa is not the way you want to tell us how we should do things. If things were reversed you would have no problem in using military force to take back what was yours. So drop the disingenuous crap. And no, South Africa won't lose all the things you claim.

Southern Africa was a series of sucessful countries before whites got there. Most of Africa was doing quite fine. Maybe you need to stop reading white African history flacaltenn, because its full of errors and based on racial supremacy. You seem unable to process the complete version of things in places such as Africa. White intrusion and colonization ruined the continent. It did not bring progress, it did not bring expertise, and Africa would have been better off if whites had left it alone. Now that blacks want their land back, we have to hear all this bullshit from whites about how bad that is, how wrong it is, what Africans will lose and how corrupt things might get. Colonization was corrupt flacaltenn, so whites, who were the colonizers, need to just fall the hell back on these matters.
You probably don't even realize that your black brothers sold other blacks to the white traders. You probably believe that shit in the movies that white men captured blacks. Most slaves were captured by other tribes.
Third, you whites always bring up how things will become Zimbabwe without the white man. The white man is what messed Zimbabwe up in the first place. Without the white man, there would have been no fucking Mugabe, because there would not have been a revolution for independence that put him in power due to the fact that the white man had colonized the country.

Funny thing that... America fought colonialism and won and didn't miss the British rulers at all... The nation KNEW what direction it wanted to take and it hit the gas to get there... Zimbabwe???? Not so much.. It was graft and nepotism to start with and later turned to actual shit..

The colonization is not the handicap when you're handed a country to run... It's the lack of vision and direction that leads to Mugabe and Idi Amin...

First off, I did read what you posted and it's not about re segregation. Second, the legislature ruled on land seizure so it is the rule of law. Third, you whites always bring up how things will become Zimbabwe without the white man. The white man is what messed Zimbabwe up in the first place. Without the white man, there would have been no fucking Mugabe, because there would not have been a revolution for independence that put him in power due to the fact that the white man had colonized the country.

Are you backing off ENDORSING the violence and killing? Blacks outnumber whites in SA now by about 10 to 1.. So how many white farms should remain?? You were advocating the violence and takings. Or at the LEAST RATIONALIZING IT as "fair"....

If it's NOT segregation, who DECIDES who loses their land? Face it like a man.. There is NO SHORTAGE of possible farmland in SA.. What they want to take is the EQUIPMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE and farm IMPROVEMENTS that already exist... Not about the land..
You'd sleep better at night and have a lot more multi-colored friends IM2 if you just realized that most of these conflicts including colonialism are POLITICAL -- not race based.. And most of your beliefs and opinions are really POLITICALLY based, not really racial either..

Americans cast off colonialism. ARABS had to cast off Colonialism, Eastern Europe had to cast off Colonialism... And THEIR culture and politics played the major role in what they got as a result... Too many of these failed new ventures started out as "democratic socialism" and slid into AUTHORITARIAN, totalitarian govts...

And POLITICS, not race is driving too much of the racial friction in this country today..
Instead of watching a video which can be edited to represent just about any point of view (not saying that this is the case with the video posted here because I haven't watched it) maybe the people who believe Trump is a racist are basing their opinions on the totality of his record such as follows, particulary the case brought and settled against him and his father for housing discrimination:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

And for the record although I'm not an attorney, my understanding of a consent decree or settlement in a government case is that the named parties agree to settle rather than going to court. Why they choose this option could be for a lot of different reasons but I have not looked at this case in a while and dont' remember offhand the facts surrounding it, other than Trump always brings up that they settled with no admittance of guilt, however than language is standard to these agreements and basically means that no future actions can be taken based only on the settlement (case).
The fact that Trump rented apartments to people of all races, including hundreds of blacks, completely destroys any argument that he was denying people housing because of their race.

Trump was refusing to rent to people on welfare, not refusing to rent to people based on their race.

That is certainly not an indication that he is a racist.

The fact is that trump denied blacks the opportunity to live there. His own leasing agents said so. He was busted by the Nixon DOJ and Nixon was no friend of blacks. That's how blatant his discrimination was. Repeating what trump said to excuse this is weak. Trump is a racist and pictures taken with famous blacks don't change that. When I was in college, the Pan Am basketball team trained at our university. Whites who were stone-cold racists rushed to take pictures and get autographs from the likes of Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. As a college athlete, racists kissed my ass on a regular basis because they thought it was cool to hang out with an athlete. So you gotta do better than pictures and videos from sellouts.
"Sellouts" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, as seen in that one photo?
Worst looking sad sacks I've ever seen. Clinton and Obama probably worried about being brought up on charges for the all the murders they committed, or negligently allowed to occur. And they're not off the hook yet. I suspect after the 2020 re-election, we are really gonna see some fireworks, and Barr and Durham will have it all ready to go by that time.

Speaking of "go", Clintons, Obamas, >> Cuba ? Syria ? Iran ?
And POLITICS, not race is driving too much of the racial friction in this country today..
Exactly right, just like how Obama played the US black population for 2016 VOTES, by creating the Ferguson, Baltimore, et al race riots.

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